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About SaintWilly

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SaintWilly


    Nevermind, someone killed me. :D
  2. SaintWilly


    Hello all, I'll cut right to the point. A hacker on a server I had just joined spawned everyone in Prigodorki and then made us all pass out for an extremely long time, I switched servers and I am still passed out. It will take at a MINIMUM 45 minutes to regain consiousness and got about an 1/8th of the way done when I lost connection to the server and had to start all over again. Does anyone have a solution? I can't kill myself because you can't open options when passed out and I can't ask anyone to kill me since you can't communicate when passed out.
  3. SaintWilly

    What do you feel like when you kill someone?

    I feel an adrenaline rush and I laugh. I laugh especially hard if I used a hatchet to murder someone ESPECIALLY if they had a gun, which I do more than you might think. Some people say that bandits who murder for the sake of murder (such as myself sometimes) have actual psychopathic tendencies IRL but I wouldn't dream of ever harming someone, that would be f*cking horrible :( for me it really is just a game.
  4. SaintWilly

    Why banditing?

    Note: I do hope/believe that the standalone will present a greatly enhanced experience which could make trust/trade with other players more fruitful and I had planned on giving up extreme banditry when the standalone is released. I chose the path of bandit for the loot, why trade when I can have everything you have? I played that way for months and a few days ago I felt... a little bad you could say, the murder just became pointless at a certain point (at least in the cities where many people were fresh spawns) so I set out on the path to hero. I soon found however that those who I had previously chose to shoot on sight were just as hostile as I used to be, I was murdered time and time again especially after helping people. The path to hero was short lived, and I remembered why I would shoot fresh spawns who had nothing: the second they're presented with the option they'll kill me for what I have. Perhaps my bandit skin makes me more of a target for the average player but after giving 30+ blood transfusions(on my group members, survivors won't let me get near them) and not getting regular survivor skin I gave up hope on losing my bandit skin becuase it would seem I'm too far gone. So why am I a bandit? At this point... its the only way I can stay alive...