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About ltDan2014

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Is it possible to view who made a map marker on the map via logs? I've been looking all over and cannot find anything related to it. Thanks
  2. I think what you explain is what makes this game so interesting to most of us. The fact that this game is so brutal is what makes it fun. Do I get aggrevated when I get killed by a bandit? Oh yea, but that's the fun in it... the aggravation. In other games you just dont get that feeling. The only thing in this game that I would say is a turn off is the hackers and sometimes the admins (who abuse their admin powers). You just gotta find you a server where those two are not a problem and its all good from there. Enjoy the brutality of the game. There are friendly folks out there, but you gotta be real careful. Talk on side chat (text talk, not voice), get to know folks. Become friends with someone and get to know them over a period of a day or two via chat, then link up with them. Until you get to know someone, either run (or hide) at sight of another player.... or kill them (situation dictates). I think this game is very realistic, and the things you see happening in this game is what you would see in RL if something like this happened. There would be people out just killing others for the fun of it, there would be loners, and there would be those trying to form a group. I was killed probably 3 or 4 times (one of those by zombies) in the first hour playing.... it got me hooked.
  3. ltDan2014

    M16A2 vs M4A1

    @ItDan2014 Using non SD rounds in a weapon equipped with a suppressor to my knowledge would not only damage the suppressor, but would also be futile, as there would still be a signature "crack" as the bullet broke the sound barrier. But thanks for clarifying the problem with barrel length. A lot of other posts swore that barrel length was an issue, but I never noticed it. Although I could see the problem if you were too close to the door when cutting the pie, as the barrel would expose your position. I also only use semi most of the time. I just wanted to know, if I was clearing a room would full-auto have a major advantage. Using burst at the range, I found out to 25m, all three shots would land very close to each other. At 50m, you can also land 2-3 shots with one burst if you aim at the enemies right knee, as recoil is diagonally up to the right. Using non SD rounds in a suppressed weapon will not hurt it. I've done so many many times before in RL. As far as the bullet crack.... this is true of all 5.56 rounds, regardless of SD or not (you can get two types of what would be called "SD" rounds.... "low flash" and "low velocity") .... In a 5.56 regardless of what you do, if you are to stay within tolerances, you cannot get the bullet below the speed of sound, thus there will always be the crack (mostly what are used in supressed rifles are low flash, which have a faster burning powder, and does not have a flash as it exits the barrel). The same cannot be said for pistol rounds, however. It is possible to bring a pistol round below the speed of sound (the 45 is already there, 9mm is about 300 to 500 ft/s above depending on type of round).... so in a 9mm, it is possible to obtain "low velocity" rounds, specifically designed for suppressed weapons to reduce the bullet crack (bullet breaking the sound barrier). FYI: speed of sound at sea level at 70 degrees F is 1128 ft/s ..... the velocity of a 5.56 with a 63 grain FMJ bullet (nato round) is 3070 ft/s .... so bringing that round down to below speed of sound would severely impact effectiveness (out, it would kill effectiveness, making it almost nill) not to mention the weapon would no cycle. The 9mm with 124 grain FMJ (nato round) is 1,200 ft/s ..... low velocity rounds can bring this into the 1000 ft/s range and still cycle the weapon (some ammunition will opt for a heavier bullet, like the 147gr blazier ammo... which brings velocity down below speed of sound without the need to reduce powder, keeping performance reduction to a minimum). At any rate..... yes I might know a little bit about firearms =P
  4. ltDan2014

    M16A2 vs M4A1

    Real CCOs are like that..... the size of the dot depends on the power setting you set it at, more power = bigger (and brighter) dot. In the game it is set at full, which is for very bright days with lots of glare (even then its too much). A real CCO has adjustments starting at off (obviously) ... with about 6 or 7 clicks before you can barely see it in a dark room, then about 6 more till it looks like the game. The lower settings are for use with nods.
  5. ltDan2014

    Reason behind your username?

    Been in the us army for 9 years, now in rotc doing the transition from enlisted to officer.
  6. ltDan2014

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    That would be boring. All the zed would be high.
  7. ltDan2014

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    Western city, surrounded by mountains and woods. Ft Smith Arkansas. Has airfield (airforce). Has airport (regional airport) Has military base (army national guard - Ft Chaffee - couple air strips on there as well) is a few miles from city actually in next city over Barling. Smaller national guard armory outside the base. Has a couple of outlying smaller towns. Rougly the right size for map (a 25x25 km map would cover it... with still a decent area around .... 30x30 would be better). River running through it (zombie infested bridges anyone? .. still good plot... you washed down the river from somewhere.) Plus: if you made the map with city of Ft Smith centered, and spawned folks in the west.... the city would act like a major barrier to the airfield and army base to the east. Forcing navigation through the city to get into the mil bases.
  8. ltDan2014

    Reason behind your username?

    Well, I'll be a lieutenant in the army in 2014 (hopefully lol)
  9. ltDan2014

    M16A2 vs M4A1

    You really shouldn't use the full auto or the burst feature. If you need multiple rounds, you can double tap just as fast without wasting the third (or more) bullets) and be more accurate. Full auto causes too much barrel raise even in the 556puney From my experience (granted that is not a lot) this game doesn't recognize the barrel as being able to stop you from turning (ie catching on things). Stand in a doorway and turn, you'll see your barrel go through the wall. Fire rate vs range. The fire rate difference isn't going to make all that much difference (can you really click that fast?).... and the range... well a standing target is damn hard to hit at 800m in real life with iron sights (and I'm a decent shot, 40 out of 40 on last 4 trips to range hopefully keeping htat streak going *knocks on wood*), much less a video game with fuzzy graphics at range. So.... its equipment. CCO vs ACOG vs Iron sights. To choose between a straight M4 vs straight M16 (no attachments).... I would go with the M16 just for the availability of the added range (may as well). Between an M4 CCO and M16 ACOG? Most probably go with the CCO.... a little better close up, quicker target acquisition. Me? I'll have the M16 over the M4 unless the M4 is supressed, but thats just my real world prejudices setting it rofl. Now, the real question is: Why the fk can't I take the dam CCO off and put it on the M16... it takes 5 seconds (ok, maybe 2 min to sight it in as well, but it should be close) and no tools are required. Also: Why the differences in ammo? I should be able to shoot non SD rounds (with slightly greater noise) in a SD, fkn SD rounds are all that much different in sound on a 556 anyway. Not to mention SD rounds range is greatly reduced, as is damage (over 150m, actually slightly greater under 150m due to higher propensity to tumble with lower velocity). Am I over thinking this?