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alaskafish (DayZ)

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Everything posted by alaskafish (DayZ)

  1. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Forever Alone.

    This is what I did. I met some guy in elektro... we're now surviving together... Just find some unarmed. It's important that they're unarmed because if they are they'll probably attack you. Then ask if you want to help them. Find them a weapon. But ask them a question like; how you enjoying the standalone? This should make them think ethically about you. Because asking a personal question like this about what they think makes it so they can view you as a friend. This is a theory made by sociologist Charles Cooley. Next, try to find a problem with the person, something like if he/she has low blood, no weapon, preferably something that could take time to solve. He/she will work with you because he/she will realize that you are trying to help your goal. On your journey ask many questions and thoughts about the standalone. If he/she agrees to them, that's good, if he/she disagrees, that's bad Try to let the player ask questions to you. If this happens, it's very good. Answer the questions. Then, try to gain a following of speech. What this is, is when you know when to talk and he/she knows. Have you ever had that moment when you started talking as soon as he/she did? Yeah, that's the whole theory in a nutshell. What's going on is that you both realize that you are trying to make conversation, however, if you can talk and he/she talks, and vice versa without any interrupting or anything, you found the following of speech. Lastly, loot some buildings together, bond a relationship. And ask a few personal questions, like where are you from, how old are you (non creepily), what's you in game name? And then when you think this is a good person to stick with, ask if they have a skype, not team speak. Reason; I've noticed if people add you on skype, it could also be their personal skype. And one thing is true about skype, you save contacts, so you kind of gain this mutual understanding together. Try to play together reasonably. Ever so often to keep the friendship going. That's two years of phyciology/sociology for you...
  2. But if what happened to me earlier... ill try it
  3. I'll go try that. But Beck said that there was a complete character wipe just a few minutes ago. If I still get this problem. I'll try it.
  4. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Are People Keeping Characters Between Sessions?

    Same problem
  5. Thanks man, but it seems like the Feedback center refuses to confirm my account. I'm waiting on that.
  6. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Connecting Failed . . . forever

    Same problem. Terrible today, because every server was full (pretty much)
  7. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    ALL the servers are full. There's one server with no players, but that's not fun. And the rest have a ping over 200. We need more servers or larger player count.
  8. Zombies spawn and Loot respawns! Finally. I have food and stuff and zombies to kill!
  9. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Sick (in-game) need help

    You need antibiotics I believe. There's too many medical stuff in the game... I don't know.
  10. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Yeah... Zombies go through walls... completely.

    But how does one do that if you loot elektro or cherno? There's a lot of loot in those street side buildings... A lot.
  11. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Yeah... Zombies go through walls... completely.

    Is this going to be fixed any time soon? (EG - This week?) I find it incredibly hard to loot Cherno or Elektro, because I can't lose the zombies through the buildings.
  12. Hello... AGAIN! My topic "Character Wipes Already?" Was deleted for reasons not known. I was playing with friends. I left to go urinate so I wouldn't die. And I reconnected to the same server. I spawned on the coast, with non of my accouterments . Yet, one of my friends, who reconnected to the server, a few minutes later, did not have his gear deleted. Why is this? Is this a feature? Before you say "Hello, sorry to inform you. Though, you shall never get attached to said inventory of the Day of Z's." I do not know if this is a feature or some sort of bug. And also, before you say "Hello fine sir, I see you have a very nice set of topicles, on the Day of Z's forum posting location. However, the Day of the Z's Stand-didly-lone is in an Alpha state of Development. So this may surely be a bug." I just want to wrap my cranium around the situation. There is a video of said problem happening to another user ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzkuJ7y3Ux8 Name is : treirk EDIT: Sorry for the "Posh" words. Just wanted to see if a mod deleted my post deleted because of vocabulary of something.
  13. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Character Wipes already? (Again.. Since it seemed to be Deleted)

    But I posted first!?
  14. That's what I thought, but I'm joining one server... the ones created by the Dev team to test.
  15. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Found a book: Russian Cheat Sheet.

  16. Honestly, I had everything. I join a server, go loot, get off cause I got to piss... and I join another server. Bam, on the beach. I join other servers, same place, on the beach. Nothing... Dafuq? I was in the middle of writing a note with my buds. They had no character wipe? What is this? EDIT: Don't go "Alpher is alpher! Bugs buggity bugs!" I'm just wondering why they didn't have a character wipe, and I did...
  17. alaskafish (DayZ)

    What does it take to survive?

    I personally like the food. See, don't be that guy who waits for the iPhone 5 24 hours before it's released. Everyone is going to the new places, or the places people go to.. Balota, the new cherno buildings, NWAF, military bases, then complaining "THERE'S NO LOOT! WTF DEAN!" Why not go to the places people don't go to. Like some houses in that town you don't know the name off. Hell, I got fully kitted up in Elektro with the enter-able buildings (The 2-3 floor buildings on the street). I got my self a fricken sniper by laying low.
  18. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Some settings should be forced on, like shadows

    Never... Going to happen. Ever. The reason brightness and Gamma is there is because some people have darker monitors, whereas some people have brighter. It's like saying, if you have a 'normal' computer set up you can play our game. Shadows in ArmA are the bane to most players. I for a fact, run 30 fps with shadows on low, but when I turn them off, or just on very low, I get about 68-70 fps. I see how you can get annoyed by some people have an advantage over you. You sound like since you don't like people being "better" than you, it must change. Just think to your self this: I'd rather have a game that's fun, and nice to look at, instead of a game that looks like s*** and I feel like a boss. People say if you turn off arma II trees, you see people better. I, turn them ALL on, so it looks pretty.
  19. alaskafish (DayZ)

    [IMPROVE] Day/Night Cicle - DayZ - SA

    30 minutes cycle, Hour Cycle. Makes people just grow a pair and wait it out!
  20. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Charging people money to help you "make" a game....

    Think of it from Rocket's perspective. Look at all this hype from the last three years? Let's just give them the Alpher for free to help me make the game better! Oh, wait, that hype is 95% of the player base, and would get their hands on it, and not pay. Better, cash in on the cash moneys, because sales will just drop after the players from the DayZmod get the DayZ:SA. Even if Rocket put a price after he let everyone play the game for free After everyone played it for free, I was able to put it on the market for $29.99. Perfect. Oh, wait, 50% of the 95% of the player base left because they thought it was boring, too hard, lame, had enough of DayZ, impulse bought it, ect, since they already tried it. Oh well, looks like our profit would of been higher if we sold it at first. I guess we have no money to make the game better, and probably fail at regaining our hype back. I mean com'on! Three years of hype (And they were even losing it), and you think they should kill the hype, lose sales, so you don't have to pay for it. I always get pissed when people think that "indie games" or games that have a good community should be cheaper (In this case free) for people. I don't think you would be asking for CoD for free, or some triple A game. BF4 beta was so limited, you had non of the features. DayZ:SA as of now as too many features to go for free.
  21. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Cry babies

  22. alaskafish (DayZ)

    every server is dark

    SOLUTIOOOON! Make day 30 minutes long and night 30 minutes long. It would stop people from bitching from being in night time because, they'd have day light coming up in 30 minutes. If 30 minutes isn't what you fancy. And hour, 2 hours, I don't care.
  23. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Bushways - Little fields.

    Anyone think they should add bushways? For those who don't know what a bushway is, it's a little runway made of grass that bushplanes (what I called them as a child) would land on to deliver mail. Small small, airfields, but with no loot. Just a place to land your plane. As of right now, finding the plane in DayZ is pointless. EG - Makes too much noise, no where to land it. Best thing to do is risk ejecting and getting a parachute. I don't know. It would be nice having long flat strips in small towns (Small towns, I emphasize that.) to make a base, land you're plane ect. Here's some pictures of what I mean. And some I've been too:
  24. alaskafish (DayZ)

    Tranquilizer Darts/Arrows

    If you ever played as a hero you'll know this fact: at some point you will have to kill someone. Sometimes I'll be on the coast looking for some freshspawns to give some loot too, and they'll try to shoot me when ever they get that chance. What can I do? I have to kill them. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to get up close enough and break their legs, but if caught a little off guard I'm going to have to kill him/her. I find this unfair because it brings my humanity down because of some stupid freshspawn trying to take my gear the easiest way possible. One time I was helping a fresh spawn and he tried killing me. I took him out but I turned into a bandit... I quit that server -.- So, to get on point, I suggest they add a Tranquilizer gun, or Tranquilizer arrows for the crossbow in the standalone. If you ever have played DayZ breaking point or watcher (something like that) you'll know the taser. It doesn't kill the person, but it will put the person into a unconscious state. I personally think this would be the most greatest Hero weapon to use in Dayz standalone. It wouldn't kill them, but it would give you enough time to break there legs, not bandage them, and run away... Let me hear your ideas about this? Should it be added?