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Posts posted by j.v.ross81@gmail.com

  1. Hi all ,

    2 months ago i saw a game called dayz ,thought it looked amazing so i built a pc and got the game ...The first few weeks a thought it was the best game i had ever played until i started to run into hackers script kiddes or what ever they are called (i dont care).i still continue to play dayz most days and its sooooooo annoying walking ,running, driving around a server for days on end collecting kit just to have it wiped out in a second because some little child decided to hack the server ....

    So the question is ...is there anyone out there 30 years old and over who play dayz and would like to start a server together .Only the more mature people would be allowed in etc take some sorting but let me know and being 39 myself i really cant be botherd with hackers etc

    You are welcome to join mine, im always looking for regulars. I have a few old timers who play on my server, cuz its non PVP. We have voice coms (TeamSpeak). Check my banner below for the address

  2. This is my final piece to say..

    You saw me 3-4 (or more) times standing on the Oil tank. Not once did you ask if it was owned by anyone, had you done that I would have said something, and not to mention you stoled items out of a heli that default spawns do not have (engine parts, G36 mags, etc are never part of a default spawned vehicle). Server description states rules, no stealing, no pvp, if there are any questions, Side chat is enabled for a reason on my server.

    You stream, you have a mic, but yet you decided to type in side chat instead of using voice, which I dont understand.

  3. I entered a server that was non-pvp with a friend, just so he could try out some aircrafts. When I got to the airfield, I found an Osprey with no one around it in the middle. I hopped in, and moments later I'm being shot at. People in side channel are saying "someone took the admin's helicopter." So I asked if it was the admin's, with intent of returning it. Then an individual made a rude remark towards me about getting out of it, and I was instantly kicked before I could say or do anything. Between that and the constant spawning of items, the admins are rather abusive of their power, it seems.

    The IP address is, with the name "Gwilo Productions Gaming."

    I'm just putting this as a warning for what you're in for if you decide to enter such an immature server. This was my first time on the server, and I didn't talk with or encounter anyone else on it beside from my friend.

    Since I was streaming, I have footage of the incident, here.

    Ok, after reviewing this video, Not only did you look at me TWICE on the tower, but you checked to see if there was gear in it, and YOU took items out of it, Server rule NO STEALING, which is stated IN THE TITLE!?!?.

    Does it not occur to you that if there is gear in a vehicle, that perhaps someone is close by? You did not ask, to see if anyone owned it, or if anyone was at the airstrip.

    Not only that, Server Rules state NO STEALING or you will be banned. My rules are fair, and I am a fair admin. Regulars on my server, play on my server for a reason. Because of the rules. You did not ask once in SIDE to see if anyone owned it, even tho many people were chatting in it. Side is enabled for a reason on my server.

    Its like robbing a liquor store, getting caught on video, then saying you didnt do it...

    Now as a fellow, streamer, I am willing to hear your reasonings as to why my server rules were not followed. If you would like to Appeal, then please PM me here.

    Oh and if anyone wants to follow this "abusive" admin, then follow me on twitch ---> http://www.twitch.tv/jantik Contests are run after every 50 subscribers, I have about 20 or so games to give away..

  4. Greetings,

    I had a question about the messaging via the database, maybe I am not doing something right (possible as this is my first time hosting/admining a game server). I have seen a few guides on messaging via the database, I have a few messages already in my DB, however I never see them broadcast.

    Is messaging via DB working? or am I just missing something?



    Gwilo Productions admin

  5. Hello Everybody,

    My name is Max, and I'm creating this topic to get the community's response to a potential website I have in mind.

    I have tried looking and searching around the internet and have not found any live DayZ radio stations.

    I have experience in internet radio stations, I set up minecraftradio when it was in alpha and it was pretty successful but with university demands I had to stop for a while and never picked it back up.

    My Idea is simple, I create a DayZ radio station, these are the potential benefits I see.

    - Live Music 24/7

    - DJ Blocks (Different Genre, TimeZones Etc)

    - Live Events (Have many ideas for these)

    - Interviews (With DayZ staff if possible, community leaders and podcasts for dayz discussions etc)

    - Much More as it grows

    The reason why I'm trying to get some feedback is because I've seen hints of a past radio for dayz but it seems like it was a in-game thing and not internet. However If there was then why did it fail?

    Most radio stations fail because they are setup by inexperienced people who do not realize what they are getting into.

    So, Please can you give me your feedback below, Radio stations are not cheap, so before I start I would like opinions from you the players on the following things.

    Would You listen to the radio? While you play? and maybe even when you are not?

    Do you think a Radio Station would work?

    Have you any ideas?

    Are you interested in being a DJ?

    And anything else you would like to say.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, I look forward to the responses.

    - inFamousMax

    I am actually working on a smilar idea :) but it will encompas all I do, not just DayZ in particular.

  6. Hello all,

    I recently started my own DayZ private hive server, and here is my question. I am looking to make custom/unique vehicles, lets say a ural with 400 item slots 20 bag slots 20 weapon slots. Has anyone tried this, and if so, could you show me how I would implement this.

    I am running Bliss for reference.



    Gwilo Productions Gaming
