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Everything posted by FEARtheMooseUK

  1. FEARtheMooseUK

    Impossible to be "Friendly" in this game. Resorted to Banditry.

    Ive played more than 100 hours, most of which with a mate and ive only died once, and that wasnt because of a bandit, that was because i tried to revive my buddy who fell down the stairs in devils castle and i accidentally de fibbed myself, and my guy wouldnt wake the F*** up! lol :P We/I have however encountered dozens people, some friendly, some not. The best thing to do is to take your time, and never forget to watch your back as much as your front! before you enter a town/city, sit and have a look, wait and see if anyone is about etc. most of the time you can either get into a position to hold the other player up, to either get them to leave, or to rob them. [50/50 chance whether they will comply or not, so you NEED to be able to take em out asap if they refuse. This is why 3rd person is a blessing, and a realism killer] As a Mod Vet i would say this is second nature to take your time, watch, plan, and only engage other players if you can get into the tactically better position than them. then again, maybe its an ARMA playing skill =P - you should play dayz like you play ARMA. 1) keep your head on a swivel 2) people saying they are friendly, doesnt mean that they are, and vise versa. 3) if your gonna stay with a stranger who seem friendly, never walk in front of them, and just dont put yourself in a position that makes it easy for them to murder yo ass when you arent expecting it. 4) take your time going into an area, wait and see if anyone is around before you go in. 5) generally, friendly people will be more talkative, or more willing to talk over mic. [in my experience]! 6) avoiding other players is the best way to survive, especially if you dont have team-mates. 7) there are PvE servers, clan servers, and white list servers to play on or will be available to play on soon. I play on a server that doesnt allow kill on sight, but you can still be a bandit, [betrayal, ambushes, robbing, group vs group firefights etc]. 8) you can get good loot from areas that arent so popular with players. North east, is typical for this, however since the map has changed to distribute loot types etc more evenly, this is less important. But its good to remember that any house or shed could have that can of beans you need to save from starving etc, unlike the mod. 9) melee weapons are fine for killing zombies, guns arent worth dying for. 10) Try not to advertise any high value gear. put rifles on your back, run around with pistol or melee weapon out etc. high value gear will either be a deterrent to lesser armed KOS bandits, or like catnip to the higher geared ones. Since you can swap guns now really quick, and higher geared bandits 99% of the time will shoot you from where you cant see them, it wont matter what gun/weapon you have out when they start shooting. You either get to cover in time, or you die before any of that matters. my two cents =)
  2. FEARtheMooseUK

    DAYZ Standalone VS. ARMA 2 MOD version

    You do realise its PRE ALPHA right now? Let me repeat that for every ones benefit - PRE ALPHA. Its the Development version. Which has only been released because the more people on the servers, the easier it is to see issues and problems related to stability. We all know GTA5 online fucked up for the first few weeks because it wasnt able to handle the amount of people playing. Or in other words - UNSTABLE BUILD. And again, the reason there have been few updates/patches so far is because the are working on stability. Once they have the architecture working 100%, THEN they will input more content. More content before its a stable build will just make it unplayable. It needs to be stable enough to handle the extra content being put in [more loot/zombies]. All the things in the mod will be added to SA when they are able to add it. [you wont always get a client side patch fyi, so little updates can be hard to notice. Like last week they added in more zombies, not alot more, but enough to notice.] The SA, runs alot smoother for me [than the mod] on my GTX660m card, in a m17x, 6gb ram. This is a lower performing card than the GTX 670, so Its your laptop, or card setting that are the issue. Not the Game. As for bugs, the Mod still has issues such as not being able to fit into a clearly open door way and glitch-y zombies. Bug wise, in the SA ive only encountered 2 after 100 hours of game time. The zombies can run through the walls in some areas, and emptying ammo out of boxes inside a ammo tin seems to destroy some of the ammo. This is LESS bugs than the mod. Well, since the last time i played the mod, and that was a couple months ago. {and yes, ive extensively played the mod, for more than a year] Everything related to performance, [FPS, player movement, zombie movement, animations, and graphics] are all dependent on your system. if your system is set up correctly, there is no way you would think the mod runs, or feels better than the SA. The whole point of the SA, was to make dayz a less "clunky" experience, which is synonymous with the ARMA series. To be honest, i was expected this PRE ALPHA version of the SA to be alot buggier than it is, and considering there are equal or less bugs in it at this stage compared to the mod which has been out for nearly 2 years, is pretty good in my books. Dont forget a game must go through PRE ALPHA, ALPHA, and BETA testing before it is officially released. The public rarely gets to play a game in ALPHA stage, let alone PRE ALPHA. So in conclusion, dont listen to the people getting angry, or insulting others. The SA is FAR for finished, but will be everything the mod is, and more once done. [apart from cars and the gun list, it already is. Buy the mod if you are impatient, or have the cash to throw away. I personally would justt buy both. see for yourself.
  3. [Team FEAR UK] New Server!! Hello everyone, im posting on here to advertise my server, [Team FEAR UK] for a couple reasons. Firstly because now we have a solid base of regular players, (about 7-15) we were looking to fill the server up with more players who would be interested in setting up a rival group on our server, to add in some larger PVP battles and add a bit more tension when going off looting as a group. Or maybe just if you are looking for a server were banditry isn’t rife, as we are a friendly bunch, and we have a few guys pretty much dedicated to helping fellow survivors in need J Also if you are looking for a safer server to base build, we are for you! We currently have a few bases, one of which is massive due to the fact most of us use it. Server is suitable for beginners and veterans, as we have a mix of all kind of players. But you must be a community player, and enjoy interacting with other players, even if it is just to hunt each other down ;) Custom load outs, obviously there are extra vehicles, I add and change gear and vehicles all the time so there is never any shortage of stuff for everyone ;) and if you are a regular on the white list, you get personal load outs when you spawn [upon request] we have 3 active admins, and at least one of us is on the server 90% of the time. We do our best around the rest of our lives :P and we have as much anti hack stuff we can get to work with the server. However if we do get hacked, bases and gear can be replaced at the drop of a hat, most likely using a roll back. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you add me on steam as We do also have a white-list so we sometimes lock the server. This could be for a couple reasons. 1) Due to a hack and we need to fix camps/bases/gear/vehicles and it requires a few server restarts. [This is unlikely now however due to an extra admin joining us and some new software] 2) private events/battle royals etc. 3) base building with regulars Im the main admin [moose] and if you would like to know more message me on steam account or PlaywithSix account >> FEARtheMooseUK << J you can also PM my account on here. So in short, anyone is welcome to come have a peek, and bring your friends!! The more the merrier! :D Here are the server details. Hit us up!!! xD Server name: [Team FEAR UK] IP: Location: UK Difficulty: Veteran Map: Chernarus Slots: 50 Time zone: GMT -6 3DP: yes CH: yes NP: no DM: yes SC: yes PW: no [but it is advisable to get on the white-list so you can get a password if needed, as It will be put on for regulars sometimes for private battles, or base building.] WL: yes Contact: steam account account: FEARtheMooseUK OR PM my forum account.