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chet (DayZ)

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About chet (DayZ)

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  1. I've also just been playing on this server. It was empty when I joined, I started running around Cherno as I was a fresh spawn. After 10 minutes of so, "Stuart" joined the server, and within moments I was admin kicked. I tried rejoining a couple of times, and seconds after joining each time was kicked again. Seems like Stuart is running his server so that he can play by himself without any fear of PvP. How do we file an official report against this server?
  2. I can confirm that bodies are left as OP describes. Logged out of a server at the edge of some woods east of Grishino. Logged into another server the next day, the screen started fading in and I noticed I had a broken leg that wasn't broken when I logged out. Suddenly I'm in the debug plains. I disconnect, try another couple of servers, and in both I'm now on the coast with no gear. Searched forums, found this thread, logged back into the debug plain server, made the hour long run from my coast spawn at Otmel back to Grishino and sure enough there was my body, complete with L85A2 AWS and ALICE pack. Couldn't believe my eyes. Then I roamed south a bit and on hearing AS50 shots, went to investigate. Popped up for a look around to see the ghillie shaped thermal signature only 25m away, aiming straight at me. We both fired, we both died. I've never had a love/hate relationship with a game to this extent before, and for that in itself it must be loved.
  3. What's up with the latency with ARMA2 processing bullet damage? I just found myself looking down the thermal scope of my L85A2 AWS at a ghillie suited sniper barely 25m away, in the Old Fields. I fired five shots mid chest at him, and just as I fired the 5th, he fired back with whatever he had (AS50 I think). We both died. I'm positive that I fired first with my volley and that all rounds hit him before he fired, so how come he was able to return fire? Is this a known issue? Seems weird given how accurate bullet and world physics are in every other regard. My ping to the server is 20ms. Related: if anyone wants an L85A2 AWS and what's probably an AS50, they're on the two rocky mounds in the middle of the Old Fields on FR16 =OSF= - I can't be bothered making the run to recover my gear although the guy I killed might be doing that now.
  4. Will do, good idea. Can't be sure it wasn't the admins themselves, but hopefully nobody would be that stupid.
  5. chet (DayZ)

    So.. Hackers. (Not a rage thread)

    It's easy enough to quit as fast as possible as soon as you get teleported. A bigger problem is when you get teleported and then turned into a cow, losing you all weapons and gear. Byebye L85A2 AWS.
  6. I was on GB #500 zenixmedia.co.uk last night, around 22:00 GMT+1. There was a small group of players (2-3) hacking in items. First they teleported a friend I was on Mumble with to their location, before spawning in a helicopter, flying around a bit, then dropping him off somewhere and giving him an M16+M203 plus assorted other gear. A short while later, I was suddenly teleported myself from just north of Novy Sobor to another location (later discovered to be Vishnoye). There was a herd of cattle standing there, and I heard laughter on direct comms. My friend had been teleported here as well, and deduced that the cattle were in fact former players - they'd teleported and turned pretty much everyone on the server into cows. I quit the game as fast as I could, but logging in today I'm at Vishnoye with no gear at all (wiped after being turned into a cow I guess). Oh yeah, and I had an L85A2 AWS that I'd only just found on a crashed heli site. Rage. No nameplates on the server so I don't know who they were exactly.
  7. chet (DayZ)

    Bench blocking barracks entry/exit

    With 20 or so zombies wombling about outside and a Lee Enfield as a weapon, I'm not about to try that :)
  8. chet (DayZ)

    Bench blocking barracks entry/exit

    Okay, I had no idea about the V key allowing you to climb over low objects. Now I guess I don't have to walk around garden fences when moving through villages either. Thanks!
  9. Date/Time: 27th May 2012, 23:30 UK time What happened: Got stuck inside a barracks building, blocked in by a bench that spans the entrance hall of the building. The bench is facing toward the front door of the building, so you can enter the building by walking over it (stepping onto the seat first), but you cannot exit as the back of the bench cannot be climbed. Where you were: NW Airbase barracks What you were doing: Entering a building to search for loot. Current installed version: Server(s) you were on: EU21