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About monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    UK (Yorkshire Lass)

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  • Bio
    I'm Hayley, an appreciator of gaming, tattoos, art, comics and felines.
  1. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    Last DayZ [Roleplay Server]

    I'll probably start looking at RP servers once private hives are up and running. Never tried it before hand but I think it'd be the best way for me to enjoy the game ^.^
  2. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    "Patch" 1.7.7

    I for one am glad they're going. Guys if you want the high-grade military PvP play Wasteland. DayZ needs to encourage more positive player interaction. I know that may be a pipe dream on my end, but it's what I'm hoping from the SA.
  3. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    I have Dayz Shell Shock - anyone else, or am I just a wuss?

    I agree that my favourite part is when you just spawn in and have more or less nothing. Trying to scavenge and survive is why I played DayZ. I'm more or less waiting for the SA now, and play Wasteland for my Arma II fix as I dislike the way most people play DayZ. Well, they play it like Wasteland just a bit more cautious as you can't find weapon caches or stumble upon vehicles everywhere haha. When I used to play I would be very timid and nervous and unless in a group I wouldn't normally approach a player I spotted. Just kept to myself and tried to get by. i know a lot of people would consider that boring, but hey it's how I roll.
  4. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    Damn zeds, or how to lose like a noob. o_0

    Haha I would've gotten just as flustered and would have probably made even worse mistakes than you ;) sorry to hear of your characters demise.
  5. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

    Is it wrong of me that I kinda want to? Hurr de hurr.
  6. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

    That would be me, for one! This made me laugh! I for one vote we need more Ron Burgundy quotes and more duels ;)
  7. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    Ethics of the common player

    KoS irks me mainly because it ruins the potentially interesting player encounters you can have. Especially if you are a fresh spawn getting KoS. The fact that the majority of players have the same view point not to trust people on the mod nowadays they will go ahead and start shooting others straight away. I prefer to test the waters and try to have some form of interaction other than flinging bullets at one another. It's what makes the game so tense. Playing as a bandit is all part of the gameplay but I regard camping/killing unarmed players as the complete wrong way to go about it. A lot of people would say there is no wrong way to play but again it just all comes down to opinion. If I want full on PvP with no questions asked I go ahead and play Wasteland.
  8. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    No longer given option to pick gender

    The official servers allow you to choose, but most private hive servers have it disabled. So far I've found a couple of Taviana servers that also have gender selection. I get put off at times when I can't be the female avatar but after choosing a new male skin in Arma I don't mind as much ;)
  9. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    The Reason your a Hero/Bandit?

    I haven't been playing long enough to have had much opportunity to be a Hero or a Bandit, though I would definitely never become a Bandit. At least, not on purpose! The mentality of I KOS because others KMOS is why everyone now KOS haha, if that makes as much sense as I hope it does! I prefer to try to be friendly to other players. Not to say I don't defend myself. I don't trust other players and unfortunately with the before mentioned mentality of the majority of players I am very wary and cautious when I see them.
  10. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    Friendly tactical survivor LFG

    ^ This! I was going to reply as well, but Target beat me to it! I am the Hayley of whom he speaks of haha, feel free to add me on Steam too. We have great fun playing both DayZ and Wasteland!
  11. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    The 'as and when' gang.

    I would be up for this! I'll add you on Steam. I liked your last post about wanting to find like minded players to team up with. I'm not available right this second but will still add you so feel free to holla!
  12. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    Acceptable age to play?

    It all depends on the maturity of the individual. I'm not going to state that I don't agree with young teenagers (13-17) playing the game, however it is of course largely obvious that they aren't 'mature' enough for a lot of online interactions. When I look back at how I was when I was around 14 years old I thought I was mature but the way your mind works is completely different. You take joy from things you wouldn't as an adult, find certain things/actions funny that again you wouldn't find amusing once you're older. But of course there are still a hell of a lot of people that play games who you come across during online play that are 20+ and still act immature as hell. I can't presume that the people behind the consistent offensive usernames are below the age of 18. It's easier to believe, however, that they are. To circle back on my point, I do try to stay neutral to this topic. I have noticed that a lot of people below the age of 16 play, but I personally wouldn't choose to say, team up with someone that young on a game like ARMA II/DayZ/Wasteland. Not because I generally think that each and every one of them is an immature person, but being 22 years old myself I just want to stick to older players to interact with. I don't think there should be a "you shouldn't be involved with DayZ because you are too young" notion. Hell back in my teenage days I would have loved to play DayZ! And if you're young and enjoy playing it then so be it. Bottom line is no matter what, on an online game you will never be able to dodge immaturity on all the various levels it comes in. Whether it comes at you as a 13 year old or a 21 year old. I haven't voted, because I can see valid points to each option. Though mature only is an odd one. We all have bouts of immaturity ;) guess it's just how you channel it!
  13. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    Console to Pc noob

    Hallo thurrrr! Welcome back to the wondrous world of PC gaming ;) First off, you're right to not trust anyone. I feel the same after my recent encounters, but I'm adamant not to follow in the same footsteps. But everyone plays to their own style, and many have to thought sod it, I'll shoot on sight because everyone else does. But it's not true! I've had some great encounters with friendly folk! Don't lose hope on that haha. I'm going to presume you're playing on Chernarus? I actually don't have all that much experience on the map in all honesty, though I know that the decent gear isn't on the south coast where you spawn, but in military encampments located in various places across the map. But they are of course hotspots for activity which makes it a constant struggle and gamble trying to gear up but it's all part of the fun. Deer stands that are scattered around also can have decent guns in them. Head over to http://dayzdb.com/map which has colour coded icons to show you where certain loot will spawn. It's really useful even when you have a map in game! Zombies are easy to lose, just find a bush! If you run into one they won't be able to hit you (for the most part) and you can easily take them out with a hatchet or pistol, or just let them lose interest and wander off. I find that sprinting through a clump of small trees and bushes will make them lose me. In regards to your graphics card, I would always recommend Nvidia ;) I hope I've been of some help here. I'm sure more experienced players have more to add but I figured I'd try my best at a constructive comment!
  14. monsterrrkill@hotmail.co.uk

    What Happened On Your FIRST DAY Of DayZ?

    I spawned somewhere on Chernarus, no idea where as I missed the text. Felt very uncomfortable and tense, belly crawled everywhere... Popped into a house and found a revolver, ended up sat in there for ten minutes trying to figure out inventory. Then I got shot in the face, instantly died, made me jump out of my skin so I logged out haha.