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About zTwinkleToes

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    Darlo init
  1. zTwinkleToes

    Give it a try!

    Well, new server up and running, has many many scripts and still adding more, this server is brand new and is really cool. Only one problem with it at the moment, and that is lack of players! The server will be having donator packs if it gets highly requested, Come and give it a try. Friendly admins, the full sha-bang! :) Only takes a couple of minutes to check it out, hopefully I will see some of you DayZ veterans here! Pop in!!! Thanks for your time if you are reading this. ALSO, the server is run with Gotcha, and 24/7 admins online.
  2. zTwinkleToes

    Someone give me a hand here.

    That link just sends me back to the 1st one you sent...?
  3. zTwinkleToes

    Someone give me a hand here.

    Thanks for the reply. I was hoping it would be something quick and simple... Is there any way you can further help me with this? TeamSpeak or Skype maybe?
  4. Okay, so I am wanting to start a clan... But I'm not sure how to make a real one. The only way I know how to make a clan is by adding letters at the beginning of my name on my profile. I was wondering if someone could tell me how to make a clan where I have a logo and the clan tag at the end of my name? Can anyone help with this?
  5. zTwinkleToes

    Team Mate

    Looking for someone new to team up with on a fresh server. If interested add me on Skype 'ztwinkletoes' - Must have a mic - Over 14 years of age - Must be from the United Kingdom (So you are online in the same time period) - Must have experience in DayZ (CBA with noobs) Don't bother replying if you are'nt interested. Thanks
  6. zTwinkleToes

    No Entry Bin

    I have just bought ArmA 2 OA and when i go to open it i get the no entry bin error. could someone help me as soon as they can, add me on skype if you can help me 'ztwinkletoes' thankyou.
  7. zTwinkleToes

    DayZ Mod Update

    I hope i don't catch HIV or AIDS from bloodbags :(
  8. yep:/ I downloaded something that told me it would stop connection problems like a idiot
  9. I actually wasn't downloading hacks... hacks would ruin the game for me because it would just be boring thanks. if you can't help then don't bother replying.
  10. When I try to start ArmA 2OA or DayZ it tells me 'bad serial number given in setup'. I have tried doing what YouTube videos tell me, but it doesn't work with me, and now I cant play DayZ can anybody help me? Also I am using Windows 8.