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Mongo Strongrod

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About Mongo Strongrod

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    On the Coast

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  1. Mongo Strongrod

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    The infected camps are spawned by the server like a helicopter crash site. The camps I speak of are custom buildings added through the database. Objects added by the administrator of the private hive that did not spawn zombies before the latest patch.
  2. Mongo Strongrod

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I looked over the Patch notes and forum and cannot find any information about zombie spawn changes for non lootable buildings, such as cargo containers, watch towers, and H Barriers added into the database on private hives. Our server has several bases that now spawn hoards of zombies at non lootable areas. I want to know if this is by design or do I need to modify the custom buildings to remove the zombie spawns?
  3. Mongo Strongrod

    Rebels United Clan

    The thread remains intact, the Admins didn't see fit to take it down nor do I. sm0ker you just don't understand and all this back and forth is just beating a dead horse. I'm not going to argue the point anymore. This thread is for the DayZ community. You claim we knew your special rules, we claim we did not know them. No amount of back and forth will ever change your mind and let you see that you were wrong to assume non clan players on your non password protected server know all of your rules. The issue is resolved, We won't be on your server ever again. You took the low road and modified our character inventory and transported us to a remote island, so I took my own road and went straight to the forums. Is everyone happy? No not one bit, you think we are unfairly calling out your server and we lost a place we enjoyed playing where we spent a good amount of time.
  4. Mongo Strongrod

    Rebels United Clan

    I'm sorry I cannot seem to make clear what I'm trying to tell the RU guys and those who came to their aid. Simply put once again, my team and I did in fact spend a lot of time on server in cities and towns searching for and finding gear. The OP is my experience on your server. Plain and simple.
  5. Mongo Strongrod

    Rebels United Clan

    I made one post about my experience on your server. The only information my team and I truly knew was the information on the log in page given by the MOTD, that simply stated that it's a family friendly server so no swearing and Hackers will be banned if caught. There was nothing about don't take the SUV or anything about an "Admin Camp". You are making assumptions that anyone knows your clans rules.
  6. Mongo Strongrod

    Rebels United Clan

    Thank you for allowing us to play on your server sm0ker, but we will not be returning. To address the admin camp and gear, I ask again how do you know we knew that was admin gear. The simple fact still remains, it's on the server we found it, and you chose the low road. No warrning, no "Hey did you know those are the admins, pleas go to our website and read the TOS" none of that, just a childish response on the server and now in this DayZ thread.
  7. Mongo Strongrod

    Rebels United Clan

    "we have a very great player base that we help often. you can ask any one else on the server we offer to help at least once a day. but if you want to steel from the admins when we offer to help you then you dont need to play on our server anyway." I understand that you help other players and that is very noble. There are some players who don't want the help and like the challenge of finding their own equipment. My team and I are not alone among the non clan players on your server who cannot find a vehicle spawn anywhere. As for us "stealing (steeling)" from the admin camp, how were we to know it's the admin camp? We didn't target you, we found you and you got "Butt-hurt". Sorry to use this base and offensive term but it fits this situation to a T.
  8. Mongo Strongrod

    Rebels United Clan

    Just wanted to inform the community to avoid this private hive. I will paste what I wrote on their forums after what my friends and I experienced. "My friends and I have been enjoying playing on your DayZ server for about a week now. You know us from out [THAC0] tags in game. Last night after two hours of looking for vehicles in and around towns we decided to go on a camp hunt, a perfectly acceptable tactic in DayZ where the resources are limited. Starting at the NW airfield we plotted a grid search along the in bound areas of the map. I move N-NW then South while my partner moved North then East. After about an hour of searching my partner noticed a MTVR silhouette on the top of a distant mountain, he took out his binoculars and confirmed. He moved to the camp, got in a vehicle and picked me up so we could return. When we reached the camp we found 2 tents, a MTVR, URAL civ, UAZ, Van, MI-17, UH-1, SUV, two offroad trucks, one white one red, and gear in most of the vehicles and tents. My partner and I took weapons and equipment, the SUV and the UH-1. We didn't destroy the camp, flatten the tents nor did we damage any of the vehicles left because that's not how we are. We found the camp through time and effort on the ground, took what we needed and left the rest. I log in today and find that I have been transported to a remote island, certain weapons have been removed from my inventory, and I can only imagine that the vehicles have been magically returned to their camp. This is a childish move. Its part of the game to have your camp raided and should be no surprise sense the camp was really easy to find once we started our search pattern. I know this is a private hive server hosted by RU, and I did enjoy my time here, however if you didn't want anything like this to happen you should have password protected your server, not allowing outside players to come in and try to fight for the resources you have hoarded. There is no excuse for this kind of childish behavior by your admin to take back his ball and go home. I will copy and post this on the DayZ official forums and warn people off from your server, warning them not to waste their time here. Thank you for being yet another immature and childish clan in the gaming community. ~Mongo Strongrod of [THAC0]" This clans website is http://rebelsunitedclan.com/smf2/index.php Avoid them if you want to enjoy your DayZ time.