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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. I'm disappointed that more of you haven't pointed out HOW BAD THE HAND MODELS AND WEAPON ANIMATIONS ARE! Until those are improved, 3rd person p-lease.
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)


    It's pretty hard core. Too bad most of the community are brooding loners who KOS everyone, but I've already met 3 friendlies. A good 2/3rds of my Vanilla public server is friendly.
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Zombie behavior

    Let me educate you. First, zombie behavior is limited by the ArmA engine. Second, they aren't undead per se. The zombie virus is very similar to that of 28 Days Later, and while I'm not sure if you watched, the zeds are living people inflicted with a virus that causes them to go mad. Dean was literally using the movie as a reference in the animations dev blog, and the zombie idle animation is very similar to a scene in 28 Days Later. Anyways, these zombies punch you because they are trying to kill you out of pure rage, not in hunger. And we're immune to the virus, btw.
  4. I have every right to enjoy bloom and blur. Also, you forgot to add that 1st person hand models suck balls.
  5. I think there should be some US Marine infected models to supplement the CDF infected models. After all, there is a US military presence in Chernarus(Specifically, the Marines. Based off of ArmA 2 campaign, of course :P).
  6. NO! Bloom is everything to me! So is blurrrrr! Don't kill my dreams!
  7. Until there are better hands, no. I plan to stick with 3rd for that one reason.
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)


    Death messages don't belong, but removing sidechat? Good way to kill any semblance of a community. Oh, and the donor skins have a better hand model than vanilla. Too bad I'm not a donor. So I play 3rd person. Also, why am I getting 40 FPS in Cherno on DayZero when I can't fathom more than 25 on Vanilla? On any Vanilla server, for that matter.
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)


  10. Well, it looks ripe for release. I didn't see any massive bugs or things to be turned off by, and I feel that they are near ready for alpha. Just my two cents.
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)


    I'm getting 20-30 more FPS, and even more at some places. Plus, there are about 2x as many buildings with interiors as in vanilla Chernarus. They've also changed up a lot of minor things that make it feel a little more authentic. Oh, and they're testing a DayZero Podagorsk.
  12. Still, those hands..ugh. I think the Winchester has the worst....
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Dayz Public Development

    I feel like your entire existence on this thread is meant to complain about the standalone. Rocket has more than five people working on the game, my friend. From what I understand, all they're doing is ironing out bugs and adding things in to make it feel more "finished". Oh, and all your posts, threads, and anything else is just a big ass complaint. I'm not your biggest fan, friend :)
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Optimum Numbers for Zombie Survival

    I'm rounding up regulars for the revolution. A socialist revolution. Everything will be shared, and those who refuse to share shall be killed. DOWN WITH THE LOOT HOGGING CAPITALIST PIG BANDITS! UP WITH FRIENDLY SHARING COMMUNISM! DA COMRADE! On topic, I prefer as many people as possible. Strength in numbers, me amigo. We find a bandit base? We all rush in and shoot wildly. Shure we may lose a few, but we'll make a damn good show of it.
  15. Yeah, they remind me a lot of ArmA 3. As long as the hands aren't inhumanly twisted and I get snagged on every corner while turning, I'll be fine with 1st person only.
  16. If they are almost as good as ArmA 3 or as good, I'll be pleased and fine with 1st person only. I agree that 3rd person gives some "unfair" advantages, but I can't stand to look at those awful excuses for hands. Why bohemia? WHY? EXPLAIN TO ME BOHEMIA!
  17. /RANT/ I play 3rd person for one reason. I could play in 1st person, but I have a beef with it. ARMA 2 HAS SHITTIER HAND MODELS THAN CS 1.6! Oh, its more realistic, or "immersive". Make the hand models less shitty, make the weapon handling animations less shitty. Until they do that, hell no. I'd rather have something that is aesthetically pleasing than ugly as sin. "Oh, you're a cheating fuck using that advantage, Cap!". I play 1st person in ArmA 3. Why? BECAUSE IT ISN'T SHIT! improve the hand models, the weapon holding animations. Then I'll play 1st person. Until that happens, we need 3rd person. To me, aesthetically pleasing means immersion. Unlike most of these pigeons, I keep most my settings above the "Low" slider. So until I can look at the hands without taking a double take, I'll remain in 3rd person. Consider that before you go on your little rants, hear? /RANT/ off lol, I'm serious
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    need help with scope

    We can fire from the hip in standalone, if that makes you feel any better.
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ Rmod2.1

    wrong place bud
  20. That CPU is pretty weak. I'd suggest you'd get a Phenom II X4, it's a decent processor and a full quad core, so it makes up for the clock speed by getting better performance in CPU leaning games over other AMD mid end CPU's(ie: 4300, 4100, 6100). For a GPU, a 7750 or GTX 650 could pull off medium with some pretty good framerates.
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    The Server Count is Too Damn High!

    No, but we can stop by your internet cafe's to play WoW.
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Need help with my specs! :)

    No problem
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Need help with my specs! :)

    Normal and low settings, 40 fps max with probably 15-20 in big cities. You could handle most things on normal like textures, terrain detail, shadows(maybe), object detail, and AF. AA, PP and most else should be kept down to low. ATOC, eh, go crazy with it I guess lol. Not a bad notebook for the price.
  24. Hey guys, I've been messing around with maps off of PlayWithSix, and I ran cross three very interesting maps. Zernovo, Moschyni, and Miroslavl. While the last is quite unfinished and poorly done(in my opinion), the other too are fairly well developed and have an interesting story. As most of you know, we are currently playing in the South Zagorian province of the much larger nation, Chernarus. These three maps are community projects to expand some of the armaverse surrounding Chernarus, and are all very interesting candidates for new DayZ maps. Moschnyi is the Southern most Chernarussian territory, and is an island with a small airstrip and some towns(it's still 2-3 times the size of Utes, similar in size to A3's Stratis). Zernovo is the rural countryside of Chernarus, mostly farms and smaller towns with an urban area. While they're not very big, they are very interesting Post Soviet Chernarussian maps that would make wonderful DayZ maps. So, anybody out there interested in making a new DayZ map, check these two out. You can find them on Armaholic or PlayWithSix.
  25. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Anyone interested in making a new DayZ map?

    A 400km2 map may take a long time, but it's nothing that the real Virtuality engine couldn't handle. Sahrani? 400km2. Most of it was ocean, but that's no different than barren desert.