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Everything posted by Skyelur

  1. Skyelur

    Forks and Spoons

    ORRRRR A BETTER IDEA... Forks and spoons make you eat much faster, and the animation is quicker, rather than eating with your hands.
  2. Skyelur

    [Suggestion] Strong side, Weak side.

  3. Skyelur

    Found a player setting up a trap

    Awesome music sync
  4. Skyelur

    'VOICE ATTACK' is great if you disable or forgot wat button

    This would be great for gestures
  5. Skyelur

    Character Independence and Gear

    With that logic, in a video game, you know how to do a lot of the things, but you still do it. Why do it on a game if you can do it in real life? Anyways, IRL doesn't pertain to game knowledge.
  6. Skyelur

    Adding new sounds

    Yes!!! Especially the Player Physical Interaction, and Doors!
  7. Skyelur

    Character Independence and Gear

    What he is trying to say is, you get a manual and you select the read option, your character learns the ability to do it, but if he dies he forgets it. So people preserve their life rather than their gear.
  8. Skyelur

    "you are unconscious" is annoying

    Stop going off topic, steam has a cloud which you can upload pics, end of story. Also this idea seems, uhhh un necessary.
  9. Skyelur

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    Hunting backpack, or improvised
  10. Skyelur

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    This is utterly ridiculous, this game is in ALPHA and they are talking about a console release. At what moment is this a good idea? This means either they develop both versions at the same time, leaving a dumbed down version for BOTH pc and ps4. OR This means they develop TWO separate versions which could lead to MUCH longer development times,but a better game.
  11. Skyelur

    Where are all the zombies?

    Also eventually, if you use the dayzdb map, you will remember it later on
  12. Skyelur

    How did you last die?

    Since this game sucks so hard and the team puts no effort while making it, I died by a zombie hitting me and rendering me unconscious, even though he wasn't even in the house with me. Horrible navmesh, horrible game
  13. Skyelur

    A Real Hardcore Mode wishlist

    My fav one
  14. Skyelur

    Let us paint more things

    You can paint mags
  15. Skyelur

    R.I.P M4A1

    The M4A1 is still there.
  16. Well I just ran into a hacker at berezino who was flying around, then spawned me a bunch of gear... then broke my legs
  17. I love the Pouch+Scope. This gun is a beast!
  18. Isn't everyone here a scientist! Seriously guys, it's a suggestion not a debate topic. I'm sure the video posted with the vest proves it without the arguing.
  19. Skyelur

    More Horror and Gore Please!

    Sounds like lag
  20. Skyelur

    Why not random spawn on joining next server?

    This is actually not a bad idea. As long as if you join the same server you spawn in the same spot, honestly it can get annoying, but if you just stick with one med/high pop server, it wouldn't be a problem at all
  21. Skyelur

    First experience: "I just say Hi"

    What red chain? The connection error one???
  22. Skyelur

    Scripted sequences?

    If they can't do zombies right, AI would either be Gods armed with Lazer Rifles, or as dumb as a carrot.
  23. Skyelur

    Afraid to go on

    Either lose it to an intense gunfight or lose it to lag
  24. Disclaimer: This is not a hate thread, I still support this game and all it's goals. I just want to know what happened to development? When the alpha first came out it was pushing out updates and patches moderately quick. Now that the alpha has been out for a while it seems like the process is becoming muuuuch slower. I understand experimental and it's complicated, but studios with 4 people are rolling updates quicker than I've seen DayZ lately. I just want to know, has the developers lost their passion? I don't like it when people post topics like this, but lately, I've really noticed it. I haven't played this game in a long time now, but follow the updates every day, unfortunately, there isn't that much to follow. What are your guys' opinion? Do you think the developers have the same fire in their hearts?