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Everything posted by missvirginvideos

  1. Perfect time for noobs to join, not very active player base atm. Bob_Jones is friendly, feel free to ask him for help. Also there are custom buildings at the air feilds. so barracks at bolota and NE airfield
  2. Please only mature players request an application. Also join us on TEAMSPEAK!
  3. missvirginvideos

    Beck's Privateers - Chernarus Changelog (*2.2*)

    love these new things, keep it up
  4. Fun server, please no squeakers doe and mature players
  5. missvirginvideos

    [BP] Major Updates Are Coming!!!

    nice, moving seems like alo tof work though.
  6. people are nice after a firefight. good admins. might need a few more admins though.
  7. missvirginvideos

    Beck's Privateers - Chernarus Changelog (*2.2*)

    Great changes, makes it way more fun. join
  8. missvirginvideos

    The Best Dayz Private Hive Server!

    i like playing in the night, but all the time is just stupid. so when i join on the weekends. that fuflills my night needs. i like that feature. good job becks privateers
  9. missvirginvideos

    Found a great server, just needs players D:

    great server, helped me build a heli. then some hacker douches came and blew it up. but got banned almost right away