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Everything posted by codestargod

  1. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    And that's where the wrath of god comes in if all else fails. Only god can truly change the hearts amd minds of the sinner... If the developers implement a god mechanic in the game to righteously condem evil doers, then this will surely add to the solution.
  2. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    no it doesn't!!! will you stop being an overly melodramatic whinny little french girl...
  3. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    This suggestion will not solve the problem you speak of in its entirety, but it will help. My suggestion is two-fold: Walk with a white flag in hand instead of a weapon if you are not under threat of zombie attack,and don't be afraid to use this as your first defense if you spot a possible stranger. Obviously, you will not do this in the open looking like an ass with a target painted on your chest, but rather, very daintily. Even in the old days of the wild west as it is now, if you spotted a dude brandishing a weapon in firing position, chances are that mofo meant to do some damage and couldn't be trusted. If you don't want to be on the business end of mistaken identity, act sensibly, and keep your weapon concealed until you are certain that you need to use it. Secondly, if you don't want to shoot someone acidentilly, keep a look out for white flags, and keep your weapon concealed until you are certain you need to use it. Anyone who doesn't follow these simple rules is a potential threat anyways, and should be taken down before they take you down. This is also true in the real world, and works fine in this case.
  4. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Is that what you are calling him now? ^_^
  5. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Good. So there is room then for god to smite thee if thou are less pleasing in his sight, and fall short of the favor of his omnipotent presence. Now there's a good reason to keep your morality in check, sinners. If you don't, you'll be skull fucked by the holiest of holys. :P
  6. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Dude... just offering suggestions for how rocket could make this game more enjoyable for everyone. another suggestion ifs for skills/abilities to be a feature that could be enabled/disabled server side.
  7. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Fine, then... if not perm ban, then the designers should make it possible for the wrath of god to manifest itself ingame. That is, if the player's morality is too low, they get a message from god warning them of this fact. If they still have not taken heed of god's warnings, they come down with a serious bout of the shittings. Or, they suffer from bad luck or poor concentration from the guilt, and mysteriously loose random items now and then, have weapons jam on occasion... just until they boost their morality back up to where it should be. In tracking IPs after a victim has reported them, appointed marshals can track them down in-game, monitor them from a distance, give them warning... or a taste of their own medicine. They could potentially be the Big Brother that you never had.
  8. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Agreed. and i just explained how 'making a player feel bad or good' based on their actions is simulated. It is simulated by using a reward/sanction system. That is, Encumbrances or Assists are added to the avatar depending on the players' past actions. Yes, it has been done and is not new, but is the only way to assign pphysical meaning to morality in-game.
  9. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Well, if it's believed to be sufficient horse-shit enough to keep the third personality type I mentioned from buying the game, then I have proven my point and it should be implemented. Now why do I get the feeling that you are this illusive third personality type? :rolleyes:
  10. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    If you throw a brick into a pack of wild dogs, the one who screams the loudest is usually the one you hit the hardest... :rolleyes:
  11. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Did anyone watch that episode of Seinfield about the show they were going to do about "nothing"? This is an awful lot like that. So how'd that work out for them?
  12. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    So let's say that there is a morality system in place... how exactly will this make a person 'feel bad'?? ooohh nooes... i haves -1000 morality. whut am i gunna do now? You still have to tie this into some physical encumbrance that the avatar will accrue or it is pointless. And what about the plusses associated with +ve morality? This will require advantages being awarded. In the real world, the encumbrance is that your ass get's haulled off to the penetentiary and be sexed up by hairy obease men if you are bad, or if you are good, you get lots of sex with beautiful women, along with fame, money and an assortment of psychidellic drugs, thereby gaining various advantages this way. Either way, certain skill proficiencies are acquired to be boasted (or not boasted) about. It still boils down to having some kind of skills based system, which is what I have been a strong advocator of since the begining.
  13. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    I thought that was godfather... naw man, I haven't watched taxi driver. is that the comedy with Danny De Vito? which episode?
  14. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    dude... the morality system will still have to be an auto-imposed skill system... without all the niceness that comes with traditional auto-imposed skill systems...
  15. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Struck a nerve, I see... <_<
  16. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    There are three categories of genuine persons who kill on DayZ: 1) Those persons who are genuinly shit scared of you, and prefer to be safe than sorry. 2) Those persons who are bandits and genuinely want your shit. 3) Those persons who are genuine xenophobic assholes that take pleasure in effing your day up. Unlike rocket, I am of the opinion that having some kind of non-intrusive economic system and value of life system will indeed take care of dealing with the first two types of personalities. I would very much enjoy having these features in-game as well as these types of personalities in-game, as they will add to the overall richness that DayZ has to offer. If noobs senses that another area to explore would be that in building amicable relationships with other players, then KoS would invariably be reduced from where it is at now... and even when it does occur, it would probably be more fun to talk about. The last type of personality could be dealt with to some extent if there were some mechanism to tag the bastard's IP/game serial number via some form of external reporting system per server. It would require the victim to file a police incident report immediately after the KoS event. It would be up to a marshaling group deputized by administrators to investigate the scene of the crime in order to establish who the other avatars present were, and who fired the first shot. With the client-server architecture now in place, it is entirely possible to chart the path of each client logged on to establish who was present at the scene of the crime. It would be a simple matter of checking to see whose historical paths intersect. If a suspect or suspects are determined, then these would be monitored descretely for their ingame activities, warned and/or perm-banned.
  17. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    No you don't, atleast not directly, but by watching films or reading books, you take part in the event vicariously with your imagination. You may even act out certain parts of what you watched (knowingly or unknowingly) in real life. You may even integrate the best parts of what you watched into parts of your adjustable personality, thereby boosting your own self-worth. By acting out certain personality traits of the main protagonist you may have garnished from the TV or book that now form part of your adjustable personality, what you are actually doing is responding to the need for external praise inorder to boost your self-worth even further. On a side note, has anyone else noticed a 100% surge in people wearing 'Superman' t-shirts after that film came out? Do you think that this is a coincidence? If any of you watched the film, how many of you thought it would be 'really cool to do that thing he did that time'? Precisely what is making you wish to do what he did? Wearing the superman t-shirt is the equivalent of graphically displaying your make-believe skill-sets in the real world, by the way... Very freudian, indeed. Nevertheless... have no fear. There is a game that allows you act out all your superman desires to your heart's content, so play that instead. Your avatar will have all the skill sets necessary for you to show off to the rest of the virtual world online. That's what makes it fun!
  18. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    In real life, pleasure in what you accomplish is savoured by publicizing it to those around you (sadly). This 'showing off' feature requires physical interaction with your surroundings so you can tell or show people what you did either verbally, or by your actions. The fun comes when people cheer and look at you dfferently. Now of course, you are going to telll me now that you do not need to show off to others so you can feel good about yourself. Before you respond, let me tell you what any psychologist would tell you. They would say: "You are talking bullshit Sir, All humans show off, and love doing it to varying degrees. Self-worth comes from self praise, as well as through the praise of others. The human brain is highly addicted th the chemicals that are secreted when it detects that praise is being directed at it, or its owner. This is an involuntary response that is present in all human beings. Now gimme my money and the fU@k out of my office. Time's up." It is impossible to simulate the kind of physical interaction with other players in-game, as in the real world on such a granular and intimate level, that would facilitate the kind of self praise necessary for you to value your character enough to keep playing it for an extended period of time. For this reason, certain features about your character need to be made a bit more obvious to other players around you. You have to imbed the player's accomplishments, skills, abilities, possessions, etc. in the avatar as well as graphical interface so that these things can be seen readily by others as well as yourself, as this will serve as a constant reminder of the avatar's self-worth that has been accrued over time. By displaying these features in a more obvious way, game designers effectively simulate a feature about the real world that they would otherwise not be able to. You may think that by removing skills, hero/bandit and accomplishment/ability features from the avatar might be a good thing now, but you are forgetting that a fundamental part in the enjoyment in playing a game online comes from having other players recognize these things about your character. This in turn helps you value something that is clearly not real, as if it were real. duh!! Entertainment through game playing is a form of escapasim that allows gamers to show off and accomplish feats that they would normally not be allowed to accomplish and show-off about in the real world. Removing this feature from the game, and you effectively turn the game into... nothing. Rocket. you bettah needs to recognize, dawg! Fuh real.
  19. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    If you create a game that is completely devoid of all 'gamey' features, then what the hell are you creatiing?? A boring, dried up piece of fake shit is what. There is an old saying; too far east is west. I am worried that this is where we will end up where DayZ is concerned, if we take comments like this to heart. If you want to play a game that kinda doesn't feel like a game, then go masturbate or something... just leave the rest of us out of it!
  20. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Had lot's of dead and decomposing animals wrapped for christmas, I see?
  21. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    How in any way is this realistic?? Oh how I wish there was a way to completely seperate one avatar from the other newly created one after they have died. I have no problem with your colleagues keeping the stuff you lost when you were killed, but then to assume the exact same role as before you died is sickening. This is why I was vying for it to not be possible to take on the same username as your previous character.
  22. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    I don't think a hostage system is that important so much sothat it needs to be in the first release. Sounds to me like people are anxious to stir up strife and recalcitrance instead of actually surviving. Remember, it is primarily a zombie apocalypse and not cops and robbers game.Let us strive to preserve civility, even in the midst of distopic conditions.
  23. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    hmmm... I didn't think you are that cute tho, but suit yourself.
  24. codestargod

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    @AlfalphaCat I Sir, challenge you to a duel. *slap*