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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    WELL, This is how it went down at the NWAF

    There is no M16A3. The M16A3 is a rather obscure variant used by the Seabees/Marines, and hasn't seen any real combat at all. Plus, there are only two variants in vanilla DayZ you can aquire. The M16A2 and the M16A4 ACOG. Personally, I prefer the latter. But I assume you were speaking of the M16A2, so I'll crawl back into my hole :|
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What weapons damage helicopters?

    I don't think I've ever killed a helicopter, but I have destroyed a biplane. Not intentionally, as he kind of ran into my tractor and blew up.
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Once again ...

    You kind of flip flopped with the OP. But anyways, I'm friendly but avoid people like the plauge. What little interaction I do get is out of suprise, and about a third of the time it turns into a firefight, or the other guy disconnects like a total wimp. And every once in a while, I do find an okay dude who teams up with me, only for one of us to either die or have to leave the game. But thats what makes this game fun, is the player interaction. You never know what someone else will do, and that adds to the tension greatly. Nothing is more adrenaline pumping than a player encounter, friendly or not.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Dumb ways that you have died?

    Well, it was me and another guy. I was strolling along near Vybor in my tractor, when suddenly a biplane appears from the East and starts flying real low on the dirt road ahead of me. I was thinking, "How stupid can this guy be?". Well, he must have been a half decent pilot to keep the plane seven feet off the ground without nose diving. But, he still hit my tractor. For some unknown reason, my tractor made it out alive with only a minor dent with a couple parts on yellow. After watching top gun here burn to death in his fiery plane wreck, I decided to get out of the tractor and see if I could recover his stuff. Well, I get out and my legs are broken. Then I realised, I had used all my morphine on a friend. So, after crawling for an hour and a half, I ran into another player. I asked him plainly, "Would you mind sharing some of your morphine with me?". In return, he shot me once with his M4 and knocked me out, whilst I was bleeding. So there I sat, watching as he eagerly plucked items out of my inventory while I lay there pumping blood out like a yard sprinkler. I took a break from DayZ for the day, couldn't deal with that kind of frustration again.
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    How to survive bandits as a fresh spawn.

    Thats a pretty a nice guide you made there. Sometimes its better to take advice from an actual bandit, as you might learn a thing or two on how to deal with them.
  6. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Acceptable age to play?

    Well, you can see how the posts change after I edited the OP.... Well, lemme just throw in my two cents. Maturity plays a bigger part than anything else. I've met people here twice my age who are about as half as mature. The coolest guy I've ever talked to in game knew very little English, yet we still teamed up. He was only a year older than me. I still play with him to this day, even though he can be pretty hard to understand. I feel more comfortable playing with people my age, but not that many people my age actually play DayZ. But thats okay, because the closest thing to social interaction in this game is yelling "FRIENDLY!' at the top of your lungs into the mic.
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Acceptable age to play?

    Edited the poll to be a bit less narrow minded.
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Acceptable age to play?

    I remember back when I was little and I played cops and robbers with my friends. Good times. But anyways, I can see how maturity plays a bigger part than age. I don't think I phrased it right, but I'm not going to change the OP. If I offended anyone or sounded like an ignorant twat, I'm sorry. Constructive criticism helps. I might learn something :)
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Backpack Sizes (New Patch) ?

    Found a Czech pack in the supermarket. Guess I won't be needing to look for an Alice pack any more. You know, now that I have the biggest pack in the game.
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Best Random Find in DayZ

    So, I was near Kamenka when I strolled into a old wooden shed, and I was fairly shure it was going to be empty. But guees what. There were six RGO frag grenades on the ground. I've already used half of them, two of which on zombies.
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Standalone and map sizes...

    I know for a fact that the game can support 400km square maps, and how hard would it be to add a little more space onto the map? Be kind of cool having spawn points on the coast and in the far North. That might make finding friends a PITA, but hey, it would sure add a great sense of scale. But I feel fine with how the map is, and like that the Devs are adding Utes into it. Make a cool place to have a base, and even better, Navy Seal style water infiltrations on the PBX.
  12. How about you add the different guns from the ACR DLC pack for Arma 2? I wouldn't mind having a UK59 to mow down the occasional wild boar.
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    You know what this is? Visual masturbation, is what it is. I am very positive that whatever awaits from the standalone, will be worth senselessly throwing my money at.
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What Happened On Your FIRST DAY Of DayZ?

    Well, I had spawned just east of Elektro. Found a Czech pack, a nice revolver, and an AKM in the firestation. After about twenty minutes of vicious looting and zombie killing, I ran into a guy with a winchester. I yelled into direct chat: "Hey man, friendly?,". He looked at me funny, then ran in the other direction. Better than killing me, I guess. Then whilst looting one of the office buildings, I found my first road flare(I was giddy indeed). After hours of brisk running to Zelenorsk to give my buddy a CZ550 he always wanted, and we set off to the NE airfield to get some leet gear. Well, me and him managed to scrape up an M9, and I found a AKS Kobra SD. Kinda lucky that the gun I already had shared ammo, cause there was no ammo for it.(If your wondering why I found a gun not included in the vanilla loot table, I was playing on a hive with custom loot). After that, we found a safe(er) place to log out.
  15. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What skin do you want in DayZ?

    I'd like all of the Arma 2 civillan skins to replace the rather dull PMC skins and the random woman skin, as it makes no sense why every man is running round in a baseball cap and MOLLE. Oh yeah, and I think the skins used for the rebels to should be added to the loot table, as they look awesome. Who cares if I can't use a backpack?
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)


    Ever since I first heard of the dogs being added to the game in an update, I've dreamt of one thing. For me and a few buddies to round up some DB shotguns and release our hounds upon the wild boar who stalk the woods. RELASE THE HOUNDS!
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)

    A Range Of Behavior

    I am a friendly player at heart, but I won't hesitate to kill someone. I've robbed backpacks while people were looting, but killing was different for me. I knew how someone felt when hours of hard work is lost for a guy to run up, yell "FRIENDLY!", then blow your head clean off with a Lee Enfield. I'd rather kill bandits and zombies than innocent players.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Where have you found your NVG's?

    NVG's are for cowards. The only tool I need to navigate the dark is road flares and a lot of balls.
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Crossbow kills?

    No, but I've done it in the past. One time, I found a clan camping out a little east of Black lake, and I was shifting through their inventory when I found some satchel charges. I placed one on their Offroad(they had both offroads in the server. Greedy bastards indeed.), and waited for the right moment. Thus, I gained my first bandit mask.
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Crossbow kills?

    I shot a guy with the crossbow twice, he passed out and died from blood loss. I got my first AKM off him. I still have his AK in my pack.
  21. Personally, I like variety between weapons. There is already a pretty broad range of weapons in DayZ(for the game it is), but I think more are needed. The vast majority of weapons should be from Eastern Europe, to match the setting. You could limit the majority of Western weapons to heli crashes and the barracks, and I'd find that plenty fair. For example, the Army of the Czech Republic pack had some weapons that would be decent replacements for some of the higher tier loot. And I'm still waiting for someone to port Bysterica to DayZ.
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    Yeah, I totally agree with you. The mod was supposed to be an anti-game, so we need powerful weapons. But honestly, high powered .50 caliber marksmen rifles need serious drawbacks. Imagine heavy recoil, so heavy you can't make a follow up shot for several seconds. Make it to where you can only fire in the prone position(even if most people with common sense use snipers in the prone position from a distance) to make it useless for CQB. And make the ammo so rare you can only find it with the weapon itself, so you have to either work for the ammunition or be very conservative with how you use it. But no matter how much you nerf these sniper rifles, there will always be a sniper to use it.
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What is the best DayZ map so far?

    I do think good ol' Chernarus deserves first place. Nothing beats the original.
  24. The CZ550 should have a total damage rehaul, as the cartridge it fires is HUGE(I've handled quite a few bolt-action cartridges, the 9.3 is one of them). I also think the 7.62 firearms should remain a two hit kill, one hit knockout. I like the idea of being able to incapicitate a player and not kill him. I could loot him while he is unconcious, or give him a transfusion and epi-pens if he turns out to be okay. And the SMG's are WAY too underpowered. They should do more damage than the pistols, but stay below assault rifles. They should take 5-6 shots to kill, not 12. And the AK-74 variants need a damage buff to be similar or above to the 5.56 weapons, as 5.45x39 is equal and if not greater in stopping power to the 5.56 NATO round. And the .50 cal snipers need to go, or have a serious nerf. These things just don't belong in this kind of game.