was told that to join the private hive servers named "BMRF# 1-5". i needed to make an account on this forum to get whitelisted. i assumed that this forum had many servers using the same system, and was thinking that the forum registred playernames or ip-adress or whatever, to keep track on who's hacking and maintain some control on the players.. my friend made an account here on the forum and got a 2nd e-mail validating his account... wich i never got.. he can play on the servers but i can't.. so i again assume that i need the 2nd validation e mail... i'm sorry for appering totaly green on this but i have no ideë on who to talk to about why i cant get whitelisted.. i have never hacked or cheated the game, so it can't be that. so my question kinda is.. how do i get whitelisted on BMRF# private hive servers..?