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About ThatFriendlySniper

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Helping people out when they are in dire need, Listening to: Two steps from Hell while sniping, eavesdropping, Hiding in my gillie suites 10ft away from you, Killing bandits, Helping Bambi's, Rhinocrunch, FrankieonPCin1080p, Youtube, Rock, DayZ of course.

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    I am the shadow I am the knife at your back I am the warrior 800 meters away I am the silent death.
  1. ThatFriendlySniper

    DayzBrahs.de Hunger games event

    Sounds great need to get my build made first but as soon as thats done i hope events like this will be available still, Bump
  2. ThatFriendlySniper

    Maiming without killing

    I really like that idea, If by apply preassure you slow the rate of bleeding by 50% or so giving your friends time to come and help you out in your hour of need. Love that idea i really hope its addopted into the game, its small things like this that i find Great !
  3. ThatFriendlySniper

    Best Dayz troll ever

    any links to think i think ive watched all of Frankies videos on DayZ but i cant remember seeing that
  4. ThatFriendlySniper

    Best Dayz troll ever

    was funny because of the suspense i think if he would have been to edit it would have lost some of that funny aspect
  5. ThatFriendlySniper

    Reason behind your username?

    Because im a sniper and well .... im generally friendly who would have guessed !