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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Rednecks in DayZ RP

    Yeah, same here. It wasn't dead on, but it did a damn good job of making fun of us.
  2. Actually, the country is primarily influenced by the Czech republic. They domestically produce their own weapons. All of which are badass.
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Why i am still scared of green mountain

    Isn't Green Mountain where the infection originated? Like, it was developed there by the Chernarussian government as a biological weapon, but testing went horribly wrong and it spread everywhere? Anyways, that might explain the doctor zombies, the pile of dead bodies(test subjects), and the doctor who hung himself on the tower.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ dreams, anyone?

    Well, I've dreamt of making a DayZ movie adaptation before, and it got pretty episodic after a while. I wrote the dreams down afterwards, and I got a pretty solid film if the writing is done right. I can't remember the title, something like "The Days" or "The Days Ahead". I made up the title afterwards.
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    My lol moment

    You've destroyed any potential shred of respect someone on this forum may have given you.
  6. I like that you too appreaciate the armaverse and wish to keep DayZ in the armaverse.
  7. Either a Vz.58 or a AR-15. An AR-15 would be like the CZ, mostly farm/supermarket loot. the Eastern European version of this would be the Saiga, which would be even better(rifle. not the shotgun you little nooblets :P)
  8. Hell yes I would! That includes never seeing a video of DayZ, then it would be the ultimate experience.
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Re-Discovered First Person View

    C'mon! First person is ugly! ArmA is a nice looking game, but the FPS models don't do it justice. It can only be really enjoyed in 3rd. Do you want to look at those conformed, blocky, poly fest of a hand?
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Re-Discovered First Person View

    I don't play in 1st person for 2 reasons. Head bobbing and those god awful first person models. How could Bohemia make them SO bad? The weapons have higher poly counts than in many modern games, why couldn't they make the hands high poly too? They look ugly as hell, and the only weapons that aren't held like its breaking your risk is the AK's. If they make 1st person hand models look less ugly, then I'll consider using first person.
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)

    My birthday is in Tulga

    What fuck banned the real goo0gle?
  12. goo0gle must be cast as the Russian
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    My birthday is in Tulga

    Don't mind the suspicious looking satchel charges cleverly laid out around Tulga, I'm just leaving my little "satchels" of "joy" >:)
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Combat timer fail?

    Well, a few days ago I was running through the woods south of Stary when I come out to the edge of the forest. In free look, I spot a player with a bandit skin. I decide not to take any chances, and open fire on the unsuspecting motherfucker. I miss the first time, and I hit him the second and he's bleeding like a yard sprinkler. He dives behind a bush, and there is a lull in the action. I flank him, ducking between tree to Q-E and take a look. I can't find him. I come up to the bush he dove behind, and he isn't there. Rage fills my heart, as I've had my very first dealing with a combat logger. After a short rage over side chat, and someone gleefully offering me a drink, someone points out that they've added a combat timer to prevent thus combat logging. Odd thing is, I hit him, so shouldn't it have been activated? It didn't take me but ten to fifteen seconds to move to higher ground and have visibility of where he took cover, and the timer is set, to what, 30 seconds? Has this happened to you guys before?
  15. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Combat timer fail?

    I had an m4, but I don't know the time.
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Melee Weapon Quick Switch Help/Advice

    One please. I don't want to hold up people with hatchets only to get gunned down because they can insta switch to their cleverly hidden assault rifle
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Your bad DayZ habits

    I'm sorry, that was a dick move and you deserve to be pissed.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    So I heard some screams by devils castle..

    Someone escaped from the rape dungeon
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Forum fame

    Well, I'm certainly not the most famous forum member around, but I've noticed something odd lately. Nearly every server I go to, two or three people will ask me if I'm the actual Cap'n from the forums. Now, I have a massive ego and it gets to me when stuff like this happens(which is why I want my Cap'ns Crunchy Nuts to become an item in-game). However, I don't contribute as much as some people and give as much of my time to make this a better game. That makes me wonder, what has caused these people to point me out, when I could be just anyone else? I've only been on this forum since November/December, so I haven't been around as long as some people on this forum. And I think there are others that deserve a little more credit than me. I think its just because I act like a flamboyant idiot, used Terry Crews as my avatar(and thus, everyone believes I'm black :P), and every now then ask serious questions and make serious suggestions. But I feel like my silliness has overshadowed my ideas and my interest in improving the game. For example, me and Levisky were having a nice conversation over side chat, and we would be interrupted by one of two things; Hey, *insert name* here, I know you from the forums! Or; GET THE FUCK OFF SIDECHAT. And I think that kind of thing got to me, like I suddenly thought I had become an icon among all and I should wear it out everywhere I went. But, alas, it is simply my ego. The people who point me out are usually newer-ish members or active members, and only a fraction of people who play DayZ are actually forum members. So, I feel like I don't deserve this recognition as much as some others do. There are people with really good ideas, that could really improve the game. And they deserve some recognition, but they usually don't. So who gets pointed out? Me, a idiot who can't run his mouth and gets the support of some noobs. So, I think forum "fame" is a bad thing. For me, at least. So, who do you think deserves some more recognition among people?
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Forum fame

    I don't know if I should've switched to Flash over Terry...everyone on my server is complaining because of it.
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Forum fame

    Then why do people know me by name?
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Forum fame

    Well, I think people know me for my flair, flamboyant personality, and being the master of the Road Flare. Oh, and terry crews :)
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Forum fame

    I took a break to go on vacation, I'll be on today.
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    I had a dream last night...

    I check Steam every other hour now...you can never be sure :|
  25. I remember a while ago that some community based food items(moderators, famous memebers, etc.) were released in a patch. I was pretty stoked when I found a pack of Orlok fruits, and I made a pact to never eat them as long as I live as a tribute to the great and mighty Orlok(he loves nomming my threads, probably because they die so fast). Anyways, the next day all the special food items are gone. Were they removed? Why were they removed? Who is behind this heresy? Why is there no Cap'ns Crunchy Nut's breakfast cereal? Why?