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About CM12x

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. CM12x

    Surgegaming.net Survivor Group

    Add fryguy (Fry) or callumk21 (cmx) on steam if your interested in joining :)
  2. Add Fryguy and callumk21 on steam if your interested
  3. CM12x


    Callumk21 add me on steam. I'm in a clan theres a group of us that play happy to welcome more people.
  4. Surge Gaming is a UK based clan that has members from all over the world including America, Canada, Holland and other European countries. Surge Gaming plays all types of games. A lot of Battlefield 3 and a lot of Day Z. We find both games more exciting to play with more and more people. To join: 18+ Fluent English Teamspeak 3 If you would like to come and start playing Day Z with us add me on steam callumk21