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Konstantin (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Konstantin (DayZ)

  1. Konstantin (DayZ)

    Would be nice to be able to play...

    You should male sure to launch botch games at lease ONE TIME and load to menu. If you did that, THEN you can install DayZ and play it.
  2. Konstantin (DayZ)

    Starting a DayZ Base/Camp - Recruiting

    I'll also join If you wish. Steam name is Bodobo, pm me If you are interested :)
  3. Konstantin (DayZ)

    Are the new female skins sexist?

    If male models would have bigass muscles noone would give a shit, but because a woman inw a videogame is attractive, for some guy (i personally dont find Herr attractive but oh wellt) all weman start bullshitting about sexism. Hate me for it, but I'm just speaking the truth
  4. Konstantin (DayZ)

    Looking to start an European Bandit Squad (GMT+1)

    I' d probably join, ig you guys let me. Steam name is Bodobo, pm me pls Also I'm from Germany btw