I was playing the game at i think around 20:00 with my friend and then we logged out to go play some Call of Duty and i woke up this morning and went back on the server and said i had been admin banned at 17:08 29th, but i was on at 20:00 with my friend, i don't hack or anything like that because im new to DayZ like a week ago and dont have a clue what im supposed to be doing my friend tells me everything and i dont swear etc.. becasue i dont even know how to talk to the world. I told my friend about it this morning and he said we may have killed some hackers in that server and they could of banned you, he said make a forum post on this about it because we been playing that and gathered lots of supplies. Will i be able to get back on that server again?! Banned from Battleye: Admin Ban.