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Everything posted by Pandema

  1. Pandema

    Zombies start moving when players are nearby?!?!

    Except that this is basically the same as how in the mod you'd come over a hill and see zombies in a town and know that someone was already there. Zombies will not move unless you get within a certain distance of them, it has nothing to do with aggro Come over a hill, and look at a town. Are the zombies wandering around? Yes? Someones already there No? Then no one is in the town
  2. Expecting nothing means that when something happens, I'll be pleasantly surprised. But if it crashes and burns I can go "Told ya so". Started off super optimistic and hyped about SA, but now it's 2016 and DayZ updates are more surprising to see than Terraria updates.
  3. Pandema

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    Thought I'd swing back in for round two with this. If SA weren't a product that you had to fork over real world moneys for, then yeah, it wouldn't need a review system because you could just download it for free and give it a whirl. But no, it costs something like 35 bucks now. People have a right to know about the state and quality of a product if they're supposed to pay for it. And Steam gives a better platform for reviewing, because lets face it, if you don't like a game you're not going to hang out on the forums or its subreddit and talk about how shit it is, you're going to write a review somewhere and pretend it doesn't exist. Steam Review is far less biased than the echo chambers that are the games official forums.
  4. Pandema

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    Shouldn't be allowed to sell a game that hasn't released yet.
  5. Pandema

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    Namalsk just felt good. It felt barren, creepy, and cold. You were utterly alone and if felt that way. The wide swathes of barren tundra made moving around tense, since you had little to no cover. The ambient noise was great, the wind blowing across the barren land just sounded great, there were no birds, no bugs, nothing lived here. The bunker under A2 was awesome, the massive pit at A1 was spooky. The body temperature mechanic actually being useful was a nice change, since the whole map was pretty damn cold, and the southern mountain range even more so. When you walk around Chernarus, its quaint little farm towns nestled in happy fields. Namalsk was dull, there were no happy fields, no quaint towns. Just barren tundra, thin pine forests, towering commie blocks, and military bases standing guard over dark secrets. The map was marketed as being harsh and unforgiving, and it felt that way.
  6. Pandema

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    Namalsk. We need Namalsk, that was the single greatest map I've ever had the pleasure of playing on. The atmosphere was just perfect. Oh, and Lingor, the jungle was great fun. The problem with wanting a big urban area is that the game shits the bed trying to handle Chernogorsk, imagine a 10x10km map with that sort of urban density. (Although for some reason Fallujah ran REALLY well) <1 fps for days.
  7. Pandema

    Anybody els noticed the m249 Para is comming?

    It'll be great for mowing down zombies if/when they ever get added. But for now, mowing down squads at 300m will have to suffice.
  8. Pandema

    Best Sniper Gear?

    First off, fixed your post, formatting your text like you're a tween posting on her blog doesn't make your opinion fact. Secondly, could you not be butthurt for like five seconds? Third, show me on the doll where teh ebil sniper meanies touched you. As for the OP, when I played I generally had: Mosin with LRS (yeah, its been a while) CR75 as a sidearm (I'm a sucker for CZ75s, so I actually knocked my friend out and stole this from him when he picked it up) Ruined Kitchen knife because muh bloody knife Flecktarn Boonie Aviator's (Everyone loves aviators) Drab Vest Green Raincoat/TTSKO Jacket Brown Hunter Pants Wellies Hunting Backpack (low profile, nice color, can look over shoulder in first person) Some tips, use the freelook function to move look around rather than moving your whole body, its alot harder to spot you this way. if you think you're in concealment, from 100m or so you're actually not. You are not being sneaky crouching in that bush. Get a friend and a rangefinder, sniping with DayZ scopes is horrible since you don't have any good scope markings to reference for range. Alternatively, carry a rangefinder and mark the distances to various landmarks from your hide and do some guesstimation on the fly based on relative position from these landmarks. Taking a bunch of shots from one spot is a no-no, take some shots, reposition. If you spend an hour plinking away from the same spot, someones going to come and relieve you of your rifle. Scope some good spots out, then rotate, do your best to not be seen while moving. Good spots usually have some form of hard cover on hand in case you start taking fire, rocks, trees, and buildings are all great but be aware that once people know there is a sniper they'll usually look at some of the more obvious places for you. I'm not sure if its been fixed, but the ranging marks on ACOGs and PSOs didn't work when I played because the magnification was fucked on those rifles. Good luck, and happy hunting.
  9. Pandema

    PvM Areas

    That might've been it, I think the last time I actually played DayZ private hives might not have been a thing yer
  10. Pandema

    PvM Areas

    Wasn't attempting to enforce PvE a no-no for server hosts awhile ago? Whatever happened to that rule.
  11. Pandema

    RPG Comeing To DayZ

    I can count the number of times I was killed with an AT4 (because the mod didn't have the RPG) during the years I've played the mod on one finger. Rifles will still be more ubiquitous and easier to murder people with, an RPG will be used for that special someone.
  12. Pandema

    Zombies do matter after all...

    At this point I just check patch notes and ctrl+f "Zombie". If I get zero hits I go back to shooting red crosses in EvE, because somehow that is more enjoyable than SA right now.
  13. Pandema

    Seemed a lot safer with Zeds around...

    "and then wait until CAS/Fire support obliterates there position"
  14. Pandema

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    They probably went to the same place all the infected did.
  15. So I gotta ask. If we had a low number of zombies since launch because of issues with populating zombies and loot at the same time. And then removed them around the time the CLE, a much heavier system, was implemented. When are we getting them back? I know they're making a new renderer, but are they rebuilding the engine too or something?
  16. The actual reason we have no zombies, or at least the reason the devs told us is that with the way the server framework is we can either have loot or zombies, but not both.
  17. Pandema

    Interesting, even surprising stats.

    All those games are higher than DayZ because there are things to do in those games. I can load up Ark with some friends and run around taming dinos, building our base, or attacking other players. Or I can jump on an Unturned server, gear up, build a base, start a farm, get a car,or just run around pretending to be Rambo and kill fools. Whereas I can load up DayZ and run around looting gear I don't need. I don't have a base. I don't have a vehicle to maintain. I can't assault an enemy camp. There aren't even fucking zombies to shoot at.
  18. Pandema

    Third person

    I have no idea what you're trying to argue here. If 3pp wall peeking is so bad for dedicated 1pp players, why don't they play on the 1pp servers? The whole "Well the population is too low" argument is shit, maybe if people who wanted a 1pp experience without having to deal with us 3pp scrubs actually PLAYED on the 1pp servers instead of whining there wouldn't be a population issue.
  19. Pandema

    Third person

    So, lemme get this straight. People want 3pp to change to cater to 1pp players, because 1pp server player count is too low. Now, if these people played on 1pp instead of "settling" for 3pp servers the player count of 1pp servers would go up. Why are we having this conversation again?
  20. Pandema

    Third person

    Whoa Guys what if Guys What if instead of removing 3pp we just Guys listen What if we just have separate 1pp/3pp hives? Wait, we already have those? So why are people constantly bitching if they have the option to avoid those 3pp "scrubs"? Oh thats right, their way is the only correct way to play.
  21. Pandema

    Just a question?

    Because I'm bored, and I've been a fresh spawn before. When you're a freshy and you come across a geared player you have nothing to lose by trying to punch him out.
  22. The engine ArmA/DayZ use offloads most everything to the processor. You can have dual titans and the game will run like shit until you get a better processor. Also, BI doesn't have a history of optimizing very well, so don't expect to do much better as the game progresses to "release".
  23. Pandema

    New weapons damage in action

    It probably has to do with the fact that a tshirt and jeans currently functions like a full body SAPI plate plus more armored plating for all the shit in your inventory and the extra layers of clothing as well as actual plate carriers. In the first week or so of SA you could drop a freshie with a single 7.62x54 at <500m center mass. Now you're lucky to kill them in the first four. I've had to swap from my mosin if I run up on some geared guy at times. I feel like mag dumping with the AK/M4/AUG is probably a desync issue but I wouldn't rule out this armor BS.
  24. Pandema

    Lack of zombies?

    Have they fixed the whole "You shoot a zombie and it respawns already aggro'd and chasing you" thing?
  25. Pandema

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    First off, I believe the suggestion forums are that way --> Secondly, how would implementing mechanics that involve two people decrease KOS? Do you not play the game with friends? I already have 2+ people to do these things with, why would I risk it with some random? Thirdly, reducing the amount of firearms/bullets is a shit idea as has been stated already. You're letting the fox go wild in the hen house.