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Everything posted by WarAndRuin

  1. WarAndRuin

    What graphics card would you recommend?

    Read and understood, Max planck. yes a GTX 680, 1GB GDDR5 with 384 cuda cores at around 5000mhz, will run stand a lone just nicely and game such as bf4 on high settings.
  2. WarAndRuin

    What graphics card would you recommend?

    Use google, are you this much of actual retard get off the forums, stop playing dayz stop giving advice you absolute arse bandit. ( LMFAO doesn't even know how to use google) Keep digging your hole arse wipe.
  3. WarAndRuin

    What graphics card would you recommend?

    Novatech, you obviously don't have much knowledge on how to shop for parts either do you.. And i didn't say bucks i said Pounds you nit, so you have proven you don't correctly read information nor do you understand computer components well i am done here. If you listen to this numpty you are going to be over spending for nothing.
  4. WarAndRuin

    What graphics card would you recommend?

    haha, okay childish youth. I have been building computers for over a decade, i not long ago built a rig with a 80 pound graphics card which was a Nvidia GTX 680. ( 1GB GDDR5 330 CUDA cores ) In which i could play dayz mod on arma 2 maxed, i could play skyrim on steam maxed, tf2,css,COD all maxed. Problem is you teenagers, have no idea and it is all about who has the most expensive parts, you have it all wrong
  5. WarAndRuin

    Combine pistols - dual wield

    In matter of fact there is nothing wrong with this. If you are level headed enough to stop and think about this, why should it not be in the game, in real life you would be more than wanting to duel wield in situation of spray and pray or when you run into a horde of the infected.
  6. WarAndRuin


    To be honest the level of banditory in the SA is a lot lot higher than in the mod! This could be due to lack of content or too many teenagers/Children playing.
  7. WarAndRuin

    What graphics card would you recommend?

    Anything with either at least, 1gb GDDR5 or 2GB GDDR3. And a decent amount of CUDA cores. You can pick up a card around 80 quid that will run any game that is on the market at the moment on high settings.
  8. WarAndRuin

    Sniper Rifles

    There is nothing wrong with a good ol' mossing and a long range scope!
  9. WarAndRuin

    Hackers all over place

    So many bambies.
  10. WarAndRuin


    I'm pretty sure it is in game. It is in the patch notes and dean hall him self stated it was in game. I have managed to fined just over 60+ .357 rounds, but no revolver as of yet.
  11. WarAndRuin

    Dayz Coast Spawning Only: Yes or No

    I think you should spawn totally every spawn. This gives everyone a fair and random chance, instead of having to spawn were every one else has already spawned, so there is no loot and better geared people.
  12. It is just one of the aspects of the game i'm afraid. In a real apocalypse you would probably find this most rife.
  13. WarAndRuin

    The game needs nametags

    be level headed with this chaps, Names plates do come in to use, and they should be applied up to like 25m and should be toggable by individual players so if you disable it, you won't see name plates and other people cannot see yours.
  14. WarAndRuin

    What about the vehicles, rocket?

    Not missing them a whole lot, i am missing tents more than anything.
  15. WarAndRuin

    Will DayZ Come To PS4?

    I really hope not, you want to buy it, purchase a pc.
  16. WarAndRuin

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    Yes it should be bannable. People who do this need to be banned, What is the point in playing the game if every time you run into a major aspect of it, you are going to close the game to avoid it, no not acceptable permanent ban. or, They should implement a simple system were it stops players from combat logging for a number of seconds or if you close the game your character stays put for a number of seconds.
  17. It is a visual indicator, needs to stay really.
  18. Would you like to come on a server with me, maybe i could show you some of the ropes.
  19. WarAndRuin

    Military loot suggestion

    Silly idea, for a long list of reasons.
  20. WarAndRuin


    I would love to have a strong farming aspect in the game, it would be vital in a apocalyptic world.
  21. WarAndRuin

    Suggestion: Rain Ponchos

    Poncho;s are actually a very good idea, you can keep extra slots with jackets and stuff whilst staying dry and keep your temperature steady.
  22. This is something that comes with experience, i have been playing DayZ for well over a year, not long after it was released ( the mod that is). Adaptability comes with time, and knowledge, once you start to learn your surroundings and the map it's self, you gain a huge advantage over others, also navigating through town and major cities will come with time, you learn to avoid hot spots, avoid the infected, and keep visibility to a minimal to others. There is much more as well, but the most easy way to help you, is to tell you to keep playing and keep trying, mistakes are there for a reason chappy.
  23. WarAndRuin

    Barricaded homes?

    Oh of course not chap! There is a ton of ideas i harbor my self for this aspect of the game! I believe the old take and hold building idea was spoke off by dean him self at one point, i think it would be great to be able to find a little cabin or even house close or in the woods, that you can barricade up, next to a small river and close to some near by fields were you can harvest natural supplies. I think a great idea would be of the likes of the Epoch build system, but much more in depth with a lot more materials!