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Everything posted by Skyelur

  1. Skyelur

    Survival as an End-Goal (Lowering KoS too)

    The heirloom thing would result in people getting a perma M4 and a clip.
  2. Skyelur

    Let perma death be perma death

    Don't know if this has already been said (not reading through pages) But the player who GETS killed should NOT be able to loot their body. But anyone else should get to
  3. Skyelur

    The TANK Thread

    They never said they will have helicopters. They actually said they WONT have armed helicopters
  4. Skyelur

    The TANK Thread

    Of course, but what makes you think a CIVILIAN can operate one? Do you have any idea how you would even get the shells loaded in the tank? How would a civilian be able to carry a tank shell? In their back pocket, or maybe their hunting backpack? Do you have any idea how much gasoline is required for a tank?
  5. Skyelur

    The TANK Thread

    Your talking about attacking/ambushing tanks with IED and such, does this sound like a zombie apocalypse?
  6. Skyelur

    Bleeding player blood trail

    Who knows if the zombies punch or leave a gaping scratch in your body. Just think if the zombies have sharp dirty nails and uses force to scratch like an animal, it could leave a big laceration
  7. Skyelur

    Make survival rewarding.

    Couldn't put it better for Meat Pie, you shouldn't get a reward besides the fact you still have your gear
  8. Skyelur

    Was there a recent graphical change?

    Does anyone know if these graphic changes are intentional and will be permanent?
  9. Skyelur

    Zombie Hordes!

    Agree would definitley add more experiences and zombies are simply nuisances as you stated, not a challenge
  10. Skyelur

    Some cool outfit

    I think the OP is stupid, It's a game yes, but games have different categories. This is an indie zombie survival simulator, not a strip tease with guns.
  11. Skyelur

    equal graphic detail for all

    I agree 99% ! Atleast shadows, grass, ect. I hate when others have an unfair advantage. BUT, that one percent is for people with lower pc's
  12. Skyelur

    Fully Erect

    Oh uhh fully erect as in posture... yeah, exactly what I was thinking with the post
  13. Skyelur

    upcoming pistol with scope => Scope for B95, too?

    Not new at all, kinda old actually. And they are super common
  14. Skyelur

    I Was Thinking Of Some Interesting House Mechanics

    Yes pls, making the weapons actually something different than killing is welcomed. Some tools should be required to get in barracks so newspawns cant just get bank
  15. Skyelur

    An idea for rare items

  16. Skyelur

    Use Weapon Attachments Without Needing The Weapon

    This is exactly what I was thinking when I found an LRS without a mosin, it could be a cheap binocular.
  17. Lmfao this made me laugh a lot, your going to limit players by making them take a rest. I am not a fan of kids, but this is just silly. Also, sounds like your the one that wants a Call Of Duty since your making all these suggestions which do nothing but make the game easier.
  18. Skyelur

    No servers on list

    Are you on the internet tab? If you are, try disabling your firewall or allow access to DayZ If you have a netgear router this could be the case, I have two routers, and the netgear router only shows like 2-3 servers sometimes none.
  19. Stopping power. A well-placed bolt will kill almost anything; but lethality does not equal stopping power. A bolt can sever an artery or pierce the heart or throat, but your fatally-wounded attacker still has plenty of time to dump dozens of rounds into you. In fact, they may not even realize how bad they've been hit; modern arrowheads are razor sharp and complete pass-throughs are common on deer sized targets with as little as a 50 pound pull. Your attacker is eventually brought down by blood loss- a process that can be instant or hours with a well placed shot.
  20. Skyelur

    Tranquilizer Gun

    This would be awesome, and whoever said they won't be found in farming communities. They can be found in police stations.
  21. Skyelur

    [Suggestion] New System of Unconsciousness

    I really wish I could understand what he is trying to say, seems interesting.
  22. Skyelur

    Getting Players To Leave Spawn

    Military loot should only spawn up north. Civilian weapons/clothing should spawn near the coast Police stations can have police gear/rare vest/ police weaponry "pistols, shotguns, and maybe an smg/weak carbine.
  23. Skyelur

    Change the walk up hills!

    I know if I had 50 pounds of gear and I am getting chased and ripped apart by undead creatures, or being shot at by firearms, being chased by someone with an axe. I'm sure I can atleast jog up the hill.
  24. Skyelur

    Humanity 2.0

    This actually sounds like a great idea, I like the idea of not making the game harder, but just more immersive. I also like how the psycho theory works as you would actually enjoy killing and would no longer feel the other things.
  25. Oh my eyes..... From what I could comprehend, you need help with figuring out where you are. Try learning land marks and looking at it on the dayz maps. There is also an app that helps called izurvive, it marks specific buildings