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Everything posted by codestargod

  1. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Nobody wanna plant de corn, but everybody wanna raid de barn... Who you gonna blame it on? It is de next man that you depend 'pon. WELL YOU WRONG!!! walks off shaking my head. <_<
  2. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I hate to say it, but i got Bat's back here, man... may the beans be with you dawg.
  3. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Of course. Why couldn't you do this? than is, if you get to your body on time before someone else loots it. Also, (and this is provided that it is even possible) if you are bitten by a zombie and become infected, then I think it would be cool if you'd lose total control over your character, and could eventually come across it in the future in a zombie state (temporarily). That would be some freaky shit.
  4. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Your eff'ed up logic was when you implied that an idea is bad simply because someone who made a bad game, implemented the stated idea aswell. The idea could very well be a very good idea, dressed in bad wolf's clothing.
  5. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I was talkin' 'bout Miffy, ya noob.
  6. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Rocket, check it out... you can get even with this noob by implementing my idea in my last post.. bet it will piss him off real good. :D
  7. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Now there's a bit of eff'ed up logic for you...
  8. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    yes, yes... but you have got to admit that it is a simple yet brilliant idea that serves to place even greater importance on one's life. 'Reincarnation' (reuse of call sign) should not be an option in DayZ... or at least, reincarnation should only be possible after a few life cycles after death. The call sign should be placed in a 'purgatory' database for a period of time before it can be used by the player again. To add to the mix, depending on whether the player has been good or bad, they will be offered the opportunity by the god of DayZ to be reincarnated (i.e. allowed to reuse their original call sign) sooner than a character with a history of evil. "DayZ was designed to be impossibly cruel, dark, and brutal. It was not designed as a game, it was more of an experiment. I prefer the term 'anti-game'." - rocket So say we all!!! :P
  9. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Here's a thought... To add to the imbedded cruelty that is life in DayZ, it should be that if a player dies, then he cannot use the same name for a certain number of life cycles after death. This will force him/her to invent an entirely new character. Rocket, you can thank me for that brilliant idea in your own time.
  10. codestargod

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    He's lying!! I say we string Fraggle up and torture him for info. Who's with me?
  11. codestargod

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    Chances are there is electricity and high speed internet in the mountains where he is going. I find it unlikely that he will take a day off for a hiking trip. In fact, I would have none of it.
  12. codestargod

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    No need to be depressed. Think about it... if DayZ does get canned, it will go down in history as possibly the best game that never existed. We will all share a part in that epic history! Always look on the bright side! :)
  13. On this note, here are some ideas.. The map item could be made such that it is unique to a player.. In this case a player could place markers and notes on it identifying where the loot was hidden. In order for another player to find these items, they would need to steal this player's map and go on a treasure hunt. Another interesting item that could be included is a small camera (one of the very old ones that requires a roll of film polaroids). This way a user could take snapshots of interesting things for future reference. Players should also be able to secure and conceal their items in trees as long as they have a sack to keep the items in, some rope and camouflage netting for proper concealment. Another way could be in small dug out holes if they have a strong shovel and as long as the items are small. I wouldn't worry about the map being saturated with lots of buried treasure. It would be fun if in trying to bury treasure, you dug up someone else's... it happens all the time. In any case, items could not be stored there indefinitely as players would have to return once in a while to either move them or maintain their hideout, as the hideout's effectiveness should degrade over time. As time passes, the older buried treasure is slowly revealed to other players on the map as newly spawned loot (with potentially very high value). The mechanism of revealing buried loot instead of spawning new loot could also be integrated into the loot generation mechanic as a means of limiting the actual amount of spawned loot to a finite controllable value. It is also a nice way of implementing randomly spawned items. If the developers keep to the object oriented framework in coding, then all of this should be easily implemented. Or, they could hire me to do it for them.
  14. codestargod

    Server with the most action?

    look for more threads like this one in the months to come after DayZ release.
  15. codestargod

    Server with the most action?

    Picture an ass ugly white chick with the face of a pig in the line-up for America's Next Top Model. I am sure he would stand out from the crowd for a lot of people as well, but this does not necessarily mean it is a good thing. Have you considered this? Better for you to feel a bit disappointed than for a potentially epic game to end up in the gamers hall of shame.
  16. codestargod

    Server with the most action?

    This is what I have been saying all along (rocket... listen up!). I really hope the developers take my warnings to heart. They will be setting themselves up for an epic failure if they do not embed some form of non-player dependent content in the form of quests, missions and skill systems etc that keep players engaged, independent of other player involvement. Have a look at my other posts for some very good ideas on how this could work.
  17. codestargod

    Server with the most action?

    Rocket et al This post highlights a clear reason why designing DayZ as a 100% player centric online game spread over multiple servers, and devoid of any auto quest mechanic is not a good idea. Chances are the majority of the servers will be desolate as players will naturally tend to those servers where there is the most action generated solely by other players. This will invariably leave the other servers practically unused and very boring. Further to this, the ones with the most action will also probably have the most PvP, or the longest wait times to log on. Entry-Level DayZ fans will certainly not find this appealing in the least. Now imagine you were a semi-seasoned DayZ'er not in a clan, and you ventured on a server with just around 5-10 other players.and nothing bug zombies to shoot at or run from all day, with no interesting quests to keep your mind engaged. Pretty soon, the game becomes exceptionally boring and the majority of players will loose interest.
  18. codestargod

    My idea's

    I think its fairly safe to assume that Russia got rid of all their car shops after the whole Chernobyl incident... But even so, we don't have to strictly follow reality, after all, it is a game. I'm sure you'd find some abandoned car lots etc. in russia still. Am I on point here?
  19. codestargod

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    My only contention with this is that the cans of beans at 2:11 look more like medium sized cans of paint. Anyone foolish enough to scarf down a whole can of one of these bad boys will undoubtedly end up with a serious bout of the runnings. My advice would be to make them smaller. Also, the rooms are too tidy. Let's mess things up abit.
  20. codestargod

    The Notorious Can Incident

    well I for on prefer authenticity. What's wrong with a can of authentic Cambell's soup? or something pertaining to that region? Or, if you are worried about copyright, how about Canpwell's soup instead? See what I did there?... I changed the letters so that it looks like the real thing, only it is not. Cool, yea? I thought so to. I invented that, you know.
  21. codestargod

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    Well I guess you could... but I am right nevertheless. :|
  22. codestargod

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    I thought the 'Z' in DayZ stood for Zombie, not infected or virus... By your logic, it should be called DayI or DayV, then... Am i totally off here?
  23. codestargod

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    meebe the food items were spoiled. No need to risk anyone getting the shittings by eating spoiled food... not good for moral. Best to remove them all.
  24. codestargod

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    I don't know about you, but I like a bit of blood in my beans... its a great source of iron and copper.
  25. codestargod

    No longer given option to pick gender

    Don't feel down. You could always consider going drag...