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About redard

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Please stop the ninja restarts! Today at 14.35 pm (ish) an admin made a restart, giving a one minute warning in side chat. No red text no nothing. Most of us don't know who all the admins are, and as a result of that around 6-7 vehicles were lost, and some made complaints about tents disappearing aswell. So far i've loved the server, but if there's something that's been bothering me it's these kinds of things. Same goes for admins writing "5 minutes to restart" then restarting after around 2-3 minutes. I don't like complaining but when people waste my time (as in spent getting a vehicle, then losing it) i have to.
  2. Thanx for the info, that's great! Now i just wish i hadn't thrown away that nv-Fal :P
  3. Thanx for bringing me in! I know that i'm new and all but, could we get some night back? I like the safety of darkness. Maybe we could have a poll or something about it. <3 the server in all other regards though!
  4. Still no beans :( Double checked my guid and it seems to be right. Hlep plx!
  5. Name: Redard Location: Sweden GUID: 70709c4513b3837b2b7e52abcf98adb2 Reason: Like i mentioned earlier in my apparently failed attempt to post my guid, i had this server recommended by friends and since the old server we played on is empty i want find a new place to survive in. Please tell me what's wrong if my application isn't good enough.
  6. Name: Redard Location: Sweden GUID: 70709c4513b3837b27b7e52abcf98adb2 Reason: Old server died and friends who are already on this server recommended it.