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About Bogz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm registering for me and two of my friends. I'm not sure if this is allowed but let me know and I'll get them to register themselves. Name: Bogz Location: England GUID: 26175c0134cf8921a3676c19606437d8 Name: Mafy Location: England GUID: b3daa16b7fceaccbfa6227233d8ecd9d Name: Gaz Location: England GUID: af96d24cde11cf58fca2e771cb9cc8b3 Reason: We are looking for a server with active admins as we are sick of losing all of our progress due to hackers.
  2. Bogz

    friendly fire should be an option on servers

    How can you consider turning friendly fire on in a game that does not consist of actual teams? Sense make you none.
  3. Bogz

    More ways to gather food and water

    This would create another use for the campfire too. Loot some kind of saucepan to be able to place it over the campfire to boil it. Maybe have some kind of filter you could loot which would make the process safer rather than lighting a campfire up in the middle of the woods?
  4. Bogz

    Maiming without killing

    If the surgery is performed then there should be some kind of recovery time involved or constant use of antibiotics/painkillers for a period of time.
  5. Bogz

    Maiming without killing

    Say if the bullet or bullets aren't removed there is a chance of lead poisoning. The only way to remove the bullet(s) would be to use a safe house or a secluded house with a bed in it and have an 'experienced' medic perform surgery. I suppose this promotes some form of team play. Also the medic would have to have been trained in this type of surgery somehow. Not sure if this is adding too much depth tbh.
  6. Bogz

    Standalone Idea: Base building/entrances.

    Just made an account to reply to this suggestion. The electronic lock could be powered by something as simple as a car battery. This would only last for say 48 or 72 hours before the battery is drained which would give you a reason to go back to your base and also scavenge for a new car battery. Although making the concrete for the walls still seems a little far fetched. Perhaps scavenging actual concrete blocks from around the world and having to use some kind of transport to get them to your base. I mean, if you are going to upgrade your base to tier 4 it has to come at a high price. Maybe the same sort of scenario with the steel girders but they could be carried in a smaller vehicle?