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About Ralith

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  1. He didn't say the car was full of gear, he said they were fully kitted out. As in, they all had rare weapons and such; this is pretty easy to tell when they're shooting at you. You can tell they're teleporting around when you witness them repeatedly spawn on top of you.
  2. Ralith

    Cheating on Seattle 71

    The only time we left the server was when we gave up on evading your teleport hack (after you repeatedly spawned in front of our fleeing cars), and we didn't come back after that.
  3. Ralith

    Cheating on Seattle 71

    Saw this happening while I was on there; they were spawning at or teleporting to people repeatedly, so that even if you escaped in a car they'd just be in front of you again a minute later.
  4. Ralith

    M107 killed my backpack

    According to the changelog, this has been fixed in 1.6; newly-spawned M107s are now regular primary weapons which allow you to wear a backpack simultaneously.
  5. Ralith

    Elektro Hospitals

    The building with the antechamber is not a hospital. The hospital is the building with the medical snake-and-staff symbol on the front windows.
  6. Ralith

    About Corpserunning

    You know that dead bodies and all their associated gear despawn after a very short interval, right?
  7. Ralith

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Rocket, you own. Never stop building your dream. (especially if building your dream involves restoring vehicles to servers where they're missing >_>)
  8. Ralith

    First Time at NW Airfield

    An easy solution is to stop charging through the middle of towns. What exactly did you expect?
  9. Ralith

    Chemlights replace Flares at spawn.

    Flares only marginally increase your visibility to zombies. The only serious danger is other players.
  10. Bear in mind that when the mod was first released there was no humanity system at all, and people were very often friendly. It's simply not the case that bandit skins are the only thing between dayz and utter chaos.
  11. I'm very happy to see the bandit mechanic go away. This brings the tension and uncertainty back into the game, and above all else, allows people to stop being bandits. If you kill someone for whatever reason but don't intend to make a habit of it, and were branded a bandit by the system, you'd then have to kill everyone in self defense--but now you're on even footing. Having a broader variety of skins will help, too, as people can spread the word about a particular murderer having a particular appearance.
  12. It's been there since the first release, actually.
  13. Ralith

    Suggestion: Weapons spawning everywhere.

    Eh, I had a supressed M9 for a while. Ammo's too rare for it to be really useful.
  14. Happens to me too; been seeing it for the last few updates at least, including 1.5.7. Radeon 5850, windows 7 x64. Notably, it's intermittent: some days I can see spawned/dropped wire kits just fine, other days they're huge distorted messes of vertices spasming all over the world. Deployed wire fences are usually fine, though I recall seeing a rare (much smaller scale) glitch from those in the past.