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About Cramboli

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    On the Coast
  1. Sorry about that, it shows up in Commander like that. It is a good server eitherway. Also try to avoid servers that do the "ACTIVE ADMINS" I've yet to find one that has even moderately active admins, some do though so check it out. Main point is no matter private or not, there will be hackers and hostiles you just gotta enjoy the game as is.
  2. In my personal opinion I would scratch US 3305 from that list. I was on there the other day and had been the victim of heavy TP hacks. Not just being teleported to places but being teleported to and killed, spawning again and being teleported to and dying again. it's quite frustrating. US 244 Dallas isn't too bad if you don't mind side chat. Which doesn't happen too often, but it's good to target people who are hacking in some way. FR16 is a private hive though and for most US users it's ping can get quite high. US 3480 is pretty good on combating hackers and is less hostile. FR 129 also has a good anti TP thing, I'm not exactly sure what it is but all I know is if it suspects TP hacks it will keep your position locked and stop you from being moved far.