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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    GTX 670m is similar to a GTX 650 Ti, GTX 660m is similar in performance to a GTX 650, and the GT 650m is similar to a GT 640. All of these can run DayZ on high above 30 frames. If you want 60, you'll have to do some scaling back on resolution and settings. Anything above those can run DayZ on high. AMD mobile GPU's, they are either High end or Low end, no Medium end like Nvidia. The 7850m is a little bit better than the 660m, and the 7870m is between the 660m and 670m. The 7790m is VERY close to the 660m in terms of performance. There isn't really an AMD equal to the GT 650m, as its just smack dab in the middle of the performance spectrum.
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Did he run it in 720p resolution? That pretty much gives you a 50% framerate boost, and my laptop is 900p so I get a lesser performance increase but there still is one.
  3. I would like the areas west of South Zagoria to be added. There are already three community maps showcasing full terrain of Chernarus, and it could be like fast travel when you reach near the end of the map.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I doubt an integrated graphics chip could get by with medium, especially the HD 3000. The new Haswells? Maybe, but you'd spend a shit ton of money on one of those. AMD? Maybe. But not an HD 3000. Your laptop could handle medium easy. Its got a better GPU than my current one(5870M, Asus G73Jh) yet I can run high pretty well. I'd bet you could run high even better.
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Its a quad core mobile i7...it'd run similar to a mid end i5, maybe the 3330 or 3470. Its not THAT bad.
  6. Cap'n (DayZ)

    UnScripted Movie

  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    People dont understand

  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Who is your best friend in Dayz?

    I vote AS50 firing squad
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Who is your best friend in Dayz?

    Some days it feels like your best friend is your own hand. Until you find a female survivor, and come to find out that's it really a cross dresser. Of course the first time I actually found a girl in DayZ it was unusually awkward. It made it worse that she was my hostage. Gave me a good excuse to feel "rapey" :)
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    How about a river?

    Damn it, someone help me create an over stereotypical British gypsy so I can show my utter indifference to having a river. Britons, aren't you willing to help an ignorant American brother?
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)


    This brings back the nightmares I had back when the Harleys kept me in the insane asylum...those damn Harleys, damn Harleys, Harleys, uhmghm.
  12. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Anyone get pre-Alpha invite?

    Stop you reddit bastards, you're stealing our beloved rocket!
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Anyone get pre-Alpha invite?

    I'd prefer to threaten removal of his genitalia by force. Nothing comes between a man and his loins. NOTHING.
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Comic Series: Nooby McNoob

    Actually, Elektro is originally from ArmA 2 and therefore he would be sued by Bohemia for stealing that name. Anyways, the last bit of Rocket entertained me.
  15. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Creepy stuff

    Don't worry, I heard roadflares are very affective against ghosts and transparent hipsters. But first, you must master the art of road flare(the space makes it special). I could take you in, but it'll come at a price. 19.95 USD, not including shipping and handling, roadflares will not be provided so you must bring your own.
  16. It'll benefit us because Rocket and team will make more money off a console release because it would cost more and more people play on the consoles. Some console players have given up the console for dayZ or are waiting for a console release, so there is already an audience. Not that I'm glorifying them, console players are on a much lower level than us. That's right guys, embrace elitism. They have nothing against us that they can back up, so why should we care?
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Maximum PC (Hardware Suggestions)

    Meh. Not enough AMD to please my "high end but not THAT high end" needs.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Video Card Poll

    My old GPU(5770) could chug along at a variable mix of High and Normal. I had a Core 2 Quad oc'ed to 3.2 ghz(I remember the days when 3ghz was a high clock speed). I just don't understand why people assume you need a monster PC to get past low settings. A 700$ PC will do fine on high provided you've picked the right parts.
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Anyone get pre-Alpha invite?

    Me and a few "anonymous" others have been secretly murdering people who have alleged access to the DayZ Standalone alpha. There are a few on this forum that have been "replaced" already, and that may explain behavioral changes or leave of absences. After their dead, we skin them and take their PC's back with us to our secret lair.
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)


    Snakes, screw snakes. What we need is kittens. Those awful, mean, man eating beasts. Dear god do they give me nightmares.
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Anyone get pre-Alpha invite?

    I think I'll skin you for a friend. Then we could both infiltrate the DayZ Alpha!
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Pre E3 2013 information.

  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Anyone get pre-Alpha invite?

    Please tell me you're not on that list. If so, I'm jealous. So jealous, I might have to skin you and imitate your voice just so I can play the Alpha :)
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Anyone get pre-Alpha invite?

    Hmmm, I hope AMD gives money to Bohemia to optimize the game for AMD cards...oh how well it would run on my 7870 I hate Nvidia and intel. Suck my hipster dick!
  25. There were bandits in the beginning, and don't claim there weren't. They were there, though more numerous as of now. I don't like them as much as next guy, but using cheap game mechanics to "curb" PvP(I doubt it would help) is just making the game worse. I'd rather leave it to people who are smarter than me as I'd rather not bother with it. I'd much rather have a lovely romp through the Cheranrussian country side. I heard Pusta is nice.