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Everything posted by chalkwhite@gmail.com

  1. chalkwhite@gmail.com

    Starting a Clan, Need somebody to make me a site

    can't do you a site but if your clan wants to use my server I can create a sub-section on a forums for you?
  2. Hi All, We're currently looking to recruit more players for our white-list server, bambi's, bandits, hero's and survivors are welcome, anyone 16 or older and speaks english can apply :) We already have a solid group of active friendly regulars who are always a good laugh, we're just looking to get a few more numbers and encourage a bit more pvp and banter maybe ;) The server is UK based, set to GMT -8 (though that may change) and is hacker free. We have vastly increased the number of vehicles and added a debug monitor to view your humanity, fps, health, kills etc. The regulars will happily help new players get familiar with the game or meet for a fight :) If you're interested just register on our forums in my signature link below :-D
  3. chalkwhite@gmail.com

    New Player Looking for Clan

    we've not formed any clans yet but theres a solid group of very friendly players on my server, its a whitelist server so theres no hackers. just register on my forum and start a thread for the whitelist to apply. the link is in my signature :)
  4. chalkwhite@gmail.com

    Looking for a friendly group of people/ *ACTIVE* guild

    we dont have any "clanners" as such currently but my server has a very active group of regulars. its a whitelist server to keep the hackers out, just go to the site in my signature and register for access if you're interested.
  5. chalkwhite@gmail.com

    New Player Looking For A Group To Play With

    then your lucky you found me. go register on my forum linked below and apply for access to my whitelist server. no hackers, no a**holes. english speaking. bunch of good guys in there :)
  6. chalkwhite@gmail.com

    Looking For a Group//Clan

    we dont have any clans yet but we have a group of regulars. we might form a clan if things pick up. all english speaking and over 18. its a whitelist server so no hackers, just register via the website link in my signature.
  7. well dont i feel retarded.... good work on the new release ;)
  8. this new v0.8.1 release doesn't seem to fresh at all? i left my refresh on 10s and it never happens? "last refresh 3m ago".