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Everything posted by codestargod

  1. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I'm thinking of sending a horde of sucubii to astrally rape your dumb ass. Infact, I think I might just do that. Don't sleep tonite. :thumbsup: Also, loose the purple text.
  2. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    ...and speaking of tidy little piles, what are the plans for making the inside of buildings look absolutely filthy and germ infested? If I am goiing to be forced to break and enter a house to look for food, the least you could do is brighten the place up by adding some blood and poop stains left by the previous occupants. This will only serve to make the place that much more inviting to rummage through, me thinks.
  3. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Funny. I was gonna tell this guy to go stick his head up his ass, but you beat me to it. In this case, maybe he should first stick his head up his ass, then pull it out. This way everyone involved is ensured a happy time.
  4. codestargod


    I'm over in Cherno, usually hanging out on the tall building. Wait by the supermarket and I'll come to you... give you all the help you need. Also, I might be able to exchange that hunting knife for something with a little more bite. Just wave when you get there.
  5. codestargod

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Are plans in the works for players to craft their own ammunition? Handloading should be a viable skill and an alternative to finding pre-made ammunition: http://cheaperthandi...ing-starter-kit You can have players stumble apon crates of casings, lead bullets, powder etc, from which they could start supplememtning their own ammo. I'd also like to make some booby traps with the gunpowder :)
  6. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    ...giving bored and civilized people the freedom to de-evolve into murderous animals, and merc each other out like they always wanted to in their so-called 'civilized' society... nice. If this is the case then it implies two things: 1) that boredom, privilege and an unquenchable thirst for violence causes 'civilized' human beings to suck immensely. You all probably deserve to be eaten by zombies or done away with by some really, really mean Aliens, then. 2) Given its current architecture DayZ will probably de-evolve into all out PvP, if greater challenge (quests/skills/crafting system) and less privilege are not implemented.
  7. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    told you so
  8. If rifles, magazines and ammunition are now objects rather than strings, there should be the ability to make your own ammunition like a real hand-loader does.
  9. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    i am a bit put off that there was no mention of a mission generator of some kind. huff!! Also, one thing that is glaringly absent is the ability for players to make their own ammunition. This could be part of an an advanced skill that could lead to players becoming experienced in gunsmithing/repair, maintenance and handloading.
  10. codestargod

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Yea. I was thinking of having a system like this so that various auxiliary quests could be available for players to access. These could either be generated in a combination of auto and player generated missions. Auto-generated missions could be linked to the general lore of the game as they may have been posted by residents who once lived there before the Zeds ate them all up. As these residents all speak Chernerrusian, players would need to find themselves a translation dictionary in order to translate and access these quests. Player generated quests could potentially be anything.These could be written in english, but in order to be able to leave these, you'd first have to secure a notepad and writing instrument. Another type of bulletin board could be one found in the public square. Kinda like the type of post-board that the dude in 28 days later came across at the beginning of the movie just after he left the hospital. Of course, you'd hafta fight your way past the zombies to either read or leave messages, but chances are this is where you'd find some neat side missions :) Players should also be able to "take message" as an indication that they have taken the quest up.
  11. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I hate children. Especially those between 13 and 17. If it were me I would have cuffed that smelly little spuff square in the neck without so much as a warning. Then i'd sit down and continue to read my magazine.
  12. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I think it is highly irresponsible to go gallivanting at some trifling party on Mount Everest when a game needs to be finished. This is what's wrong with the world today!! I also think it is irresponsible to post in bright green text... what are you? a whore?
  13. codestargod

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Yea, but days survived doesn't give you benefits of getting better at your crafting more efficiently. Realistically, things should get easier the more you do it. It doesn't matter if it means you'll have a bunch of people training on specific jobs like crafting whores. In real life, isn't this kinda like what we do in school or university? We focus on a specific task till we get real, real good at it.. like... y'know... like a whore.
  14. codestargod

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Concept DayZ is looking sexier by the minute, now. Dev Team take note. I COMMAND YOU TO TAKE NOTE!!!
  15. codestargod

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    now how about a subtle experience skill set that increases the efficiency at crafing? Nothing too elaborate like EVE, just something to set each avatar apart from the rest ingame.
  16. codestargod

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    you didn't mention crafting ammunition!!!!! Say that this is a good idea. I command you!!
  17. codestargod

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    cummon!!! what about a handloader kit so's we can start crafting our own ammo? http://cheaperthandi...ing-starter-kit It's reasonable to assume that in a time of great crisis people would revert to doing this when ammo supplies are running low. Whereas you'd probably find just a box of ammo, you might stumble across a crate of empty casings/ lead bullets/gun powder, etc. that you can add to the other list of items you'd first need to find. Not to mention the requirement to have the necessary skill. Ammunition is sure to become rarer and rarer, forcing people to make their own. Not only that, but for weapons like the British Lee Enfield .303 and other older weapons with odd calibers, handloading is practically the only choice as surplus ammo is hard to come by for civilians. Also, i think it would be a good idea that if people die, they cannot use the same username as a character untile a certain time has elapsed. This forces them to invent a whole new character and not respawn immediately as the same individual to then rejoin their team. Permadeath should mean just that, with no reincarnated characters.
  18. codestargod

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    cummon!!! what about a handloader kit so's we can craft our own ammo? It's reasonable to assume that people should revert to doing this when ammo supplies are running low. http://cheaperthandirt.com/blog/?tag=lee-reloading-starter-kit
  19. codestargod


    sounds like glee!!! sign me up!! oops... bump
  20. I prefer the latter suggestion as it makes far more sense. I would also suggest that the gipsies were also making their own ammunition. In this way, you'd be sure to come across a reloading kit somewhere in Cherno. Here's one I'd love to get my hands on: http://cheaperthandi...ing-starter-kit 'though it ain't hafta be nothin' too fancy :)
  21. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    dude sounds like a goddamn retard. I think this video gave me cancer :(
  22. codestargod

    What are your stories of friendship or betrayal?

    It's stories like this that lets me know i'ma merk the first one of you mutha-effers that comes near me... That's some cold shit, man.
  23. Now this raises an interesting point about a potential game feature. It would be even more realistic if it were possible for players to make their own ammunition; That is, if they could find the necessary items such as casings, bullets, primers, die press, gunpowder, primer tool and data sheet for the type of round you intend to make. These could possibly be found separately, or in large crates as opposed to pre-made ammunition which may normally be found in very small quantities at a time. It would also mean that players might also need to spend some time collecting their spent casings for reuse if they are not too badly damaged. I'd imagine that in the outback, there would be tonnes of people content with making their own ammunition on a low budget. If you could find a residence of one such individual, it'd be like striking pay dirt provided you have the necessary skills. Also, there would be some obvious dangers involved if you are not experienced enough at this... primers could go off and you could loose an eye (temporarily, of course) or even a permanent scar; rounds may misfire and jam or completely destroy the rifle/handgun. In addition, you'd need to transport your toolkit to a quiet place away from zombie attacks or bandits. All the more to add variety to the game. So glorious is this idea that as such, I hereby declare that this be added to the game on pre-release!!!
  24. Here's an issue I've been having with the Lee Enfield .303. Pretty much, surplus ammo for this rifle is very limited in quantity. Here in the U.S. most owners end up handloading if they want to take it out to the range. So, why is there so much ammo laying about for this rifle in Cherno?