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About hoak

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. hoak

    The Cool Idea Master List

    You're obviously not making any effort to read the thread you're responding to, to wit: You've misread the OP, these are only ideas I've found, the title was ad hoc and probably should have been 'Thee Idea Index' or something like that -- but I thought if I was that matter of fact and, it wouldn't be compelling enouhg no one (only two people have as is ) submit any links to add to the list. Since you obviously didn't make the effort the first time around So then, my aim is to compile a list of concept and feature ideas, that I'll update as people add them. The only requirements I'll make for adding an idea to the list as that: That's a very BAD idea, the list isn't about anyone's idea of what's good or bad, it's about INDEXING ideas, so threads can be found, and redundant posts are not made. The merits, efficacy, or goodness of a particular idea or suggestion is way beyond the purview of the vast majority on this forum (some can't even make the effort to read the OP they're responding to), and DayZ's Developers have their own idea of what has merit... No beans for you... The fault here is more yours then mine, you haven't submitted anything but useless bitching... So no beans for you either... :rolleyes:
  2. hoak

    The Cool Idea Master List

    Again, not what this thread is about, if you don't like the idea, go to the thread where the idea is being discussed and trash it... It's starting to look like asking people here to even make a half-assed effort at posting accountably in an effort to make their suggestions more accessible to the Developer(s), is... out of the question... Do you folks actually imagine that Rocket & Company has time to read all of this, or if they did that any work would get done on the mod?! :|
  3. hoak

    The Cool Idea Master List

    Yup, the thread spam has reached Force 12 on the Beaufort Scale, so any new post is going to be buried and missed or ignored while someone pens one for 'Jiffy Jetpack Shoes', 'Sharks With Laser Beams' (attached to their heads), and 'Magic Spells'... Added to the list though, hopefully helps... :emptycan:
  4. hoak

    The Cool Idea Master List

    Updated 17 July... Feel free to add links to idea threads, having a thread listed here can making finding some things that just won't occur to some people to search for in describing what they want... :beans:
  5. hoak

    The Cool Idea Master List

    Whoops Double post... :huh:
  6. I'm sure everyone is glad you finally figured that out... :lol:
  7. hoak

    The Cool Idea Master List

    You've misread the OP, these are only ideas I've found, the title was ad hoc and probably should have been 'Thee Idea Index' or something like that -- but I thought if I was that matter of fact and, it wouldn't be compelling enouhg no one (only two people have as is ) submit any links to add to the list. Since you obviously didn't make the effort the first time around So then, my aim is to compile a list of concept and feature ideas, that I'll update as people add them. The only requirements I'll make for adding an idea to the list as that: That's a very BAD idea, the list isn't about anyone's idea of what's good or bad, it's about INDEXING ideas, so threads can be found, and redundant posts are not made. The merits, efficacy, or goodness of a particular idea or suggestion is way beyond the purview of the vast majority on this forum (some can't even make the effort to read the OP they're responding to), and DayZ's Developers have their own idea of what has merit... No beans for you... :|
  8. hoak


    From shore, in lakes ponds and streams as well... :)
  9. hoak

    The Cool Idea Master List

    Updated 17 July 2012, eleven new ideas indexed... Suggestion spam has really gotten out of hand on the suggestion forum, with over forty threads created for some ideas; I've tried to find original threads, but that's getting increasingly difficult. If the Moderators and Developers of DayZ are interested in a more functional suggestion forum, they might want to follow the example of the ArmA II forums where redundant posts are locked, or that of some other forums where they're concatenated, or even deleted and all posts are put in a master index thread like this one and that's sticky... To that end if any Moderator wants to edit the OP, add to it, strike out suggestions that aren't congruent with the plans for DayZ that will not be pursued (I've only included some of these as they're popular or there is a lot of similar thread spam on these topics. Everyone else is encouraged to post a link to your suggestion thread to this thread if you want it indexed here, you're suggestion will otherwise get buried from three to five pages back in less then a day (or more sooner at the rate of suggestion flooding). Just say'n... :|
  10. First, of all you don't need to know 'how many times every single player has had another survivor in their sights and NOT fired on them', mean time to live, shots fired & hits on players vs zed will tell the story -- all statistics easily ascertained in ArmA II. You did know that right? Second, I admin a server, there's no need to bullshit the Trolls -- but if you guys bump the thread enough I'm sure Rocket will be inspired enough to take a look at the global statistics, and then notice that the number of Veteran Fans of DayZ that want the experience the mod originally offered back easily outnumber those that like the current CoD derivative death match -- and realize ArmA II will serve them better in that regard. Third, unless you're a total imbecile, you'd have noticed the MTBD has been between twelve and and twenty-nine minutes, with the vast majority dieing from PvP contacts. :rolleyes:
  11. None of which justify having the a magical infinite/growing ammunition supply, obviates the fact that most playing DayZ play it like slow motion random respawn death match, or in Kyrah's remarks are even reflection of anything factually correct or germane -- I do appreciate the bump though... :)
  12. Nope, but DayZ's Developer have access to the same data -- it doesn't matter what you choose to accept or ignore... The forum should auto-ban you, go ahead, try it, let us know how it works out.... Because you like to troll and like attention, and because you haven't taken exception to one argument made in this thread for deemphasizing weapons and adding realism to the game... :rolleyes:
  13. That you obviously have not played DayZ for very long, don't understand cause and effect, or game design does not make other people 'delusional'... Trascanman's illustration -- reduces this so that anyone can understand the mechanics: Or, explore a realistic scenario, with realistically finite ammunition: your squad that plays together is unlucky, you only managed to forage enough ammunition for one or two round for half your team's weapons, the other half may have firearms (a threat) but no ammunition... You encounter another player, who is armed with an AK47 with a full magazine (a rare situation) who could easily dispatch your entire squad if he's as experienced in ArmA games as many of us are, however, no one KNOWS how much ammo anyone has or does not have -- what is known is that ammunition is SCARCE, it's a given premise to every action in the game; it's hard to find, and due to constant challenges like hunting food, the surprise encounter with a Zed you run out fast of the little you find... When DayZ was new, there were only a few servers, and most didn't know their way around the game -- Players thought about consequences, felt remorse, and killing another Player was very risky, or at best a resource depleting proposition as you didn't know where when or even if you were going to find more ammunition -- as it would be if you really found yourself in this situation... Now the game is as most people complain: death match -- hundreds of players, thousands of posts, and actual server statistics corroborate this -- and those of us that survive a long time (like me) only do so by killing everyone they see, and my 400:1 KDR is no point of pride, it's a sore spot of well learned disappointment and frustration... :|
  14. No, because I've administered a DayZ server and numbers corroborate what the vast majority are saying on the forums... On the contrary, I see a lot of constructive suggestions in this thread and many others; where as posters like you use all sorts of material fallacies and personal attacks as if they're supposed to be accepted as valid arguments... That would be an abrogation of the TOU you accepted when you registered here and IP.Board allows for banning the creation of multiple accounts -- please enough with the hit and run trolling -- everyone knows how you 'feel', if you have a valid argument to make -- make it... :rolleyes:
  15. hoak

    The Cool Idea Master List

    We have our first submission; added! :beans: