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Everything posted by manta-avoid

  1. manta-avoid

    What's going on with Six Launcher?

    *shudders* SixUpdater. Download at own risk.
  2. manta-avoid

    No killfeed?

    Personally I'd like to see any textual reference to kills removed from the game. No scoring, no text messages, no communication other than a bled-out body. Make the players who kill for thrills work for their gratification.
  3. manta-avoid

    (Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

    AAh, yeah - too many pages guys. Forgive me? :blush: I can see the merits of this - if it's to stop people from server hopping. But it seems like it's put everyone under the same umbrella. I can't attest to having experienced this problem myself as I don't migrate from one server to another. However, I hope it gets fixed soon
  4. manta-avoid

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So, what information do we now have to work with when we need to police our server? Beforehand, we were able to see a lot of information which was helpful in many cases.
  5. The majority of bans emplaced by Admins on AU 5 are server specific. Therefore it stands to reason to post in the local forum for attention, referencing the DayZ post. Something as simple as: Topic: RE: Banned at TIME DATE Content: Please see post #15 at
  6. What time was this screenshot taken? I assume the date for the image is correct. I do not see time information. Build your case and give me the novel, don't throw me notes.
  7. manta-avoid

    (Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

    I thought it was reasonable to respawn on the coast? New players who haven't played A2 and haven't been taught MGRS Nav naturally find it hard to get around. The coast has two excellent starting spawns that give new players (and old..) the "Escaped with just the shirt on my back" survival aspect of the game. Get used to it. Btw, you can swim too - there're a couple of Islands that it pays to investigate, and you won't die from a cough :)
  8. manta-avoid

    Hacked in AS50 TWS (-Ark- TH3 UN533N) (AU 5)

    Pete might not be well-liked amongst the general AU 5 community, but he's got a point. If it's not in the game, don't use it. If you found it, bury it with a dead body and notify the server admins so that we can ID the owner if you weren't able to from 'study body.' We're able to ID items that don't belong on other players from secured server logs. Doesn't give us the right to say 'no' to players, and 'yes' to ourselves.
  9. Someone needs to invest in FRAPS footage!
  10. manta-avoid

    Pending Update: Build

    The simplest solution is usually the best. Aim for the Head.
  11. What tools can we implement to prevent unwanted script executions? Failing that, What tools can we use to ID an illegal script execution in server logs? Is it possible to detect an item duplication? Can current admin tools (like BERCon) be configured to report kill messages, as well as timestamps and locations (pipe-dream) for said kill messages? Please do not reply with "no" or information that is not constructive.
  12. manta-avoid

    All servers red X's please help.

    No, that one will slit your wrists and make your sisters have your babies. Out of curiosity, if you join one of these servers - what happens? Do you get a particular error message? That would be handy in pinpointing your problem champ.
  13. manta-avoid

    Why use Six Updater?

    Just a curiosity. I have never liked Six Updater, and it annoys me how slow it is to do things - especially when updating itself. Discuss. My manual installation method: http://goo.gl/EpQWa <3 Manta
  14. manta-avoid

    Can't get Dayz started

    I would not suggest Six Updater. If you purchased ARMA 2 through Steam, i'd recommend this guide. Otherwise, DayZ Commanderis a good alternative to Six Updater.
  15. manta-avoid

    Some Config Help Please

    And yet this still goes unanswered. Why?
  16. manta-avoid

    Why use Six Updater?

    If you like, try out my manual install. There are two points in the preamble that point you to the steps to follow when it comes to updating DayZ, and the A2 beta. PM me with your feedback, if you like :)
  17. manta-avoid

    Why use Six Updater?

    I might have to give this a go, sometime. Or, point new players to it if they find manual installation too daunting. Cheers!
  18. manta-avoid

    Why use Six Updater?

    i find that changing small things in Six Updater for ACE and DayZ (say, forcing it to use the A2 Beta) are slow and painful, as it commits all changes as soon as you make the change - there are no confirmations. Among other things, I find that more annoying than how slow it is. It has no user confirmations before change application, yet it confirms if you want to run ACE Clippi, every time you launch ACE. And where's this autolaunchapps key? Just awful. Manual installation seems much better to me.
  19. manta-avoid

    Why use Six Updater?

    I'm not 100% about Six Launcher, but Six Updater doesn't launch itself automatically after a software update. Have you encountered this before? With regards to this, is DayZ the first mod you've played for ArmA II? Would you install a mod manually, if shown how? See the link in OP. What kind of hassle do you go through to check for updates to DayZ? Cheers guys :)
  20. Anyone who's been interested in getting a TrackIR might be interested in this, instead. It's head tracking software, but based upon facial recognition. Requires only a webcam. More info on their homepage! http://sourceforge.net/projects/facetracknoir/
  21. manta-avoid

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    You guys... Just stop. Stop it. Stop it. Stop. Stop....
  22. If you were limited to the edge of the drawn map, it just wouldn't be sandbox would it? Where's your sense of adventure? lol
  23. Are you looking for any vehicle in particular? If so, you can go about finding it in two ways: 1. Find where it is likely to spawn, and monitor it actively. With so many players on the server, it's more than likely to be destroyed upon capture than change hands. 2. Hunt for base camps. Scour the map from NW to NE, clearing down. You're bound to find camps and vehicles. I can tell you for a fact, vehicles are a PAIN IN THE ARSE. Once everyone in your crew knows you have one, they'll be whinging for a pickup from the coast. Idiots.
  24. manta-avoid

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Bitchez be... Bitchin'
  25. Yeah. When you overcome the challenges in any situation, do you not naturally seek more interesting, engaging and rewarding challenges? Sure. Shooting relatively defenceless players is less interesting than zombies, and you're always going to find players who do that. So go hunt down someone's camp and the server's vehicles, or lay an ambush at a gas station. Make the world interesting. Don't rely on spoon-fed stimulus or role play to spice it up. Do something that's a challenge!