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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. My buddy and i stumbled across a cheater on NZ. We were minding our own business in Elektro when he showed up nearby - unarmed - so we shot him in the leg and were about to leave him to it when he spawned in a crate. We then killed him. The crate was empty. After heading into Elektro we stumbled across him again near the beach. Again we shot him, and nearby was yet another crate. He was using the name =K5DC= Drunkenmaster I'm guessing he'd downloaded a script but hadn't worked out how to use it properly.
  2. Should include that this occurred at approx 1245 NZT.
  3. Remember the feeling you got when you played your first real PC game? I'm not talking about the likes of minesweeper or solitaire - i'm talking about games like Wolf3D, Doom, Dune, C&C, heck i even remember playing Privateer on an old 486. Back then, gaming was great; magical even, but why? Gameplay was often harsh, the graphics were simple, as were the mechanics and victories were hard earned. Since that time, many games have come and gone, but precious few have replaced that sense of magic i got playing games 15 years ago. Todays games are the same games i was playing 15 years ago. The graphics and game mechanics are vastly better to what they once were, but the gameplay is still lacking. Somewhere along the way, gameplay was set aside for better looking games and better physics. What we get now are the same games, every year. Originality is dead. Perhaps the best example of just how bad the gaming industry has become is the Call of Duty series. Every year Activision re-releases the exact same game (save for a few new weapons etc.) and laughs all the way to the bank. The Battlefield series isn't much better. Currently i have MOH Tier-1 installed on my PC, but i have never played it. I can't bring myself to even try as i know exactly what i'm in for. I mentioned earlier that precious few games have restored that sense of magic i got when i first started gaming. Operation Flashpoint happened to be one of those games. The single player campaign in that game was incredibly immersive. Starwars Galaxies (before the CU), my first ever MMO was another. I've been somewhat numb to gaming since then. Often i find myself gaming merely for something to do. There have definitely been games that i have thoroughly enjoyed (mainly the Arma series online and the Total War series), but none i'd consider to have that 'magic'. At least until Day-Z. But why? What makes it so special? The graphics are hardly cutting edge, the physics are appalling and the character animations are almost cringe worthy. Day-Z falls short in these areas but overcompensates with undoubtedly the most important characteristic of all: gameplay. This game has it in spades. With that fantastic gameplay comes a level of immersion that i haven't experienced since Operation Flashpoint. Playing Day-Z can be harsh and often unrewarding. Not everybody is a winner here. There is no directed gameplay and no thin storyline tacked on as an afterthought. All you have are your own choices, and their consequences. There is magic in this simplicity. I noticed Rocket mentioned in one of the many threads on this forum, that no publisher would touch this idea for a game. I bet those publishers are watching very closely now. Day-Z has such incredible potential. To Rocket, i thank you. Thank you for restoring some of that gaming 'magic' i've so sorely missed. It feels *really* good to be excited about a game once more, and i hope your mod sees nothing but success. I do hope you continue to develop this. If you decide to charge for the finished product (and you should, you deserve it) i'll happily part with my money. Whatever the case, i'm along for the ride!
  4. While you can't zero the crosshair to a specific range, you can absolutely use the mil-dots to compensate for different known ranges. I have a notebook sitting next to my keyboard that details how many mil-dots high a person will be at differing ranges, and how many dots of compensation are required at differing ranges. If you want to be successful with the DMR at any meaningful range, you'll want to do the same. BTW the DMR is zero'd to 400m (zoomed).
  5. YES It's genius. Make people WORK for their rewards - thats what Day-Z is all about.
  6. Changes nothing. As does any of this whining or bickering. Rocket has shown that he is pretty clear on the direction he wants to go with this mod. Take a look at the latest patch... Protip: There won't be any 'my little ponies'
  7. This meme again? Tell me again why discussing problems with a game in alpha state is faggotry. WillyWonka.jpg (Apologies to whom I stole the meme tag from) Problems? Looks to me like a bunch of care bears whinging about the game being too hard. Protip: It's not.
  8. This thread just affirms that Rocket has indeed listened to the right people. On multiple occasions Rocket has stated that Day-Z is an 'anti-game' -think on that for a second. Now THAT is why Day-Z has been so successful. I get sick and tired of whining carebears. If it's too hard, go back to COD, BF3, WoW or wherever it is you came from. In Day-Z you are expected to make your own fun. Satisfaction and rewards are HARD EARNED, and mean that much more for it. If you expect the game to hold your hand and serve up rewards on a silver platter, then you are in the wrong place. The likes of YOU are to blame for the sorry state of the game industry today. Those hardcore players are the ones who were here supporting the community long before Day-Z showed up. Why wouldn't Rocket take advice from them? They aren't a bunch of fair weather carebears who threaten to leave every time things get challenging. If you don't like it. LEAVE. Don't expect the game to conform to YOU. Adapt and overcome, or get left behind.
  9. I know this was introduced a few patches back, and that players would got the one time option to choose whether or not they wanted to be a male/female character. I was never presented with this choice. Is there anyway to manually make the selection? I'd like to roll a female character if it is still possible.
  10. Sounds like a complete waste of time. Build an Ivy Bridge system, slap a decent cooler on the CPU and overclock the hell out of it.
  11. Agreed. The game was actually really good to begin with. Then all the carebears showed up and the forums were flooded with- Waaaahh wahhh! the night is too dark! Waaahhh wahhh! there are too many zombies!! Waaaahh wahhh! where are all the vehicles?!?! Now it's just all about PVP. The first weeks of the game were great, because surviving was actually a challenge. The night was actually something to be afraid of (flares had a purpose!). Now it's all just meh. Rocket, if you read this - f*ck the carebears. This is supposed to be the zombie apocalypse! BRING IT ON.
  12. I was top of the bandit killer leaderboards for over a week all thanks for the CZ. The military sniper rifles offer little over the CZ but magazine capacity and ROF. The CZ is easily acquired, ammo is freely available, it can be zero'd to target and is extremely accurate. A great rifle!
  13. Come the second world war, long time rivals Britain and France were united together under one cause: defeating the Germans. This extended to friendly ties with the Soviets as well. Despite being weary of Stalin's dictatorial regime, the allied powers recognised the importance of having the Soviets on-side for the war effort. Churchill himself commented that he'd even give the devil a favourable reference in the house of commons if Hitler ever invaded hell. Stalin wasn't quite the devil, but arguably came close. The point i'm trying to make here is simple: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The current state of in-game affairs is largely the result of a lack of things to do in-game. The zombie threat is barely a threat at all. Once the zombie mechanics are understood, the zombies almost cease to be a real danger to any experienced player. When people get bored of the zombies they begin to turn on each other. I'll admit that even i have partaken in a bit of banditry for simply a lack of anything better to do. One simple mechanic will address some of the problems: a greater external threat. We need better zombies. Not only more, but also stronger zombies that are much deadlier. The military spawns especially need to be zombie hot spots. High end loot should be inaccessible except to large groups of well armed players working together. This simple mechanic FORCES people to work together. It encourages teamwork and discourages solo play. It doesn't exclude banditry altogether - that will always exist in one form or another and is a necessary part of the game. However the greatest rewards should come about as a result of working together. The current high level of zombies still isn't enough. Last night i was able to solo my way onto the NW airfield and loot the place dry. It just meant being sneakier than usual. This shouldn't be the case. I believe the game should get more dangerous the further the player travels inland. The larger coastal cities should exist as low-threat player havens where players can band together, forage for supplies and then trek inland. This helps to build on the social RPG element too. Engaging players inside the 'safe zones' should result in instant death (easily scripted). Another game idea is that of zombie 'bosses'. These could be super-tough, super-dangerous zombies that drop decent loot. The 'infection' could perhaps lead to mutations that result extremely deadly creatures that exist in the north only? Understand that i DON'T want to turn this into a zombie version of WOW, but there are elements of those games that work extremely well and can be utilised here. Players need to have a good reason to band together. Currently, the only good reason is to keep safe from bandits - but this really does get old after a while and is a bit of a damper on immersion. This mod is in danger of becoming a PVP free-for-all, and that would really suck. If i want PVP there are a ton of other games to play. This game has something really unique but isn't capitalising on it as much as it should be. So, to summarise: Zombie numbers need increasing Zombies need to be made more dangerous Zombie mutants further north Zombie 'bosses' with decent loot Safe zone towns on the southern coast The result? More teamwork and cooperation, and less banditry. Your thoughts?