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About Brewcat

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  1. Brewcat

    Things that SHOULD be in Dayz by tomorrow...

    Good idea. I would like to see more variety in the mod, and hopefully Rocket opens up the mod before the release of the stand alone, we will be able to decide what we want in our servers.
  2. really good. thanks for posting this
  3. For every hour I have to wait for the video, I will KILL..., do... well... nothing.. JUST SHOW US THE FUCKING VIDEO >:(
  4. Light use of the update plus hotfix. Getting 50-60 fps usually, then massive drops after spending 10-15 mins in town. Zombies behavior is much more unpredictable, but I find this adds to the game rather than take.
  5. Brewcat

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I've just filled my Alice Pack to the brim with beans and pasta after one visit to the supermarket in Elektro, so I don't think there is a 'lack' of food. I thought the same thing on a previous life, which ended in me having to shoot zombies to find food, but failing and getting swamped by the bastards! I guess overall, there is less food. Just have to look harder for it. I like it that way though.
  6. Brewcat

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Great update. I am relalively new to the mod, and the changes implemented in this update change the game for the better. The loadout forces you to think about food and water, where as before it was never really an issue. I find it more stressful and more tense in the beginning now. I played for 1 hour, and now I have double barreled shotgun, some food and water and a 1911, so it's not as hard as some forum users say. Just a bit of a slower pace, which is a good thing. Adapt to the changes, feel the tension.
  7. I understand what you mean, and I think it's worth a try. There's no way to really know if someone is friendly/bandit, but your idea might go some way to bringing down the number of PVP kills that don't need to happen.
  8. Brewcat

    Character wipe for new patch?

    Yes, Wipe it all. I'd be the best way to see how the changes effect gameplay.
  9. YES I think we should start with no weapon at all or maybe a random chance of spawning with Makorov. Not everyone would have immediate access to firearms in a survival situation.
  10. Great ideas, I'd love to see the all of the stuff you are talking about here. This is the sort of thread I like to read on these forums. People looking forward to the future of what is, for me, the best game I have ever played.
  11. Brewcat

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Had my first experience of disconnecting to avoid death today. Guy running straight at me in the trees overlooking the military camp at Stary, wanted to avoid him really, but he kept coming. I shot him twice with my M9. I walk over to finish him and he's gone! Asshole.