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About Buck10489

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Buck10489

    Nutrition/Hydration is Ridiculous

    Couldnt agree more. Seems to just be bugged at the moment. I stay away from those water pumps after this last patch that is for sure!
  2. Buck10489

    What is your longest recorded shot?

    Just now saw this post. Ill add you tonight when I get on! Sounds like a good time to me. I believe your shots I was just giving everyone a hard time haha
  3. So he can post an opinion on the topic , but I post saying I like it the way it is and my post gets hidden. Got to love the forum team.
  4. Buck10489

    What is your longest recorded shot?

    Only if I can shoot back!
  5. Buck10489


    Well if the min. requirements have stated that it was never supported I think that would answer your questions. Time to upgrade bud!
  6. Buck10489

    Frequent crashes after latest patch

    They have already addressed this issue. Im sure some sort of hot fix is happening today
  7. Buck10489

    What is your longest recorded shot?

    Most of these are just like fishing stories. I would really like to see some proof!!! B)
  8. Buck10489

    Odd Zombie Behaviour

    Really no reason to record. It is something that most of the players have seen and it happens often
  9. Buck10489

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    The 1st person tears are real. Keep it up!
  10. Buck10489

    How can a private server get a hive reset?

    Well private hives never got reset liked stable did, so maybes its finally their turn
  11. Buck10489

    I feel like an asshole

    Im impressed.
  12. Buck10489

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    hopefully not. Cant stand 1st person in this game. They arent going to change something to cater to the few of you. I dont understand why these threads are constantly being made over and over again.
  13. Buck10489


    Not even close lol
  14. Buck10489

    Burlap Sack Locations

    I found 10 sacks last night just running from town to town. IMO they are not that hard to find just gotta know where to look. Needless to say I am all ghillied out
  15. Buck10489

    Some people never find 1.....

    They seem to work just fine for me