Ok, so he tell's me that he made a mistake with his guid. Here's the correct version: [b ]DayZ Name: AlmightyBlight [b ]Location: Dudley, Birmingham [b ]GUID: fa93162c5fcd93c33490cd4d5b948772
Hi guys, would you mind adding my friend? He's already sent a white list app but i thought I'd be safe and send a request on the forum as well: [b ]DayZ Name: AlmightyBlight [b ]Location: Dudley, Birmingham [b ]GUID: fa93162c5fcd93c3349ocd4d5b948772
Hi guys, Having filled out 3 applications (2 of which were sent 24 hrs ago) I'm still waiting to be allowed on the server. I've also posted my details on the whitelist thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/107711-dayz-unleashed-uk300-whitelisted-private-hive-whitelist-applications/ Any feedback would be much appreciated.