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Everything posted by fritigern
I can't seem to get the -noPause launch parameter to work no matter what I try. I'm using steam and have tried launching via steam shortcuts (followed posted instructions on the wiki and the like), tried using dayz commander, tried doing it manually. I can't can't get the bloody noPause feature to work, while other launch options seem to like loading empty worlds. Any suggestions?
But that doesn't seem to actually work, the game doesn't run in the background and alt-tabbing takes forever. If DayZ has nopause on automatically, does manually adding it to the start parameters like.. turn it off or something?
I posted an idea before about giving pistols and other weapons in general a more realistic punch, it had a lot've compliments on the idea but never hit a huge audience. I suggest having a damage multiplication effect when being repeatedly shot. Rifles, assault or otherwise, already kill in bursts of around 5 bullets, depending on range and all that. Pistols? You can empty an entire magazine into someone and have them live, which isn't realistic at all. But we also have to give people at least some survivability and the benefit of the doubt when being shot, that not every bullet is lethal. So my suggestion is that every time you are shot within a certain span of time (from fractions of a second to maybe 2-3 seconds), every subsequent bullet impact does an ever ratcheting higher amount of damage. If you get shot once or twice at range, no real change. Instead of dying to a rifle in 6 bullets, you might die to 4-5 instead. A pistol? Instead of surviving 10 shots, you might just survive 6-7, as long as they all hit and land in a short period of time. It seems like a low impact, low cost way of doing things until a proper damage model can be calculated.
The mod is fundamentally broken from the start, thanks to the way Arma2 is programed. This is not a fault of Arma2, it is simply a reality of the situation that the game (a great game mind you) is built around a trusting, milisim model. The downside of that model is that it does not work with the rigid, strict requirements a game like Day Z demands, and therefore the mod can and never will be all it could be. While I understand that it is very annoying playing in a buggy alpha build, I also understand that the stand alone is more important, and I sure as hell don't want them delaying that just so they can try and polish a mod.
Apologies in advance if this has been suggested in the past. I spent a few minutes searching through other weapon-damage related topics but never found anything quite like my idea, so I figured I'd give it a shot. As it stands right now, most sidearms are basically useless when it comes to killing other players with any kind of reliability, barring headshots of course. They simply don't do enough damage, and the damage required to kill another play is, quite frankly, ludicrous. I don't have the exact figures sitting in front of me, but from personal experience, using the lowest damage pistol (the makarov holds this title still, I believe), it can take more than 8-9 bullets to kill a man. Arma2 has implemented a really strange way of calculating damage, and while I understand you are giving a player the benefit of the doubt in letting them survive a few bullets, or letting them survive fluke hits at range from smaller bullets, the flaw becomes glaring when you can walk up to someone on the ground and empty a magazine into their back, only for them to survive and then kill you as you reload. Just as there is a chance that anyone can survive a gunshot, there is also a chance that you can die from even the smallest bullet if it hits the proper vital organ, either immediately or within minutes/hours/days later, and until we introduce needle nose pliers and surgery (bandages cure everything!), we have to make weapons a bit more realistic if we are to maintain our commitment to brutal realism. My suggestion then is we introduce an accumulative damage system, to help better simulate the devastating effects of close range, consecutive gunshots. There could be a multiplication effect added to the damage of every bullet that hits a target within a certain time span (perhaps from a half second to a full 3-5 seconds after taking damage), that will increase the likely hood of a person being killed when being repeatedly shot. It seems to me like this might be a more practical way of keeping things realistic, without having to introduce new hitbox mechanics for the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, etc. or a random "critical" effect. This means taking one or two stray bullets at range will have roughly the same effect as before, but when caught flat footed, a quick burst of 4-5 bullets from even a makarov would be deadly, as one would expect in a real life situation.
As I understand it, the bleed out time is the same, and the only hitzones that matter are headshots. I could be wrong, though, I'm not very familiar with that aspect of the game.
As I have posted before in other topics: I am the asshole sniper sitting on a hill. I am a bandit, I am the guy shooting you in super markets, tossing grenades under the pine tree branch you're laying in. I am the guy who has everything to gain from a sniper rifle, and I think the AS50 is complete horse shit. I think it is a weapon that breaks immersion with just how completely out of place it feels on in the Russian countryside alongside double barrel shotguns and hatchets. It requires no skill to operate, which is something all sniper rifles suffer from, as the Arma2 system lacks a truly in-depth sniper system that demands skill, making it just a point and click death machine when that is far, FAR from the realities of a sniper rifle. But, here's the thing.. I am not quite ready to see it gone, yet. Yes, it is laughably broken, but as someone else has pointed out already, 99% of the AS50s you run into and, hell, almost all the other sniper rifles you see too, are all hacked or duplicated infinitely. This is an issue with the Day Z MOD (That is a very important distinction to make), and not something that will likely crop up in the stand alone, what with the stricter and cleaner coding and all. In the stand alone, assuming the spawn rates are as they are now, with some kind've check in place to stop server hopping for loot, you can expect to find a sniper rifle of any kind on maybe 1 in 50 players. An AS50 would be even less common than that. So while I think the mod is doomed to suffer, I think their rarity will be their own check in the final product, since risking guns like those on killing unarmed newbies from a hill would be insane. As for everyone right NOW, in the MOD? Well, it doesn't really matter. The coding will never be secure enough, or clean enough, to 100% eliminate hacking and duping, and those numbers are on the rise like there is no tomorrow. Even removing AS50s from the game entirely won't stop servers from being flooded with them by hackers. The best thing that can be done is to just grit our teeth, wait to see how the stand alone shapes up, and save all our complaints and critiques on weapon balance issues for the proper stand alone, where such things will actually be worth fighting about.
Appreciate the beans. Unfortunately, I don't think my idea has gotten much attention, which is a shame since I think it's a rather clever way of making every weapon in the game effective (by rewarding player accuracy and skill), without also making every bullet unfairly devastating. If you're in a situation when you're being hit by 5-6 bullets in the span of 3 seconds, then you have made a major tactical error and should be punished accordingly. And, it's not like this would make early game banditry anymore annoying or lethal, since the lower damage weapons still have poor accuracy at anything other than point blank range. Oh well. Here's hoping someone of influence eyeballed my suggestion.
Thank you.
Yay, Bandit and Hero identifiers are coming in
fritigern replied to tuleg1t's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Aaaaand now we're back to stupid shit. How about introduce MORE skins, or let us pick a skin at spawn or something? Bloody hell. -
My fun hasn't been ruined by other players, and you trying to make some kind've quip about it only makes you look like a bit've a tool. I am a bandit, I am the guy who takes the corner and puts a bullet in your back, who sits in a tree and waits for you to stop and check your map before ending you. I am ripper, terror, slasher, gouger. I am the teeth in the darkness, the talons in the night. And even with all that said? Sniping is weak sauce, and that is from the perspective of someone who has the most to gain from a sniper rifle. Are there other people out there who enjoy sniping much more than I do? Yes, of course, and I have absolutely no problem with that style of game play (I never said sniper rifles should be removed). The problem is not that the sniper mechanic exists in the game, the problem is that snipers DOMINATE the game. And the name "sniper" itself has no heroic, or skillful annotation here, because any idiot can find a sniper rifle and kill ten unarmed players before being axed in the back. Since weapons aren't distributed according to someone's worth or skill, it is left up to luck, and people are far too lucky to be given the keys to the golden goose. I don't even know why you brought up ammo as some kind've counter point. You trip over DMR mags, they can virtually be found anywhere. I usually have stockpile of them before I even find ammo for an AKM. So that stops somebody on a hill, or out on the wilderness from refreshing his magazines? Oh, that's wonderful, so some incompetent who had been shooting like he's Rambo is finally punished (maybe) and is.. forced to go looking for more? That detour to the nearest shed will really hinder things, I'm sure. If you are a good sniper (and I am), you will never need more than 3-4 magazines over the course of your characters life, and that is taking into account racking up 10-20 ARMED player kills before you're done in. There is a wall here that the entire mod and community is eventually going to run into with the current weapon spawn system, and Rocket will have to address it. It should be done now while things are still early, before the game reaches its stand alone phase.
Sniper rifles are too common in the mod, and too far ahead in terms of technology in comparison to the other weapons people are using. This is one of those touchy tinkering points in balancing the mod, where brutal realism needs to be maintained (You're dead before you even know it), while also balancing the "fun" factor of a video game. Yes, sniper rifles should be powerful, but they should be like a golden egg, so insanely valuable that it becomes nonsensical to sit on a hill over Cherno shooting at unarmed people and risking being axed in the back (Yes I axe a lot've people doing this, just yesterday in fact, and it was hilarious). But this is apart of a larger problem Rocket needs to address with the mod, where every weapons availability needs to be shuffled around a bit, to have a smoother progression of fire power to rarity. I know Rocket has a loose tie to the ShackTac Arma 2 community, and I hope he eventually adopts their philosophy on scoped weapons, because I think it'll eventually become a necessity. After killing people so many times with a sniper rifle, you quickly get over the emotional impact of robbing someone of their time and effort, which is something Rocket has acknowledged himself, with the stagnation of play and the eventual human-hunting that is to follow, but even that gets boring. Where is the true conflict in a military game? It's up close and personal. My heart has never pumped so hard as when I was 50 meters away from my enemy, trading bursts with assault rifles. I was in mortal danger from my enemy, and from zombies, with only my skill and wits to see me through. Then the question becomes how do you keep the streets of Electro and Cherno from becoming a CoD fest? My answer is that it is already, but you can reduce that even further by further stretching back the availability of assault rifles ever so slightly, so that weapons like shotguns and pistols become the meat of a coastal survivor, and with more rural weapons things take on a slower, more methodical pace.
My understanding is that the server goes through a dead body sweep regularly, like 15-20 minutes? Which means every 15-20 minutes all the dead bodies are wiped, no matter how long ago they timed. Which is why sometimes you'll kill someone and they will almost instantly vanish, while sometimes they linger for a lot longer. That is just what I've been told, I could be wrong.
fritigern replied to osiriszoran's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It is a difficult problem to be sure, but it is VITAL that it is fixed, sooner rather than later. It truly is a crippling feature of the game that makes me hang my head and groan. Countless times I've been shot at by people, only to then turn the tables on them in a fair and square fight, only for my victory to be spoiled by a logout. I know this is a grim suggestion, and I haven't come to this without a great deal of thought, but if a logout timer simply cannot be introduced without it being exploitable, then I say if you logout while in shock, you should just log back in dead and start over. People will then try to fight harder to keep their items, and even if they do decide to Alt f4 to spite you of your goodies, at least you have the satisfaction in knowing you actually DID kill them. -
Server: US 104 Chicago Time: 3 AM Central What happened: Was exiting the empty NW airfield at night, was just over the bald South East hill overlooking the runway and hangers and was running across open ground. I did a quick 360 sweep during my run, saw absolutely nothing within 25 meters of me (it was a full moon out with no cloud cover, it was borderline dayline), and the grass was so short it was impossible for someone to be laying there without me seeing them. After performing my sweep, I was IMMEDIATELY fired at from behind by a silenced automatic weapon. I did some zig zagging and avoided being shot. When their magazine was empty I turned around and saw a person standing about 50 meters back (keep in mind I was in the MIDDLE of a very wide open stretch of land). I returned fire, but missed my target when they ducked down into the dark grass. I then booked it once more, and a grenade launcher impacted behind me. I kept running past the wall and another grenade impacted behind me again. I put some trees between me and the person as they continued to spam silenced rounds in my general direction. I ran about 50 feet back from the wall into a treeline and laid down behind a broken stone wall, I then saw the other person already about 30 meters away in some trees. I took a knee and fired upon them with my M14 and killed them, giving me a friendly fire message saying I killed "X3me." My understanding is that killing someone with that message indicates they are hacking, or exploiting, or something along those lines. I never caught the kill message itself, but afterwards I opened up my statstics page and snapped this screenshot. The body was gone before I even reached it, so I can't say for certain what kind of weapony they were using, or if they were running around with some kind've goofy skin, but the way they appeared out of nowhere, fired both automatic silenced rounds and grenades from a launcher with zero delay, tells me something fishy took place.
They are running the arma 2 beta patch. Google it or use the sixlauncher thing if you aren't sure what to do/confident that you can figure out how to work it out manually.
In order to have 2 characters on the same computer?
fritigern replied to Daddy'o's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The fuck? Are you having a seizure at the computer, should I call someone to come pull your face off the keyboard? I'm playing with two separate groups of friends right now, some who are just starting out and are just flat out terrible, and others who are more experienced and into higher level play. I enjoy going back and forth between them, but that also means that I have to log on an HOUR ahead of my set play time with them and run literally across the map to make a meeting. Two characters means I can maintain a lower tier character and a higher tier one. If Rocket or someone else from the staff team comes in here and says this is illegal, then I won't do it. -
Date/Time: 01/07/2012 10:30ish PM What happened: Unable to recover from the unconscious state even after being bandaged and given a blood bag (though no epi-pen). Waited 5 minutes past the initial end of the unconscious timer (when it was completely empty), disconnected and rejoined to the same effect, and waited 10 minutes past the hour glass graphic stopped but still didn't regain consciousness. Where you were: North East airfield in the Easterly most hanger. What you were doing: Getting shot while looting. *Server(s) you were on: Chicago 104 *Timeline of events before/after error: Was shot by a rifle (I think a lee einfield) and knocked unconscious by the shot. Friends pulled me into cover, bandaged me, and gave me a blood pack, no epi-pen was applied (I had one in my pockets that no one could remove, so none was given). The unconscious timer ran out. Waited another five minutes with an empty hour glass, then disconnected and reconnected only to lose consciousness again, and again the hour glass ran out (waited 10 minutes after this point to make sure), and still never revived. I'm now offline while my friends try to get an epi-pen in a last ditch effort to revive me. If that still doesn't work, I will update the post.
Pretty sure Chicago 28 was just blown to shit by a hacker, about 5-10 minutes before this post. I could be wrong on the server name, I didn't commit it to memory when I joined and after this happened the server crashed, or maybe my own game just fucked up, I don't know. Either way, I was suddenly "killed" while standing with my back to a windowless wall with a door in front of me with no possible way someone could have gotten inside. My debug showed me still being at 6000ish health (I notice it always goes into the negatives no matter how I've died in the past, be it sniper, or zombie, or grenade, or car explosion), and after I died there was a string of about 12 other death messages in chat before my game died. IDK man, maybe standing perfectly still for too long made my character and 12 other people decide to eat a bullet from their own guns.
If I have very little blood left should I just suicide?
fritigern replied to HedonismBot's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'm currently in a similar situation. Way in the north east with broken legs but no morphine. The blood loss I am not worried about, even being a solo survivor, I could rustle up enough cooked meat to bring me back up. The problem is the time it'd take to then find morphine to walk again.. My only options at the moment seem to be suicide, or I find a hill overlooking the approach to the airfield and start killing people as they approach in hopes that one of them has morphine. Decisions, decisions. -
Been playing this game for several weeks now, I consider myself to be quite competent at it and a pretty good gun fighter as a solo survivalist. I say this to ward off the "OMG YOU NOOB Y U NO _____" comments. Long story short, I'm crawling through the NW airfield one early morning (this morning in particular) and a large firefight breaks out between 3 other random survivors who all found themselves clustered around the hangers. I was off on the hill playing over watch, seeing what was going on. It was a shell game in the hangers, everyone peaking out and taking shots at one another (the only reason I didn't engage myself was because I was prone in a cluster of zombies and had no decent long range weapon), and eventually one person bum rushed someone else in their hanger, killed them, then proceeded to do it to the last person. I had already started to crawl down there by this time with the intention of taking down the last man, and was keeping a constant vigil on the entrance (it is literally impossible for them to walk out the front door without me seeing). I made too much noise, got busted, and me and the guy inside trade fire. He goes back inside, and I start slicing the pie.. He's gone. I don't know if he disconnected, I didn't keep an eye on the chat log, but just as I'm going in to check over the bodies, the same guy (He was wearing the same camo gear, had the same weapon, etc.) comes from BEHIND, around the corner of the hanger, and shoots me once in the back and instantly kills me. I have no idea what his name was, server didn't display that or call out deaths, and I am almost 100% certain that he didn't server hop to get behind me, the time I lost sight of him to when he got behind me was a matter of seconds, which leaves me to believe he found some way to glitch his way through the wall of the hanger. I don't know, that is the only thing I can come up with. I don't expect my gear back or anything like that, I am just wondering if someone else has had a similar experience, and I want to know if that kind've bullshit is even allowed?
It took me a while to mull over the events to come to the conclusion that something fishy had happened that warranted posting, so I lost track of the exact time. I will make sure to properly note the time next time I see something odd like this happen.
If memory serves it was Chicago 6 and it was about a half hour before my original post in this thread.
I suppose that is possible, I've had that happen to me before where I've died and rejoined the game expecting a new character, only to end up in my last save state like nothing happened, but this happened a hell've a lot faster than that. Who knows, without a proper death log or names I can't confirm anything, just something to keep an eye out if other people see it happen too. Maybe a hack, maybe an exploit, or maybe just a dumb glitch.