Thats strange. When I try to connect i get "you were kicked off the game. "battleye: admin ban (bp-remoteexec-1 Grinser 29.01.2013 20:37:21 <<ip>>)" I mean, yesterday at that time i couldn't even join your server under my nick newb... very strange.
I make y new thread so its gets updated: I could connect to FR 34 Again. Played about 2 Hours, was shot down with an helicopter. More interestedly was the player Gay or Gav. He ate 2 Complete FAL Magazins and had a dog. It was at ~2:10 GMT+1 30.01
Thanks for the Tip, Arma2OA had 147 corrupt files- how in hell?! But it my explain the total hang up my system had on my last try joining FR34. Checking and redownloading my clients, i will give an update when finished.
Good evenning, I've got an "ban" or auto kick without any message or warning on Fr34 and Fr129 under my handle newb. Whats going on? I was quite an frequent guest there.