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About DimpsyStyle

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Montana usa
  1. Name: Sage Age: 16 How long have you been playing DayZ: idk don't keep track a good while Your Roll: anything Skype: dimpsystyle Why should I pick you: cause im bored and wanna team with someone Do you have a mic: I wouldn't fill this out if I didnt
  2. Name: Sage Age: 16 How long have you been playing DayZ: bought 2 full days ingame Your Roll: sniper/medic/pilot Skype: dimpsystyle Why should I pick you: I play like a boss. I also have a camp started on thezombieinfection server I can tell you about Do you have a mic: of course. only queers don't have mics
  3. Skype : dimpsystyle i am somewhat noobish but like to say i play "like a boss" in other words my goal is to live for more than an hour just once
  4. DimpsyStyle

    Looking for a partner or a group

    Hi I'm a rooky to. about a week in. play with anyone friendly. skype is dimpsystyle . ill play whatever server long as it doesnt spawn with a weapon i like the difficulty part of this game so.