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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Well, I was just messing about somewhere near Skalka when I spot a player going into a building. Seeing that he is unarmed, I approach him into the open and yell over direct chat "Hey man, I'm friendly,". No reply. Not even over side chat. We sit there staring at eachother for about ten or fifteen seconds, and he breaks into sprint. I follow him, and he runs into a house. I wait outside, as I recognize it only has one entrance. I sit and wait, and he comes out with a hatchet. I yell at him "Whoa man, put it away!". No reply. I lift my Makarov from the "at ease" position, and he yells over DC "HERE'S JOHNNY!". I back up, and empty a magazine of six into his torso. He's bleeding, but he doesn't give up. He hits me once whilst I reload, and I break into a sprint. There he is, in hot pursuit. I exchange my magazine for a full one with eight rounds, and empty all eight, no shots missed. Yet he is still alive. The moment the animation for reload begins, he charges ahead and brings a swift blow down on my head. So, lesson learned, the Makarov is more of a nerf gun than an actual firearm. And on a more serious note, all of the pistols deserve a serious damage buff. I shot this guy fourteen times and he STILL killed me with a melee weapon. So, until they patch this, I recommend we all avoid the Makarov for now.
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)

    First dynamic chopper crashes in DayZ!

    That was awesome. You need to talk to some of the guys in the dev. team, cause this blows the current crash system out of the water.
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Never trust a Makarov to finish the job...

    Most agree, the Makarov is unreliable. Its best use is a basic zombie repellent, even though I've seen zeds take four to five hits from hit and charge me.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ and Copyright - Just wondering...

    All this over three dimensional item models in a video game...jeez. There are much more important matters to attend to!
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What populates a DayZ server?

    I usually look for the spawnrate of roadflares. 40% is my minimum, and 85% spawn rate in all spawn tiers is the base rate on my current server.
  6. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Never trust a Makarov to finish the job...

    I think it should be more than ArmA 2 but less than DayZ. Ten thousand would be nice, don't you think?
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Never trust a Makarov to finish the job...

    Yeah, I was hipfiring with the crosshair and it was very hectic, so I may have missed a shot or two. But how could he survive eight, even seven shots from a REAL pistol?
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ Skins/Models Replacements? (Video)

    Thats the hero skin, you get it if you have high humanity. You can't kill innocents, murder many bandits, and lots and lots of blood transfusions.
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    Congratulations. You've just ruined my childhood.
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    How do you fight players in CQC?

  11. Intel. Intel. INTEL! Thats all I everr hear. You've got a nice upgrade planned, but alot of your components are shite. I'm running this on a laptop & desktop, desktop having an i3 akin to yours. I get OKAY frames at medium.
  12. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    It won't let me :(
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    How do you get a custom member title?
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    They have roadflares.
  15. Me and some friends have been having problems with a warlord/clan leader gone crazy on our server. One time, his clan kidnapped four or five people and invited us to watch as he broke their legs and fed them unarmed to zombies. He plays on and off, and I've tried to snuff him in the past. The guy ALWAYS plays in a squad, and he can't do squat in a battle. But he IS a strategic mastermind from what I've heard, so its sort of a Master Blaster affair. He's master, and his cronies are blaster. I can pay you with one of two items. A PKM w/ NV scope with three magazines on our private hive, or a SVD Camo with nine magazines. You will be operating with three others including me. Oh, and one more thing. This dudes clan, has anywhere from six to twenty active members on the server at once. So, it'll be a bloodbath. Pvt. message me if you're considering it.
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    SVD Camouflage vs M40A3 Camouflage.

    It is a two hit kill I believe, but one hit has always knocked out a target. I've used it as a sort of "non-lethal" lethal rifle to take care of people I'm unsure of. I'll nail em' a second time if they're still awake, if not I'll give them some blood and an epi-pen after I've confiscated their weapons. But I usually use the AKM, as it is a very useful rifle with the most common ammunition of any high-tier rifle.
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)

    SVD Camouflage vs M40A3 Camouflage.

    Ha, I spit on you seaweed hill campers! You cowards rely on fancy gimmicks and overpowered rifles, whilst us real men headshot you at 800 meters with a CZ550. Anything below that and the AKM is the boss of all that is mid range.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ Development Twitter

    Can you answer questions? If so, why aren't cars in the base release. And another thing, I hear there will be less weapons in the alpha. Less as in only five or six guns, or about as many as there are now?
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ Development Twitter

    No offense, but I don't buy into social media. I'd much rather converse with close friends face to face. But I like to see stuff like this, it might pull in some new users from the eight corners of the interwebz.
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)


    Ah, another cool dude who just wants to enjoy the game. I played CoD one time...MW1 that is. I had nothing to do with the series after WaW. I'm glad to see a new player accepting of our culture and willing to share his stories of life, love, and loot. As I raise a toast of beans, huzzah!
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    I miss the old dayz..

    I played Balota Buddies once. It was okay, I guess. Everyone I met shot at me, and I enjoyed it most of the time. I even snuck a satchel charge into a guys campfire and...you know the rest. But I left pretty soon afterward, I wasn't very fond of some of the people I met.
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Take Me Back to Vietnam

    Well, I was once following a bunch of dudes in a bus who had stopped at the NWA. They were just running around, and one happened to have a hero skin. So, my newbie brain told me to approach the group. But before I got to the end of the tree line behind the ATC tower, cows fell from everywhere attached to parachutes. I was horrified yet amazed. The group of people began to shoot the cows with AS50's, which led me to believe it was a bad idea to come up to them. After they left, I scavenged about ten or fifteen raw meats. Felt kind of bad having illegitimate meat, but I had a great bake sale in Elektro.
  23. Well, its been a while. James Moore, a once active forum troll, has ceased activity. Whilst reports indicate his last known activity was not a while ago, he has not posted nor created a annoying and or pointless thread or reply. What will he be remembered for? He baited arguments, made pointless threads, and insulted some. He will not be missed, and I pray to the great and powerful Cthulu that he does not make a comeback and reply to this thread. So, what shall he be remembered for?
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Nastiest Thing You've Done

    Sexual or non-sexual? Well, I had met a "decent" guy. We had teamed up, and were on okay terms. The problem was, I was meeting up with my bandit friends in Kamenka and it was a good walk from Skalka. My plan was to shoot him in the back to spare him the pain of getting tortured by me buddies. So, I shot him twice with my AKM. He broke his leg and was bleeding, but not dead. After spamming at me with his Winchester, I agreed not to kill him. He was pissed, so I let him cool down. So, I let him take my hatchback and do what ever he pleases. As soon as he turned on the engine, I turned my scroll wheel and the option for satchel charge detonation. I thought for a moment, is this moral? Then, I slipped my finger and the strategically placed explosives lit the poor sap up in a dazzling array of fire and shrapnel. Yet, as I search the burning wretch to look for a spare can of beans, I find him. He was still alive. Messed up, but alive. There he lay, knocked out and bleeding like a water hose. So, I dragged him for a few minutes to my backup camp. The moment I offer him a bandage, he returns the favor with a Makarov he lifted from my pickup. With unatrually fast reflexes, I nail him between the eyes with my G17. An hour and a half later, one of my bandit buddies volunteered to drive us to the NWA and ended up crashing into the lighthouse. I should have spared the guy his trouble and put him out of his misery half an hour before he turned to kill whilst bleeding at 3000 blood.
  25. My old build was similar, it should run stable at medium settings. I just hate it when people fight over Intel and AMD. Both are good, and for different reasons. If you're on a budget and plan on overclocking, then get the AMD. If you want the absolute best performance and be able to gloat about it, Intel. But at what I assume your budget is, I'd recommend an AMD. 110-130 dollar AMD's will SLAUGHTER even the highest end i3. Just sayin', brah.