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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Disagreement between a friend

    I'm betting with the lighting improvements(Dean mentioned that they borrowed the majority of the lighting assets from A3 engine), and higher quality character textures and models that the standalone will look much better than the mod. Probably run better, too.
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Disagreement between a friend

    I've tried to stress that to people, but there are still a lot out there that don't care. I have a mid range PC, yet I play relatively well on highest settings(35-40 on 1366x768, 45-55 at 1280x720).
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Disagreement between a friend

    I bought the ArmA 2 CO bundle, so I got all the DLCS free(bar ACR, bought it off the side). The textures shure do look Purdy. So detailed. Well, I'll admit, the arm and hand models are blockier than World at War. But from the standalone gameplay, they seem to have fixed that problem.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Disagreement between a friend

    Sad thing is, even people with the best pc's play on such low settings. It saddens and angers me.
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Disagreement between a friend

    COD doesn't have AA, PP, or detailed textures now does it? A2 hasn't reused that same engine with only minor tweaks in lighting and constantly porting models one game to the next, every year.
  6. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    If you come near the barn South of Polana, you may run into me. I play on the same server as you. With the reputation you're building, I'd suggest you watch your back.
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, my name is Cap'n(forum & ingame) I'm the quiet, reserved, and friendly guy who is always willing to lend a hand to those in need.
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Disagreement between a friend

    Speaking of which, give me a moment to sharpen my bone saw.
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Camping under water

    It would be classic if someone sat there waiting for someone to refill a canteen, then pounce out of the water with a hatchet.
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    New tweet from Rocket

    The laptops GPU is equivilant to a Radeon 7850, tbh
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)

    New tweet from Rocket

    I play on ultra settings and get a comfortable 35 frames. I once asked what the recommended settings for my computer would be. Unanimously everyone said "normal" would be playable. Not only could I play high, but ultra. Everyone makes a big deal about have sixty frames all the time, but as long as you have AT LEAST 25 you're fine. For example; jackfrags has a GTX 670 and an i7 3930k. He plays on near LOWEST settings. I find it hard to enjoy DayZ videos, when even youtubers who can easily max DayZ play on the lowest fucking settings. It disgusts me really. I tried finding a decent gameplay video that showed a friend that A2 doesn't have bad graphics. The only one I found was a benchmark video. Listen, if you've paid more than 120 dollars on a gpu that wasn't a ripoff, you should be playing on high settings.
  12. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Learning to fly

    I can fly the biplane pretty well, but I can only just handle the Huey. I've crashed once before, and after that I practiced a bit and got better. Nothing impressive, but I won't kill anybody. Oh, and why implement advanced flight mechanics when you plan to remove all the vehicles?
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    New tweet from Rocket

    I'd assume a 5-10 frame per second boost. They were spawning 3000 zombies before optimization, and they got around 25 frames per second. After optimization, they got 40 frames per second. And that was on highest settings, with a pretty expensive laptop(Dell M17/M18X).
  14. Bohemia is going to make a shit-ton of money regardless of how much it costs. Thousands, maybe even millions of people are anticipating this release and have their wallets armed and loaded at the ready. Plus, Rocket will finally get that lambo and herpes he's always been wanting.
  15. Cap'n (DayZ)


    Please stop killing our brain cells.
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Further expansion of Chernarus

    I'd bet the ArmA community would love us if we ported Chernarus+ to ArmA 3 in the full release.
  17. Twenty bucks seems like a sweet spot for most, and I'm not sure what the currency transfer rate is overseas.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Further expansion of Chernarus

    Maybe BIS will make a DLC for ArmA 3 with a campaign taking place in a new part of Chernarus, explaining what happened to the country after the civil war. I'd pay money for that.
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Further expansion of Chernarus

    I'd bet it would work well, and put on less of a burden. Still, a 400km2 Chernarus expansion wouldn't be so bad. I'd say it would be best to expand into the North and a bit to the East. Then, they could develop more parts of Chernarus to travel to. Say, when you reach the border and attempt to cross, it will send you into another "server" which contains the new map.
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

    I hope I'm not the only person here who has a serious fetish for the female player model. That's not unhealthy, right?
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Further expansion of Chernarus

    I know that Utes is being added, but the island is supposed to be a "remote" Chernarussian controlled province. Not a short swim for Skalisty.
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Some standalone footage some of you might have missed

    I love you now.
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Keeping high FPS

    I maintain a good 30-40 frames on ultra with a 750m by turning down the resolution to 1280x720p. I don't see much of a difference in picture quality, and I record in 720p so I get a 60 fps video instead of a 30 fps video upload speed with 1080.
  24. The HD 5000 would be good enough to play on medium settings I'd assume.
  25. If it has either a 320m or a 330m, it'll run okay. 30 frames with medium settings, low texture detail, no AA or PP, and a low view distance. My cousin plays DayZ on bootcamp with a MacBook pro with HD 4000, so you should do as well or better.