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Everything posted by randalmcdaniels

  1. As much as i would like to go on 4 hour dayz gaming marathons, there are many very TINY aspects of the game that slowly nick away at my patience and cause me to call it quits sooner than i had initially planned. Here are some that i noticed EDIT: I know things like putting away weapons take time, but its the length of time and the way the game forces you to stop and wait for all these things that induces mild frustration after prolonged exposure -Slowing down while walking up staircases -Slowing down while walking up slight inclines -Waiting for character to begin moving again after falling from small heights (even 12 inches) -Having to put down fists in order to crouch or prone -Waiting for character to completely slide down a set of stairs (in stiff upright position) before being able to move again. -Steep slow down of characters body motion while turning mouse left or right -Waiting for character to completely stop and complete an action while running from zombies -Waiting for character to come to a complete stop before being able to crouch or prone -Waiting for continuous repeat user commands to finish entire can of food or water (takes forever) -Waiting for character to slowly put away items before being able to grab ladder (should throw weapon over shoulder while grabbing ladder in one fluid motion) -Waiting for character to revert to crouch again before fully standing up -Waiting for character to continue moving again after switching weapons -Waiting for character to fully complete an animation after accidentally pressing the wrong key (step over animation, prone, weapon switch etc) -Waiting for dropped loot to appear on floor -Scrolling up and down to select different options -Having to manually empty hands before carrying out other actions (should do that automatically, or should we need to instruct character when to breath as well?) -All non-interruptible animations (as stated by duenen) -Scroll to open door.. nope.. door opens me (hetstaine) i know some of you are going to freakout and write "ITS ALPHA" as if all the devs are Magically psychic and aware of every single existing problem beforehand. But the fact of the matter is that they do not. So its our job to help address issues and its just stupid if you attack people who do.
  2. randalmcdaniels

    Backpacks sugestion for the game.

    Last thing we need is for the dayz team (they dont even have a name how sad is that) to use their precious time creating more cosmetic items
  3. randalmcdaniels

    Aspects that accumulatively wear on your patience in dayz

    See my point exactly, an answer/ex[planation for everything
  4. randalmcdaniels

    Realism Vs. Balance

    In real life gun makers don't create firearms with the mindset that they are "balanced" against other weapons.. bigger rounds simply have a tendency to fuck more shit up.. leave balance to arcade games like cod and battlefield
  5. randalmcdaniels

    Aspects that accumulatively wear on your patience in dayz

    Honestly i don't understand people like you.. You make it seem like someone is attacking your girlfriend or something. It';s just a game..can't you just accept the fact that some aspects of dayz need tuning? Isn't that why we are alpha testers? We are doing our jobs by pointing out things that need tuning. If we were all like you pretending everything about the game was flawless than the devs might as well just stop working on it and go on to the next project. We are all on the same side here...we all want dayz to be the best game possible. We aren't trying to hurt your feelings by pointing out minor game-play issues lol And no they are not aware of every issue..They are not psychic People can write 1000 things wrong with dayz and you will quickly jump up and try and convince us its somehow OUR fault not the games.. You should be a defense lawyer lol "It was an accident the gun accidentally went off causing a bullet to richochet off the chandelier, the bedpost, the windowsill, the doorknob, than right into the victims head.. And the semen found inside the victim must have accidentally gotten in there by a mistakenly reused wet-nap"
  6. randalmcdaniels

    Suggestion List to make the game more playable

    I think they should put very small airplanes (size of a small car) just laying around in certain places not too rare, just like the tourist-owned ones in real life. Simple and easy to control and land in small places and the center of city streets (just please dont use the arma aircraft controls)
  7. randalmcdaniels

    Aspects that accumulatively wear on your patience in dayz

    Its not a matter or being realistic or not.. It's just the way these things occur in-game that induce mild annoyance overtime.. These annoyances are fine in small doses, But in dayz they are everywhere and and far too common.. I am just worried because continuous exposure to these small annoyances can increase the users risk of throwing his/her monitor off of a five story building rooftop endangering all bystanders below.. So yes i think these issues should be looked into
  8. randalmcdaniels

    Aspects that accumulatively wear on your patience in dayz

    Yeah you are right, next time i am being chased by a zombie in real life i will come to a complete stop before throwing my rifle over my shoulder and when i am bleeding about to die i will look into the sky and say "at least i died realistically"
  9. randalmcdaniels

    Aspects that accumulatively wear on your patience in dayz

    Well thats good to know! I always hated having to set aside two minutes just to eat a can of food
  10. randalmcdaniels

    Aspects that accumulatively wear on your patience in dayz

    Couldn't agree more, it seems like most alpha/beta's i participate in seem this way. People act like everything will get fixed but when the time comes we are still stuck with all these same issues. ESPECIALLY coming from a long time player of the dayz free mod and everyone always saying "ohh you jsut wait till standalone comes out" acting as if it would be a completely different base structure altogether. Sadly.. the best we can do as alpha testers is complain and hope someone in a higher-up position agrees lol
  11. randalmcdaniels

    Aspects that accumulatively wear on your patience in dayz

    I thought about it but these are not bugs however, they seem to be intended game elements .. and when i tried the bug section it is not even a forum its just an index listing And does it really matter? topic in the wrong place is that your biggest bit of action for the day?
  12. randalmcdaniels

    Aspects that accumulatively wear on your patience in dayz

    Yeah in real life if someone was chasing me i could BOOK it up a case of stairs
  13. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    yeah i know right haha.. this guy is so delusional and narcissistic that he actually believes we will support him in future game developments when he cant even stick through the alpha of one of the most important IP's of all time
  14. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Why is everything dean hall talks about say have to do with.. "when i need to go home" "they will do fine without me blah blah blah" "a good leader is someone who teaches there team to do good although im not here" JESUS CHRIST DUDE.. Is that all you talk about?? leaving?? Mount everest is the only place that could get you far away enough from dayz? It seems like all dean hall has ever cared about since first starting dayz is getting as far away from it as possible.. This dayz IP could be the next biggest thing since VALVE and 99% of all REAL game developers who are not afraid of their own shadow would give an arm and a leg to be project lead of such a title. And all he cares about is getting as far away as possible?? If you stopped doing so much thinking about "what i want in my heart wahhh" and just sat down and started working instead of whining it would be freaking done by now..Its just a freaking video game not a prison sentence. Are you that much of a pussy that you want to go home to your mommy? your like 40 or some shit grow up.. Put on your big boy pants, purchase a game studio, have all your developers come together under one roof, buy a redbull machine for the office, buy a toaster oven and pizza bagels, and just have a blast while being part of one of the biggest momumental moments of video game history you pussy! Is he seriously thinking about his next game when he is smack dab in the center of the birth of one of the biggest IP's to ever hit gaming?? Dude needs to be put in a mental institution if you ask me If your heart is not into it than step down and let one of the other thousands of game developers who would give an arm and a leg to have such an awesome job You have been in charge of dayz for the last two years.. YOU HAVENT DONE JACK SHIT to the game.. and you make it seem like you are a slave working in a sweatshop crying about every little thing.. "i want to be free and climb mountainssss" "i want to quit the military and do what my heart tells meee" "I want to go homeee" wahhh im a little baby who nicknames myself rocket.. do you also have racecar bordered wallpaper and a teddybear?
  15. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Or to shorten the list.. what isn't Plus dean hall leaving might be the best thing thats ever happened to this game..Do you we really want someone who's heart isn't 100% into it leading our favorite game??The last thing we need is some guy with a glass is half empty attitude .To say that he can't make the changes to the game that everyone is hoping for is like a skinny girl crying saying that she is fat
  16. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Couldn't agree more. What bothers me is bohemia gave him an upfront signing bonus and the title of project lead with the expectations that he would use the money wisely to open his own studio and hire new people.. He did not. Instead he chose to use $100,000 of the signing money he made to go climb mt everest.. great.. And yet he still thinks he could go ahead and achieve successful creation of the standalone with just his handful of modder buddies? Get real Plus dean hall just put zombie skins on the arma2 AI soldiers at first and it became a hit.. There were other arma2 zombie mods at the time that were even better, it just so happened that dayz had a catchy name and a creator who couldn't help but let everyone know about his military background so it just took off. (in real war dean hall strikes me as the person that would curl up in a ball in a hole and cry for his mommy while holding his helmet). But where it becomes a problem is you cant go on to "STANDALONE" using the same smalltime mod mindset.. If you think about it he really can't do anything developer-wise. He can't even make loot respawn.. sad.. Everything about standalone just screams mod. Breaking your legs is just a prone animation, Melee items are just guns with an effective shot range of 12-36 inches, the new "jump" is just a reskin of the step-over animation.. The new weapon bayonets don't function.. It just seems like they have no clue on how to create something new unless the arma engine supports it. So yeah.. Its still just a mod.. And why wouldn't it be? Its made by modders not by game developers.
  17. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    I still just find it hilarious that dean hall actually thinks he will have success in future game development projects after abandoning one of the most important IP's in gaming history.. News flash pal but don't expect too many supporters in your future projects after pulling some shit like that. If he ever releases a future early access game and asks for supporters i am going to laugh in his face (from my keyboard)
  18. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Lol aww im sorry pal that sucks you bought that many copies bro.. I know how you feel, Just think of it this way.. If they aren't into the game enough to buy it on their own i doubt they will want to play it otherwise
  19. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    It pisses me off that we have to wait a year for him to leave.. If your heart is not into it than do us all a favor and leave NOW so we don't have to all suffer through a THIRD year of your half-assed work. Do everyone a favor and step down right now so someone who is not a complete debbie-downer can come forward with a fresh, glass is half-full attitude and take over what you are not man enough to finish.. A game as important as dayz needs to be ran by a leader and businessman who is not afraid to take risks, hire new devs, purchase a game studio, give his team a name, and get the ball rolling Because Dayz is worth it. The return on any invested money put into dayz will be paid back tenfold. Dean hall has been given NOTHING but opportunity.. Bohemia has given you the funding and opportunity to be project-lead on one of the most important IPs to ever hit the gaming industry and you turn it down?? Dean hall has been given the once in a lifetime opportunity to become the next equivalent to VALVE in the world of pc gaming AND HE TURNS IT DOWN? This idiot leaving might be the best thing that has ever happened to dayz honestly.. We need a man not a mere child who calls himself "rocket". I just hope whoever takes deans place gets super rich while he fades into just a foggy memory. And this isnt the first time dean has decided to quit when he was needed the most.. And what i find the funniest is that this narcissistic douchebag thinks we will blindy support him in his future endeavors regardless of what he chooses to do.. He excitedly talks about "AWESOME MOUNTAIN CLIMBING SIMULATORS" to interviewers as if he thinks we will find that shit cool.. Sorry to rain on your parade dean hall but the only reason people even know who you are is because of dayz.. Without dayz you are just some guy..Next time he announces a game and tries to get us all on board and excited about it we will just say YEAH AND YOU WILL JUST ABANDON IT LIKE YOU DID DAYZ REMEMBER?... Im sorry but this move is the single handed worst thing that dean hall can do for his reputation and future career as a game developer.. You can basically FORGET any future game sucesses if you can't even follow through on one of the most important games of all time. What kind of idiot turns down project lead of one of the most important IP's in gaming history? Opportunity like this doesn't knock twice
  20. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    State of decay, Nether, 7 days to die, Infestation, rust, dayz, Betrayer... Pretty much all early acess games development rate slows down to a crawl after they are put up for sale
  21. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Does anyone else find it a coincidence that games development rate slows down soo much after they are put up for sale? Think about nether..warz..7 days to die..rust.. These games are all slapped together in like 2-4 months time..Make a ton of money.. than right AFTER that the rate of development drops by like 1000% and we are just left with these tiny bi-monthly micro-patches?? Why are companies able to make the ENTIRE game in a matter of months than take TEN TIMES that amount of time just to add 10% more content?? This is why i think early acess is the worst thing that has ever happened to pc gaming.. Its like someone that needs to borrow $100 from you promising to clean your house in six months from now saying they will do a SUPER AWESOME JOB THE BEST CLEAN EVER!!! But by the time comes they will not want to do it anymore because they have already made/spent the money
  22. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    watch and feel like an idiot
  23. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    When bohemia interactive saw that DAYZ mod resulted in two million copies of arma2 being sold they saw that it had potential. Bohemia gave dean hall a huge signing bonus and project lead to start his own studio and crew of developers.. It's what he chose to do with these perks that surprised everyone including bohemia. He did not open a dayz studio.. he did not hire any new game developers.. He just kept the same 2-3 modding buddies living in various parts of the world. Than mid development dean hall dissapeared to go climb mt. everest.. This guy belongs in a mental institution not the project lead of a game..
  24. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Dude he would openly admit to playing banished for hours on his twitter.. Guys a joke
  25. randalmcdaniels

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Im sorry but who is this professional coding team you speak of? Do you know dayz project is 3 people? When dean hall made the free dayz mod he had 2 friends who helped make it happen. Bohemia then saw that dayz was creating millions of sales for arma2 so they gave dean hall a signing bonus and project lead in hope he would open a studio and get a bunch of developers together to make it a standalone game.. Its what he chose to do with this bonus and project lead that was surprising.. He didnt hire anyone new or open a studio, he stuck with the same mod crew and thats it. So what we have is a group of small time game modders. There is no dayz game company. its just published by bohemia interactive and on the main menu it just says "created by dean hall" which is just the biggest joke of all. You need a game company to make a game.. Indie game developers usually start their own teams and give themselves a name like, Insomnia, Uig, Hammerpoint, Gearbox.. etc. What is dayz game company called? Dean hall? So when you say dayz professional coding team it just makes me laugh because there is nothing professional about the coding of dayz.. Ask any real game developer and they are able to recognize how poorly coded dayz really is. In fact, every change we see in dayz is just in fact just a modification of the arma2 code. So it is in fact very much a mod.. It IS still a mod. Melee items are no more than guns with an effective range of 12-36 inches, broken legs are no more than just going prone, jump is just a re-animation of the arma2 step-over animation, the added bayonets to the weapon do not function, the inventory is just a re-skin of the existing arma2 inventory.. there really is nothing "new" coded into dayz, its still 100% dependent on arma2's interface. The only new things added by dayz "professional coding team" that you seem to imagine is no more than cosmetic items like motorcycle helmets and shirts. If you took arma2 away from dayz you would be left with an empty white screen and a floating motorcycle helmet. So you might want to do some research before calling others naive.. You just base your statements on what you imagine the dayz team might be.. There is no dayz developer team.. Its just two people not even working in the same room.