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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    The can dilemma.

    They'll get taken to court if they use them in the standalone, so I assume everyone else is right. It's a damn shame I don't get my own can brand, who cares if I don't have ten thousand posts or only been an active forum user for the last three months. People love me, right? RIGHT?!
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Most Popular DayZ map at the moment? POLL

    That's an easy one, Thirsk.
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    M107 and AS50 question (game vs real life)

    I'd actually like to see a war between the United States and the United Kingdom. It's so boring seeing us take on all these tiny, Islamic insurgents in conflicts that are irrelevant to us. When was the last time we fought a NATO power? Never, if I'm not mistaken.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    what map for my server!!! please help

    Man, you shouldn't put roadflares in the starter gear. Those things are way too overpowered. I can't count the times I've killed a helicopter with one. Oh wait, normal people have yet to master the roadflare. Carry on :P
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Whole server's legs break

    There are good private hives, then there are bad private hives. I play on and off Balota buddies and I enjoy it quite a bit, but have moved on to a much nicer server.
  6. Cap'n (DayZ)

    How to kill Ivan (patient zero) ?

    I tried throwing roadflares at him. It was an hour crawl for morphine.
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    g36c not sure if its a great gun

    AKM > Everything else
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What's The Biggest DayZ Map In Land & Ocean.

    Taviana. But I only play Chernarus(best looking map), because the rest just don't have that feel.
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Can i run it? (Just about)

    No offense, but I burst out laughing at your rig. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING but the most basic components should be replaced. Even an Intel HD 4000 would run this at about 40 frames on Low settings. Don't take offense, but your rig is beyond pathetic.
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    g36c not sure if its a great gun

    I prefer the M4A1 because I'm familiar with the sights(my father has an AR-15), and I have an easier time anticipating the recoil. The G36C is still a solid choice.
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)

    dayz evolution in SA: [1] the loot system

    Does this mean I'll find flares in car wrecks?
  12. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Try my Salami Server... 1 Billion New Guns!

    Part of my brain died.
  13. The standalone will be awesome. The fat chodes who don't even have the courage to press the "No" option won't in any way hinder my hope and trust in Rocket and the developers to deliver us a kick ass game. In other words, I won't mind the swim to Utes :P
  14. I've always had a dream of writing a movie plot/script. If I ever get the chance, I'll be making a DayZ related movie. Not strictly DayZ related, but some outright references. How about, "The Days Ahead". I'm poking fun at the way people pronounce it, and making it sound sort of ambiguous. Now all I need is a budget of a few million, a producing company, actors, and a billion other stuff I have yet to consider.
  15. Roadflares are not an option? This contest blows. I'd like a steam gift card though
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)


    I've found a Mi-17 before, but never that. I don't think I've ever flown a chopper, really. I've ridden in one, but I don't want to lose everything I have because I went too low on the treeline.
  17. Give up Intel. You can get a much better processor for the money and get a pretty badass video card to pair it with. Your current card is pretty good, and could run DayZ on High(not max settings) at around 40 frames a second. My current rig maxes the game out and I get 40-50 frames on average. I've got a HD 7950 and an 8350 if you're curious. The 8350 is a much better processor than many of the lower-mid end i5's, and is very close to the 3570K in terms of performance. The price can't be beat, and you don't have to pay extra to have an unlocked one. And good AMD boards are a helluva lot cheaper than an Intel motherboard.
  18. Just curious what music you like to listen to while playing the mod, or music you think suits the theme. For me, Metallica pumps me up for a riveting trip to Skalka or PvP with a British paralegal catch the reference? And I wish I could find the theme for "28 Days Later", so I can play that whilst getting chased by zombies.
  19. That's only relevant to Americans and some Europeans(that never goes a long way). My CZ .22lr cost about six hundred brand new. I use it for school shooting team, and it has some damn fine accuracy. And the average person won't run across a M24 at a gun shop. The closest gunshop to us has two .338 Lapua's and a .300 BLK AR-15, yet they don't carry the M24. And when was the last time someone needed an M24 to hunt deer? I can't see it being any good for self defense, and it just seems overkill for hunting deer that are only 30 meters away from you.
  20. People who use CZ550 are men. People who use M24 are military wannabe bandits who aren't good but for shits & giggles.
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Why DayZ will fail as a standalone game

    You've offended me once already by taking a punch at Counter Strike players like me, but I'll give MY two cents on your opinions. #1, the map is larger than several states here in the U.S. I live in a pretty rural area(NC), and the entire Chernarus map is maybe a third the size of our state. But for a game, that's freaking huge. Imagine the textures and scripts that need to be loaded, and not to mention how good one's computer may be. #2, the majority of people who started playing in April are still playing. I've been playing since November, and more and more people like me are coming to this game. People are willing to pay hundreds, if not THOUSANDS on a computer just to play DayZ. While this may be a waste of money, it goes to show this game nor its standalone counterpart will be "dead". #3, Rocket is a freaking mastermind. He's also one of the few game devs who ACTUALLY understands what players want. While some features of the standalone I'm not looking forward to, I'm the minority and I'm happy if everyone else is happy. Rocket and the team at Bohemia are making a kick ass game and you can't accept that. #4, mentioned above in #3. Many people who don't play are waiting patiently for the standalone. Others have also purchased/built a computer JUST to play the standalone. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. And in your case, you ain't gettin' no anal praise.
  22. I've been thinking, is the DayZ standalone going to run off of the Real Virtuality 4 used in ArmA 3 or some kind of hybrid of the older ArmA 2 engine. From the gameplay I've seen the lighting and texture detail looks WAY better, and that was only on medium settings. So, what do you guys know?
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Am I the only person happy about the new guns? I think we need more guns. Lots of guns. Big guns, little guns. Guns that make stuff blow up. I want guns that shoot roadflares. My demands must be met. There are twenty orphaned kittens that can attest to that. If my demands aren't met, they'll be drowned in their own tears. Sich beeilen!
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    I like what I'm hearing. I'm still worried that they'll retain the current ugly 1st person hand & arm models. That's something I would like to see improved, but from what I've read the devs are doing a pretty good job.
  25. This is not my suggestions, just what I'm hoping to see in the standalone game. Even if most of these don't make it, I'll still buy the game. Please forgive me if its jumbled but it won't let me use enter on the post maker. First of all, I'm hoping that there will be separate spawns for both Utes and Chernarus. This would separate players a bit and give the 150 players a tiny bit more breathing room. I want to see less Western military weapons and more guns typical to Eastern Europe, with a big focus on AK variants. I'd also love to see Rocket outsource weapons from community mods, such as ACE and the RH series weapon packs. I'm also hoping that most of the current sniper rifles are removed, and that loot spawns will be handled by the server owner. And last but not least, dogs. It gets lonely for us lone wolves you know :P