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Nhz (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Nhz (DayZ)

  1. Fuck yes it looks great. I can't wait to camp on that ship with a sniper haha :P
  2. I have 400GB of space for DayZ standalone footage :P
  3. Hopefully it will be more since then there is a bigger chance i get a key. I'd give my left arm for a key
  4. Nhz (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I'm ready to pay $100 like a normal game costs in denmark for a key.
  5. Nhz (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Well now its leaked that it will come out of the end of the month. FUCK YES If i get a key i make 24/7 gameplays of it. Dayz for life!
  6. Nhz (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I'd pay for the alpha release it on steam dean and let us buy it!
  7. I have to pay today but i got no money before the 15th what to do i do not want to close my server. Could you please wait to get the payment before the 15th? My name on dayz.st is "Simonbif1"
  8. I'd like if we get back the L85A2 TSW scope back in the game and just make it the rarest weapon ingame. It is so insane and it makes something really worth looking for.
  9. Nhz (DayZ)

    DayZ plugin & Standalone suggestion.

    I was and i still am sad over it. I really loved when you had played for days and then you finally found one :)
  10. The vikings server is a new server we made few days back we are really happy to say that were trying to go what any of our players really want i will tell a few things below we have made yet :) Were looking for more bandits,teams every DayZ player who wants a rush and really feel the survival part of the game and war part of the game :) IP Adress/Port: Or search for: "The vikings" in your filter. We have yet only around 10-15 active players since we started on the server but were really looking to have atleast 30 players in the future to make big bases and just make the whole server feel like it should. New features. Added auto-refueling Added Soldier clothing Added a few more barracks and firestations around the map Added a custom loading screen. Much more will come we will all be happy to meet you on the server. Have a good day :thumbsup:
  11. Bump we now have 10+ players almost all time. Changed from regular to veteran & remove nametags aswell :)
  12. Bump removed a few weapons got anticheat on and were just in need of more players now :)
  13. Already did he said that gotcha dosen't work perfect for dayz.st yet but in the new update it will. He told me weapon filters and generally all ban things dosen't work yet.
  14. All the weapons i've added to be banable is still working when i spawn them on me or another player. It dosen't say anything at all it dosen't do anything at all. So no its not working
  15. I bought a server from you last monday i believe?. I can say that i am more than happy great people on the IRC to help each other out and great wiki for small guide's. Only really big downside is that gotcha-antihack won't work on your servers for me is there any other anti-hacks that i could get to work on there?
  16. After some faggot came in and fucked up a server called viking hive i played. Since that my game won't work anymore it says "bad serial number given in setup". And its pissing me off. Can't play with my friends now. What the hell is this.
  17. Nhz (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone: Rivers!

    Agree this would be the best ever. We also need some small ditches with tiny crossovers like the guy above said. That would make the map complete. And a few more big city's. With big buildings where you can go to the top.
  18. Nhz (DayZ)

    bad serial number given in setup

    Can anyone give me some serious help besides those retards above.
  19. Nhz (DayZ)

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    What are your computer specs.
  20. Nhz (DayZ)

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    Put distance at 10k Like the real players.
  21. Nhz (DayZ)

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    In day time i hit over 260 fps when i look the sky's. and 300+ at night. Computer specs?. LOL at the picture above. Getting in bush's looking out on a field which requires nothing. go in look at chernarus. My mate's MSI GTX680 Lightning Edition. Which is the fastest 680 card on the market hits under the 40s in fps.
  22. Nhz (DayZ)

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    Specs?. And its night time my friend.