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47 Good

About lommetyv

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Just started playing. Met with friendliness on side-chat. Come join, it's a good server. =)
  2. Looking for a populated vanilla server! And I don't want one with 500 cars & 600 helicopters. Choosing spawn, starter gear. All that stuff. Just a completely normal server. Just 15 or 20 people minimum would be nice. Anyone know of one or are playing on one? Please let me know! :)
  3. I am thinking you probaby have something else bound to the key 'Alt'. Some movement key. :)
  4. lommetyv

    Have you scared people with voicechat

    I use voice-chat when I sneak up on someone who has a weapon & I've only got a hatchet. Then when I get close I start yelling & screaming like a maniac in the microphone so he panics. Which usually ends well for me! :P
  5. lommetyv


    Good idea!
  6. Why do you need to turn around fast, in this game? I don't quite get it. If you get shot from the side or behind you in close-quarters you're dead. Spinning around is not going to save you in this game. It's not Counter Strike or Battlefield :P At long range it makes no difference. And if you sprint into a town like capturing a flag in battlefield & get shot from behind or the side you deserve to die. >:(
  7. lommetyv

    Patch 114343 reduced loot spawn.

    It's a survival game. If you want to be instantly kitted out from the beginning. I suggest you play Battlefield or CoD where you spawn in fully loaded with a primary, secondary & grenades! Because DayZ does not sound like the game for you if you don't like scavenging for your gear. :huh:
  8. lommetyv

    10 bullets follow-up

    Well, I was thrilled. Well done. :P
  9. lommetyv

    Time to be a bandit.

    The people who have everything & nothing to lose are the most dangerous players you can run into. In best case, avoid these people. Be friendly to people you meet further in-land. As they won't just charge at you with fists or a melee weapon because they ran a long way & actually have some gear to lose. :)
  10. lommetyv

    Why do YOU play DayZ?

    I play DayZ, because it's the only game that gives me an adrenaline rush, heart-racing & breath-taking battles with other players, that will make my hands shake in excitement. The feeling that any moment may be my last & I will lose everything I worked for. And the ecstasy of victory when I kill my enemy & I loot my spoils of war. Nothing quite like it.
  11. The day I discovered private hives on the mod I ONLY played on private hives. ¤ No server hopping, which means players will actually roam the map. :) ¤ No ghosting! (Logging off in combat, join another server, go behind the enemy, log back to the original server & kill your opponet) ¤ There will be no combat-logging & joining another server. You have to join the same server, which means you can camp his combat-log spot. >:( ¤ You get to learn the location of tents & cars. ¤ You get to know the players you play with & some private hives even have forums. ^_^ ¤ There will be admins only focusing on their server. Private hives would solve a few issues. :)
  12. lommetyv

    Laggy Mouse Movement

    Turn Mouse smoothing all the way down :)
  13. lommetyv

    Always High Ping issue and High Dsync

    How high ping are we talking? And where are you located? Maybe you joined servers in another region? Go into filters and make sure you have the right region selected. And also is it only in DayZ you experience high ping?
  14. lommetyv

    Day or Night before joining.

    Join populated servers & you won't have this problem. ;)
  15. lommetyv

    Hello all ;]

    Loot doesn't respawn before server restart. So try and find a fresh server, that has restarted recently. Then you'll find much more than rotten fruit ;) And you can open canned goods with almost any Sharp object. Even a hatchet!