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Everything posted by monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

  1. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ (SweetFX v1.3)

    I can confirm that mine worked via DayZCommander but only when I ticked Use Steam and use the Beta files options in the settings menu. It looks SO much better!
  2. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ (SweetFX v1.3)

    To clarify, does this not work when you try to launch through DayZCommander? I'm a sucker for good visuals and would love to try this. Just not all that comfortable faffing. when I faff, I break :P
  3. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    Tell me your stupidest death stories...

    I haven't been playing long, which is no excuse but hey it doesn't hurt to mention... But I was trying out DayZ+ because I figured I'd challenge myself even further... I was doing quite well, found a deer stand and was mega stealthy and avoided all zombugs and found an AK up there. Felt pretty good, when I did the infamous misclick thinking my menu had selected climb ladder down but instead I shot my AK. Made me jump out of my damn skin for one. Attracted the zombies too. I ended up cornered in a bush and died. Didn't feel too great after that >.>