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About roger

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Gaming, Fallout 3-NV, GTA, DayZ

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  • Bio
    I'm just your average Lone Wolf hero in Chernarus, I'm up for trading so if you have any weapons MSG me.
  1. roger

    Looking for czech backpack

    Yes h3retic, it's the same size as the Coyote now.
  2. roger

    Things I have for trade.

    O fuck my bad, m14
  3. roger

    Things I have for trade.

    Stupid offer but would you take a DMR I just need one. :P
  4. roger

    Things I have for trade.

    What would you like for a dmr my friend?
  5. Never happened to me I currently have had my vehicle at base for a few days now.
  6. roger

    FN Fal

    really?, I didn't know.
  7. roger

    FN Fal

    Sorry, not the night vision scope. It's like impossible to use in the day since well it's Night vision. :P
  8. roger

    FN Fal

    I would like to aquire one of these willing to trade an M14, don't ask why. I just prefer the FAL. Thanks
  9. roger

    Need FN-FAL

    I just like the feel of the Fal.
  10. roger

    Need FN-FAL

    How fucking dumb are you man, I can tell you don't really play DayZ. 1) They're not 1 hit kill guns, 2) you're a brony.., 3) this isn't cheating. Also; I've seen your videos, you suck massive dick.
  11. roger

    Need FN-FAL

    Hey guys, I'm willing to trade my M14 (4 Mags) for a FN-Fal (4 Mags). THANKS!
  12. If I found one I'll hit you up straight away.
  13. Shit, I just found one and passed it. I really need a DMR!
  14. roger


    Man, would you take an M14 for a DMR :P, I really need one.