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Everything posted by wdoughman

  1. Hello everyone, I am having a problem. I cannot find a way to fix weird stopping starting during the game. I don't think it is lag, the game will freeze about every two seconds for about a second and then continue. I have a very good computer and there is no lag at all when the game ISN'T stopped. I once entered a game and it ran perfectly, on all very high settings, so i know my computer can handle it, but that was only once. In every other game I've had this problem. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you, I love this forum and I am looking forward to being able to play this awesome game!
  2. wdoughman

    how to fix weird stopping/starting?

    The freezing isn't once in a while, it consistently freezes for about a second every two seconds or so. The game is almost unplayable. Could it be that im joining the wrong servers or something? Because there was one game where everything ran perfectly fine.
  3. wdoughman

    how to fix weird stopping/starting?

    Hmm... Does it make a difference that It will run crysis2 and skyrim on ultra settings? I think its just a problem with DayZ. Everything seems fine while browsing and using photoshop, and everything else but DayZ. Or am I missing something? Thank you for replies!