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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Need something

    Sounds like a recipe for murder. I'll give you all of those but the hatchet. Instead, you'll get a roadflare. It'd be unfair without the roadflare, but it doesn't really matter in the end. NONE SMITE THOU WHO WIELDS THE TRUE POWER OF THE ROAD FLARE!
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Turn sout you can play DayZ with Linux...

    I know that you don't have to have the Steam OS, and I think its a poor business decision by Valve if they want all games to be developed for Linux. They're basically throwing away the potential behind the console, that people could play PC games on a "living room" console dedicated to gaming. The stuff is there, they just don't want it and that'll spell their failure unless companies start cranking out ports. Which I doubt would happen, especially in Bohemias case. Valve could make a buttload of money if they advertised this as a console that could play DayZ standalone. And so would Bohemia.
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Admin abuse on Server US 8456

    You hear? A hacker spawned in a load of dogs before getting banned. I'd watch your back tonight if you'd happen to be playing on BB.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Need something

    Thanks ahead.
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Well, a hacker breached our server and started spawning dogs. Our Admin, who talked to us before we embarked on a journey to Berezino, told us that he banned the hacker but couldn't remove the dogs. So, until server restart, he told us that he estimated that twelve to twenty dogs had spawned. Me and my friends shrugged this off, and we took it a bit like this "What can a couple of puppies do to us?". Well, we found out tonight. Roughly an hour and a half ago, we stopped to start a fire and crack open a can beans before we call it quits. There we are, goofing around animations and having a good meal, when Greg(actual name withheld)said something along the lines of this; "Hey dude, did someone light a flare over there?". And sure enough, roughly sixty meters away there were two dim lights shining. Little did we know, ArmA has a neat feature of animals eyes reflecting ambient light at night. So, we decide to stray away from the fire to check out the source of light. The four of us, three of which armed with fully automatic rifles and one with a very big shotgun approach the general area of the light. A bark breaks the silence. That bark brought back terrifying memories of a very traumatic mission in the A2 singleplayer involving, you guessed it; attack dogs! Ian begins to let curse words fly as three or four quadruped canines delight in making a meal out of his rump. Greg shines his chemlight ahead of us, and we are greeted by the gracing sight of at least ten dogs sprinting towards us at full speed. We fire frantically, with little affect. Bill goes down, and me and Greg make a sprint out of the tree line. We turn behind us to fire off a few shots, killing two or three of the dogs. Greg turned around to count how many were chasing us. He got to fifteen before they caught up to him. Luckily I had my Gamma and HDR jacked up, so I could see pretty well on our full moon nights. In the distance, I see headlights. I decided to try my luck with whoever was driving the car, which turned out to be a red VW Golf. As I approach him, he screams over chat; "PUT DOWN THE GUNS DUDE FRIENDLY!", and I scream in response "FUCKING DOGS!". He gladly invites me in, and I get inside. "Dude, you saved my life. Thanks man!". "Don't mention it," he replies. We sat there for a minute or two, staring at the German Shepards and Maltesians making quite a bit of effort to get to our precious throats for ripping. We drive off, and I guide him back to our camp to get some gear and give him a few goodies in return for saving my life. We then drive to Berezino, where I log off safely in a bush. That was the scariest moment in my DayZ life.
  6. Cap'n (DayZ)

    My take on FPS boost

    Sorry mate. I'd much rather hit Jessica Alba. Nothing like a good cup of MILF.
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    ***er Helicopters in Chernogorsk

    I don't care what was dragging you down. You're in serious need of a new rig, man.
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    High settings, 30-35 FPS. Any lower and the game won't be considered aesthetically pleasing. Unless your one of those *ugh* framerate fetishists I see so often.
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ in a way, has ruined gaming for me!

    I've given up Counter Strike and...sadly...Planetside 2.
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Comic Series: Nooby McNoob

    These are...amusing.
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)

    My take on FPS boost

    But...but...what about us AMD users? Don't we get a method of increasing frames?
  12. Nice man, nice. You've earned my respect by showing up that douche. Beans are on me tonight.
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Turn sout you can play DayZ with Linux...

    My cousin does the same thing. He's got an older MacBook(2010, GT 330m), and he runs Normal settings fine.
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Turn sout you can play DayZ with Linux...

    Origins has a bunch stuff that isn't in Vanilla, and A LOT more textures/modules that aren't optimized well. Origins isn't my taste anyways, I'd much rather play vanilla.
  15. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I have a friend who has two 480's, and he does fine.
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Turn sout you can play DayZ with Linux...

    A lot of people play DayZ with pretty poor PC's, but it may just be driver issues. Still, this could mean quite a bit of potential for the Steam Box and bringing DayZ to the consumer market(a lot of people act like DayZ is still "unknown").
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Turn sout you can play DayZ with Linux...

    DayZ in Linux!
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Turn sout you can play DayZ with Linux...

    ArmA 2 in Linux
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Turn sout you can play DayZ with Linux...

    As it turns out, Nvidia drivers don't work out too well with Linux so unless you've got a decent AMD card you'll get numerous graphical errors.
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Turn sout you can play DayZ with Linux...

    Well good. I'd refuse to buy the Steambox if Valve decided to troll us and make it only play Linux games. I do hope they accomplish that well, and bring the entire Steam library over to the Steambox. Then it would be the greatest console ever.
  21. That ladies and gents, is why you don't fuck with a party-party bus!
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Upgrading my CPU for DayZ

    I'd get a new motherboard AND switch to AMD if I were you. Oh, and you have Jack Frags Steambox. It's a terrible build. The CPU bottlenecks everything.
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Things for the future.

    Who doesn't love me? Except for Orlok and that guy with the avatar of Robert Downey Junior, but he's been inactive for a good month or two.
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Oil Filter Silencer

    Y'know, sometimes I feel bad for you guys out there. Some of you can't have guns at all(majority of the known world), some are so restricted it doesn't really count(UK, Australia, Germany). I'm on our school shooting team(don't joke about that shit, its competition shooting with .22's), and we compete state wide. Of course, it is slowly dying from a lack of funds by the school and the growing infection of leftists in our community.